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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-06-24 17:50:00

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Entry tags:aridis, asleif, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, inactive - ohu amane, marlow, svalin, sydney ashcroft, team - defenders, zoey ashcroft

Having Fun In the Warm California Sun
It had taken a little effort and a lot of talking and explaining, but the Asgardians, Ohu and Griffen O'Niell were moving to California. They were going to act as the Avengers' west coast team and would go by the name of The Defenders. Their headquarters would be at the former West Coast Avengers base Avengers' Compound located at 1800 Palos Verdes Drive just outside of LA.

The 15 acre estate featured one main building, five bungalows, garage, hangar, tennis courts and a private beach. It would be a good base for the Defenders and keep the collateral damage out of city.

Today was moving-in day.

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2009-06-29 05:39 am UTC (link)
Zoey looked confused. "Why not? All princesses wear pink and tiaras." Her face lit up and you could tell the child had an idea. "Would you like to play dress up? I have a tiara you could wear. And we could have a tea party! Please!"

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2009-06-29 05:40 am UTC (link)
That did it. Svalin started laughing and quickly left the room least her sister cast a spell on her.

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2009-06-29 05:48 am UTC (link)
"And a sand castle," Marlow murmured to Zoey. "A tea party at a sand castle."

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2009-06-29 06:24 am UTC (link)
Ohu swoops in to Asleif's rescue.

"Would you like a tiara?" He brushes the little girl's hair out of her face... and leaves a jewel-studded tiara in her hair.

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2009-06-29 06:36 am UTC (link)
Asleif was trying to decide if the universe disliked her or if this was some specific test which she needed to pass. Neither option was a favorable one.

"I art... not one for "dress-up" child," she told the young mortal. "But I see little harm in tea."

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2009-06-29 06:39 am UTC (link)
"Ooooh! Pretty! Thank you!" Zoey was practically bouncing by now. "We can build a sandcastle and have tea there!"

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2009-06-29 10:02 am UTC (link)
Of course now there was another blond in here to see what the fuss was about. She tilted her head as she listened to what was going on.

Ah, she thought she knew what was so amusing to her twin.

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2009-06-29 07:39 pm UTC (link)
Be wary, siblings. Asleif knows where you sleep. And has numerous spells at her disposal.

Asleif snapped her fingers and a large parasol appeared in her hand. She would require it if she were to be out in the sun. "The beach, then."

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2009-06-30 12:45 am UTC (link)
"And I shall assist in the making of the most fabulous sand-castle you have ever seen," Ohu tells the young woman. "When we return, your fellow travelers should be well-rested and refreshed, and we can discuss business then."

A new bed can wait. There is a child who wishes to build a sand castle.

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2009-06-30 12:54 am UTC (link)
"Yay!" she said as she grabbed one of Ohu's hands and one of Asleif's hands. Then she remembered she hadn't asked her mother. "Can I go?"

Syd smiled and nodded. "Yes, but remember to listen to the adults and do what they tell you do to. Got it?"

Zoey nodded. "Yes, Mommy."

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2009-06-30 02:13 am UTC (link)
Asleif looked down at her hand as though she thought she might have to chop it off later to prevent herself from catching... whatever it was one caught from mortals.

"...What exactly be a 'sandcastle'?"

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2009-06-30 02:38 am UTC (link)
Marlow hid her amusement behind a bland expression. Apparently the young apprentice could be just as dismissive of the Asgardian witch as Asleif could be of mortals.

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2009-06-30 04:54 am UTC (link)
"I wouldst like to see what such a thing is," Aridis says with a very curious tone.

"It sounds like a pleasant thing to construct. May I join thee?"

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2009-06-30 05:22 am UTC (link)
"YES! We can build a really really really big sandcastle!" Zoey beamed. She looked at Asleif. "It's a castle you make from sand. With some water so it sticks." She paused for a moment and realized she didn't introduce herself to the new person. "I'm Zoey!"

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2009-06-30 05:24 am UTC (link)
"I suggest we build a massive sandcastle... then inhabit it for grand adventures."

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2009-06-30 05:39 am UTC (link)
What exactly had she gotten herself into here? And why exactly was refusing the little girl so difficult?

Asleif resisted the urge to sigh. "I... do not believe we shalt have quite that much time."

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2009-06-30 07:24 am UTC (link)
"My friend Asleif," Ohu replies, gathering up Zoey and Asleif's arms like Dorothy and the inhabitants of Oz, "there is always time for grand adventures."

And he leads them towards the beach.

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2009-06-30 07:37 pm UTC (link)
What was it with other people and touching her?

"Thou soundest like mine siblings."

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2009-07-01 06:52 am UTC (link)
"Oh, no, Asleif..." Ohu smirks. "They sound like me." He winks at her as they head out.

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From Aridis
2009-07-01 08:53 pm UTC (link)
"Nay! I doth protest that mine friend," Aridis calls after him as she follows.

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