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notinplainsight ([info]notinplainsight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-03-18 21:21:00

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Entry tags:eternals, inactive - dae, inactive - eli paravich, kalypso, plot-"eternal damnation"

These Are The Times That Try Men's Souls
Titan was a haven of peace and knowledge and Kal loved being there, but lately even the ravages of war have disrupted the peace and tranquility. The Olympian Eternals were still comatose, the cities of Polaria and Olympia were lost and there had been bitter and heated debate about what to do next. Druig and his faction had been doing nothing but opposing Mentor and the ideas put forth. Kal thought it rude for guests to act so toward their hosts, but this was cousin Druig. Kal didn't expect things to be any different than normal.

Her family was plain crazy.

Kal was in the gardens enjoying some of the peace Titan had to offer when the warning sirens began to sound.

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2010-03-19 12:48 am UTC (link)
"We are mere babes in their eyes," she said. "We haven't even seen our first century, let alone our first millennium. We're probably the equivalent of toddlers."

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2010-03-19 01:04 am UTC (link)
"In comparison, that is all we really are to them." Dae walked over to Eli and Kalypso and waved. "Greetings."

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2010-03-19 01:06 am UTC (link)
"Hello co...brother." Yeah, still getting used to having a brother. "We're going to see if we can spy on the council and see what the alarms are about. Would you like to come with us?"

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2010-03-19 01:08 am UTC (link)
Eli smiles at Dae, and nods. "We could live until we were 10,000 years old, and they'd still consider us children. What, exactly, is a claim of age to those are immortal, anyway?

Dae, it is good to see you. Have you heard anything about the sirens yet?" he asks. Dae and Kalypso have...people in common, and Eli doesn't want to think about it or bring it up.

"So, do we burst in or do we try to hide in the upper parts of the chamber? I can teleport us in if needed." he says.

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2010-03-19 01:15 am UTC (link)
Dae smiled at Kalypso. Something about the changed greeting made him that much happier. "I believe that would be fun. The upper parts of the chamber are easily the best in the area for spying."

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2010-03-19 01:18 am UTC (link)
Kal smiled. "Sounds like a plan. Please take us there, cousin."

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2010-03-19 01:34 am UTC (link)
Eli smiles at both of them.

"Please hold on to me." he says. The moment they do, they vanish...

...and reappear inside the chamber, near the upper area. There is little none of the discomfort usually associated with teleportation for Eli, and it may even extend to his cousins.

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2010-03-19 01:39 am UTC (link)
It extended to Dae, alright. He nodded to his cousin and quietly peered at the congregation of the Eternals.

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2010-03-19 01:46 am UTC (link)
Kal watched the proceedings below. Her grandfather, Mentor, presided over the congregation and he was talking to a group of people Kal had never seen before. The air was tense and the conversation seemed serious.

There was a pause in the conversation and the group of newcomers looked around at the assembled council. Then they opened fire with blasts of energy.

"By Olympia!" Kal gasped in horror.

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2010-03-19 02:15 am UTC (link)
Eli watched the proceedings with interest. When the newcomers opened fire on the council, he blinked stupidly for a moment, not certain he'd seen correctly. When fighting broke out, he reached out with his mind and lifted the largest object he could find, a set of chairs at the podium, and ripped it from the floor.

He placed it between the newcomers and Mentor and the other elders to give them a shielding.

"Who are those people? Why are they attacking in this place of peace?" Eli asked.

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2010-03-19 02:25 am UTC (link)
Dae's eyes widened. It wasn't often that he was this surprised, but he felt a great urge to leap down and participate in the battle. He got antsy. "I do not know, but I need to go down there..."

It was getting hot in there. Really hot.

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2010-03-19 02:27 am UTC (link)
"They're Eternals," Kal said. She had spent a lot of times in the archives on Titan and Olympia. "They're supposed to be dead."

"We need to help," she said as she rose into the air. "Need a lift?"

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2010-03-19 02:31 am UTC (link)
Eli nods in the negative.

"I will be fine, Cousin." they say in unison. "We must secure this place, then find out how many others of the dead we must deal with."

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2010-03-19 03:04 am UTC (link)
"I will also be fine." Dae took the initiative and made his way down into the fray of combat. He couldn't touch the floor or he would melt his way through it.

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2010-03-19 03:06 am UTC (link)
Kal didn't want to kill any of her Titanian cousins and family. Unlike her, Eli and the others from Earth, the Titanian Eternals could die.

Kal descended and energy blasted from her hands. She just wanted to keep them away from her family.

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2010-03-19 10:30 pm UTC (link)
Eli vanished and appeared at the side of his father, reaching out with a hand and his mind in tandem to slam one of the intruders through the nearest wall. He then formed a telekinetic barrier between himself and the nearest attacker to keep from being clubbed with a heavy fist from one of the attackers.

"Father, are you well?" Eli yelled.

