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Elizaveta Romanov ([info]ladydevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-05-18 02:50:00

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Entry tags:lady devil, npc - black widow, npc - matt murdock, npc - tony stark

Enter stage right: The Lady Devil
She screamed as her body fell through the portal. Being forcibly torn from one place into another hurt and as she landed painfully on an open wound she cursed the wizard they had been fighting. She moved to jump back through to go after him but nothing was there to jump through.

The young hero looked around to see if any of her friends were here too and found she was alone on a roof top. She looked out across the city and felt her pulse pick up and her gut drop. Things looked wrong. Elizaveta was scared and decided the only thing she could do was go seek out the Avengers. They could help her.

It hurt to move but she did leaping and using a swing line to carry herself from roof top to roof top on her way to the Mansion.

When she landed and knocked since walking in was a big no-no even in broad day-light.

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2009-05-19 09:37 pm UTC (link)
"Heh. Yeah. Can't be helped, though. Family a world removed is still family."

"All right." Good to know they didn't have a frightened eight-year-old on their hands. "I'll be flying out as soon as I talk to Elektra."

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2009-05-19 09:46 pm UTC (link)
"You're right. Family is family no matter where they're from. I have another son that proves that."

She smiled. "I don't envy you, Matthew." Natasha still had to tell Tony, but Tony was a lot more reasonable than Elektra was. "This will go over like a ton of bricks. Have a safe a trip."

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2009-05-19 09:59 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sure it'd be interesting to meet him, too. At least she'll have a brother who knows the ropes a little."

"I appreciate that, Natasha. See you there."

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