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Harmony Watkins ([info]a_blessing) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-04-29 18:20:00

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Entry tags:antaeus, argo, inactive - harmony watkins, lady devil, npc - sin, perenawska, team - champions

Heaven Can't Wait (open to Champions)
Harmony always opted to go to St. Vincent's for mass on Sunday mornings.  They were one of the rare Catholic churches that still did sunrise services once a month, services that had been Harmony's favorite since she was a little girl back in Kansas.  Nowadays they were more than just favored; now they were practical, given how nocturnal Sin generally was.  He'd been very honest from the beginning--he didn't do the "God thing."  Much to her surprise this hadn't put her off.  Harmony chose to accept it and not to press.  He never stopped her from worship and she appreciated that.  It was just an item of life they could not share but had found a middle ground.  This was, she thought, how relationships were supposed to work.  It didn't mean that she had to completely leave Sin out of the little things that made her sunrise mass so important to her.  Coffee and pastries were also part of the routine for her and sunrise services played to her advantage: this early in the morning there were now crowds, only the devoted slipping from the cathedral and onto the morning-lit streets.

Smiling to herself, she paid for breakfast before slowly walking up the street and back to Sin's.  Her mind was already on surprising him, thoughts far from anything more than that.  Distracted, she misses the way the shadows pull from the corners of buildings and that the birds have stopped singing.   She misses everything until she hears a rustle of wings and then a blood-curdling screech-like noise right behind her as a dark, winged creature descends from the sky and heads right for her sending the other people on the street scattering.  And the winged beast is not the only one, just the largest in what appears to be a small army of gargoyles come to life.

Harmony screams.

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2010-05-21 08:03 pm UTC (link)
Corey tries to focus on getting breakfast ready, appreciating Irina's help, but he's concerned. About Eliza, about the guests, in general. "Is this going to keep happening? It sounds like it's a pretty...ongoing thing, from what you're saying."

"Probably a good plan, Irina." Corey tries to cheer up a little, and after a good stare at Sin to make sure he's absolutely right about this. "Hey, guess I can show you my lyre after all."

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2010-05-21 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Argo nodded. "Upon mine honor, no harm shalt come to either of thee, whilst thou art under our guardianship."

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2010-05-22 08:47 am UTC (link)
"If you need any help with your injury...I'm handy with a first aid kit. Thank you for the shirt." Harmony smiled a bit and moved away from Eliza. It didn't require much thought to realize that the woman was uncomfortable revealing herself to a stranger. Freshly shirted, Harmony returned to the others in enough time to hear Sin growling and the others deeming that they should stay.

"As much as I hate the idea of imposing on any of you, after what I've seen today I think I agree. I will stay if you all feel better about it." Her blue eyes rested on Sin for a moment. "We're going to be okay. He...heaven isn't going to win. Not like this."

The whole situation required a lot more explaining for her, but after what she'd seen this day there was little that would scare the young music teacher now.

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2010-05-23 04:23 am UTC (link)
"That a common misconception that Heaven would have you believe." replied Sin, his voice a low and gravelly growl. "In actuality the hide behind their mask of good to obfuscate the ugly truth; they want you to think they are the good guys, when in fact, there is no good or bad in the context of Heaven or Hell. It's all relative. Just because they're stupid fucking angles doesn't mean that they can't do evil, they just are fucking sneaky about to to get away with it so that people won't see their true agenda. They don't care about you guys. They only care about themselves. I've not met the big man, so I can't say if he's as fucking corrupt as his army, but I'm willing to bet that he's just as lost in the shades of gray. Not to say that Hell is any better, but at least they're honest about only being out for themselves."

The mention of staying just made him seem uneasy, but the whole room seems to be in agreement, and in the state he was in, Sin couldn't manage to get back to his apartment undetected on his own. Not really sure what to do with himself, the demon sighed out a breath and then tried to find a place to sit, a hand still pressed to his wounded chest. "Thank you for the offer." he then mumbled softly, still quite unsure what to make of all these quite accepting people. He would need time to process it all.

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