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Elizaveta Romanov ([info]ladydevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-05-18 02:50:00

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Entry tags:lady devil, npc - black widow, npc - matt murdock, npc - tony stark

Enter stage right: The Lady Devil
She screamed as her body fell through the portal. Being forcibly torn from one place into another hurt and as she landed painfully on an open wound she cursed the wizard they had been fighting. She moved to jump back through to go after him but nothing was there to jump through.

The young hero looked around to see if any of her friends were here too and found she was alone on a roof top. She looked out across the city and felt her pulse pick up and her gut drop. Things looked wrong. Elizaveta was scared and decided the only thing she could do was go seek out the Avengers. They could help her.

It hurt to move but she did leaping and using a swing line to carry herself from roof top to roof top on her way to the Mansion.

When she landed and knocked since walking in was a big no-no even in broad day-light.

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2009-05-18 09:48 am UTC (link)
Eliza gives Tasha a look but nods since getting upset really won't help. "Yes. Yes he is. Are...you going to call his counter part here?"

She's not sure how she feels about that. "I'm going to hazard a guess that you're..um. Not together here."

Which is really weird for her to say. She doesn't like thinking of her parents not being together.

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2009-05-18 09:54 am UTC (link)
Natasha sighed. "We are not together here and have not been together for a very long time. He is married and has a son. I am married as well and I have two sons and a daughter."

A brief pause.

"You will find many things are different here and it can be difficult to adjust. I will try to make things as easy as possible for you and will do anything I can to help you adjust."

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2009-05-18 10:07 am UTC (link)
She's not going to get too upset about them not being together. She had guessed they might not be. "The first thing that clued me in was the Baxter building being here...Things are odd."

She gulps a little. "I don't think they make guide books for this sort of thing. Brothers. And a sister. That's pretty wild."

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2009-05-18 10:12 am UTC (link)
"I can imagine. James, my son, like you, is dimensionally challenged and it took him awhile to adjust to the differences. He did adjust and has become a part of the family. There's no expectations, but you have family if you want it." Now that the sudden shock was wearing off, Natasha started walking again.

"We're thinking about putting a guidebook together. In the past year we've had at least two dimensionally challenged kids show up."

And here they've always joked about this kind of thing being an X-Men kind of thing.

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2009-05-18 10:18 am UTC (link)
"Well maybe you should talk to the X-Men? Back home they're the only ones that have this kind of problem." She glances at Tasha and nods.

"I'd like that. At least I know I have siblings here. And you're...still Mom. Just not the one who helped me drive Dad crazy when I was little." She glances over at Tasha through the lenses in her mask as they're about to enter medical.

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2009-05-18 10:28 am UTC (link)
"We used to joke about them being the ones with this problem until it started happening to us."

The door the medlab slid open and Natasha waited for Eliza to go first.

"Driving Matt Murdock crazy was a specialty of mine. Now I save those talents for my husband and kids."

A pause and a thought popped into her mind. Oh this was not going to be fun.

"Speaking of family, I can contact this world's Matthew Murdock if you want to see him. He lives in San Francisco with his wife." She couldn't wait to make that phone call. "Your brother, Jack, is currently here in New York."

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2009-05-18 10:34 am UTC (link)
She doesn't want to laugh at it. But it's still true the X-Men go through this on her world more often.

"Well I'd have to ask what you did with this world's Black Widow otherwise," she says in a fairly serious tone. Moms should drive their families crazy. It's a rule.

"I'd like to." She has a hard time picturing how different things are. Seeing her counter part Dad might help. "I'll miss mine though. It won't be the same but...I want to meet him."

She really misses her Mom too.

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2009-05-18 10:43 am UTC (link)
Natasha nodded. "I will call him." Though knowing Matt he may just take it as her trying to pull one over on him. "You are welcome to stay here with the Avengers if you like. You're also welcome to stay at the condo with Tony, me, Anya and James." If telling Matt was going to be hard, telling the kids may just be harder.

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2009-05-18 10:48 am UTC (link)
She pulls her hood back while giving it some thought. She wanted to be comfortable somewhere and around somewhat familiar things but she had rarely stayed here back home.

"I'd like to go back with you. I'm not used to staying at the Mansion."

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2009-05-18 10:56 am UTC (link)
Natasha nodded. She looked at the girl. Natasha could see some of Matt in her features as well as some of the same ones she saw in Anya's face. "No problem. I'll go get Doc Kincaid so he can take a look at you and go make some phone calls." She gave the girl a small reassuring smile. "I'll be back. Promise."

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2009-05-18 11:10 am UTC (link)
"Sure," she agrees while stepping over to see the doctor. She trusts her mother's counter part to do what she says. Her mother has never made it a habit of fibbing to her and right now it's easy to trust Tasha.

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2009-05-18 11:12 am UTC (link)
Natasha left to go make phone calls and steal a bottle of vodka from her daughter's, Anya's, room. She was going to need the liquid courage.

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2009-05-19 07:56 pm UTC (link)
Eliza meanwhile will get treated. The pains that were more than the searing pain of magic hurting her as she passed through the dimensional rift get treated. She'll have to take it easy for a while but she should be fine.

She's just happy that there are no broken bones. Just some cuts and nasty bruises to go along with the sore nerves.

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