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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-10 23:30:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, plot-"from hell with love", plot-"return of lady mandarin", sarah rogers

The Valley of Spirits
From the tales of James Rhodes, and the Lady Mandarin armor, Sarah figures out where she's at. The Valley of Spirits, and within it, the palace of the Mandarin. For most, its a forbidden place, and for anyone, a foreboding one. Were it not for it being Anya, she'd likely hesitate here before encroaching further. "Oh Anya, what have you gotten yourself into?" she whispers.

She's gotten herself as patched up as she can. Her jaw is reset, though that was painful. Her rib is wrapped, her leg and forehead bandaged, both bandages already soaking through. Tomorrow, she's going to be one big bruise, if she even lives that long.

At her best, she's driven Temujin off, but he wasn't to be taken lightly. And this time, he has help, she doesn't, and she's definitely not at her best.

Still, she's healthy enough to announce her presence by taking Mjolnir to the front gates, turning them into splinters. Sure, she could be stealthy, but he probably has this place rigged with all manner of traps and security, and she doesn't want to be the one who gets surprised. So she sets to just demolishing things as she goes, to force Temujin to come to her or need a new castle.

"Release Anya, you bastard!"

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2010-02-12 04:15 am UTC (link)
The fist made contact with the hammer. Temujin's eyes widened when he realized what the girl did. "You bitch," he snarled at her as the rings cracked, causing an explosion to send him flying backwards, knocking him out cold.

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2010-02-12 04:18 am UTC (link)
She's struck in the back by the repulsor blasts, negating any chance she has to even roll with the explosive force. She has a brief impression of the smell of charring flesh as his hand is disintegrated in the explosion, and then the world goes dark.

Her smoking and unconscious form goes rolling to a stop in front of Lady Mandarin.

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2010-02-12 04:21 am UTC (link)
She just looked down at the body at her feet. A voice in the back of her mind told her she should feel something, but there was nothing.

She rushed to her lord's side to help him.

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2010-02-12 04:29 am UTC (link)
Betraying Temujin would have been bad form. He was just going to assess Libra's words for himself, and plot for later. Now, he doesn't have to.

Wen steps from the shadows. It was easy to conceal himself in the blonde girl's ruckus.
"I am in your debt." he offers to Sarah.

The moment Lady Mandarin turns around, he speaks calmly, "Meng mei." Or simply 'sleep' - Virgo's command word, implanted for just such emergencies.

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2010-02-12 04:31 am UTC (link)
Lady Mandarin's eyes closed and she fell to the ground.

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2010-02-12 04:37 am UTC (link)
He's on the phone a moment later.
"Yes... Libra? The situation is as you stated... its been taken care of. Yes. There are three Americans here, as well as Temujin... I will be sending them in current condition to San Francisco, what happens to them after that is your concern, not mine."
He pauses for the response.
"Very well, he will be sent as well. As agreed, I will be taking possession of the remaining rings.... yes, I said remaining. It is no matter, half the power of the Mandarin is satisfactory. I will be some time in getting things in order here, but you have your deal, and your Americans."

After the response, he hangs up, moving to Temujin and removing the remaining rings. The other hand is a charred stump, nothing salvageable. Ah well.
Now he has a great deal to do.

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