"Attend to yourself, boy! I don't have time to defend myself and you</i>!" Druig yells back.

Eli vanishes again and reappears behind his attacker, trying to draw him away from Druig as best he can, and set Kalypso or Dae up to finish him.

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2010-03-19 11:58 pm UTC (link)
Dae takes up the task of attacking the one who Eli was leading away. His raging fist fell from behind, for the neck.

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2010-03-20 12:07 am UTC (link)
The one Dae hit fell to his knees.

Mentor looked at the scene before him. To suddenly be attacked by their friends and family without warning was unimaginable. The reason behind it eluded him.

//We must form a Uni-Mind and find out why our brethren is doing this.//

He concentrated and started to pull all the Eternals into the Uni-Mind.

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2010-03-20 12:12 am UTC (link)
Kal let herself be absorbed into the Uni-Mind. It wasn't her first time, but it was still overwhelming. Her consciousness merged with the others. She knew everything they knew and they knew everything she knew. There were no secrets.

She could sense a darkness hovering and waiting to consume them all. The resurrected Eternals had been corrupted somehow.

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2010-03-20 12:21 am UTC (link)
Eli doesn't hesitate. He lets go and allows himself to be taken into the Uni-Mind with his people.

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2010-03-20 12:23 am UTC (link)
Dae joins the Uni-Mind for the first time. The experience is unsettling to him, but he knew it had to be done.

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2010-03-20 12:36 am UTC (link)
The host of Eternals were all gathered in the Uni-Mind. //We must expel the darkness and corruption// said a disembodied voice. //You need to concentrate and focus your will on driving it out.//

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2010-03-20 12:39 am UTC (link)
Kal heard the voice and understood the instructions. She gathered her will and focused.

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2010-03-20 12:42 am UTC (link)
Eli focuses his will, wanting to aid his people in pushing this corruption out from the Titans and save his forebears and cousins.

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2010-03-20 12:43 am UTC (link)
Dae, too, focuses his will.

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2010-03-20 12:46 am UTC (link)
The darkness in the Uni-Mind resisted the efforts of the Eternals. It pushed back against them, threatening to overwhelm and encompass them.

//Use all your strength.//

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2010-03-20 12:47 am UTC (link)
Kal thought of her mother lying comatose. She thought of seeing Jack again. She thought of Polaria and Olympia and the once beautiful cities they were and what they could be again.

She pushed as hard as she could.

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2010-03-20 01:02 am UTC (link)
Eli thought of the fall of Polaria, missing his mother, and the horror of everything that just happened here today, and he strained with all of his might to rid his people of the corruption they suffered from.

Everything he had went into this, pushing away the darkness to find the light.

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2010-03-20 06:06 pm UTC (link)
Dae didn't have reasons like Eli or Kalypso. No- Instead he had something different. He thought of the things that made him happy. He thought of sweet stench of oil and machinery, mathematics, his job as a teacher. He thought of the warmth of summer on Earth. Out of courtesy for the other Eternals, he did not think of the days and nights he spent with beautiful women.

But his thoughts carried the same strength, and all with the intention of purging the darkness from the Fallen Eternals.

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2010-03-20 06:32 pm UTC (link)
The darkness struggled and resisted, but it was no match for the combined wills of the Eternals. The darkness wavered a moment and then started shrinking.

//Yes, keep it up.//

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2010-03-20 06:38 pm UTC (link)
Kal used very last ounce of willpower and strength she had. If they failed here, they would all be corrupted and the Earth would be doomed.

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2010-03-20 07:04 pm UTC (link)
Eli grew hopeful as the darkness receded and pushed himself to give even more to the Uni-Mind. He did not want to see Earth or Titan destroyed, and held that thought foremost at his mind as the darkness fought back against their efforts.

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2010-03-21 06:53 pm UTC (link)
Dae's willpower refined and poured out like ethereal gold. He would help bring back the Fallen Eternals.

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2010-03-21 06:58 pm UTC (link)
The darkness retreated and shrank in size until it was no more. Pure light replaced it. The corruption was gone.

The Uni-Mind reached out to the comatose Eternals and touched their minds. The psychic damage was undone. Then it reached out past Titan and touched the damaged minds on Earth. It restored the damage done to them by the dissolution of the Uni-Mind and other methods.

The Uni-Mind dissolved and all the Eternals, even the resurrected ones, reformed into their physical forms.

Mentor looked at the gathered host. Tears ran down his cheeks when he looked at his wife. "It is done. We are all restored."

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2010-03-21 06:59 pm UTC (link)
Kalypso immediately ran to the medical facilities to check on her mother.

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2010-03-21 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Eli finds an overturned chair and takes a seat, feeling more drained than he has in some time, even without the abundance of teleporting he's been doing.

He will check on Kalypso and Dae soon, but he just needs a moment to gather himself for whatever will come next.

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