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nextgen_parent ([info]nextgen_parent) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-05 00:28:00

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Entry tags:aleks childress, inactive - alice dugan, inactive - delilah bishop, inactive - john walker, inactive - nightingale, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"shield mission", sammy fury, team - shield

Operation: Babysitter
Nick Fury walked out of his office and stopped near his assistant's desk. "Get the team in the ready room in ten minutes." Then he kept walking out of the office.

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2010-05-12 10:44 pm UTC (link)
This was Fury jr.'s show, so Johnny kept his mouth shut for the moment.

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2010-05-13 11:26 am UTC (link)
Del stayed at the rear of the group and kept an eye out for any signs of trouble.

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2010-05-13 03:03 pm UTC (link)
"Gag and collar them," Sammy said calmly. Inhibitor collars might help. Like her father, she didn't think this would be as easy as it sounded.

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2010-05-13 05:59 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, ma'am. Give us a few moments to prepare the prisoners," one said and radioed in to pass along the instructions.

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2010-05-13 10:05 pm UTC (link)
Johnny kept a wary eye on everything, just in case. Besides, he was looking forward to whatever ambush came. Give him a chance to put the rest behind bars with good old American know-how and muscle.

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2010-05-15 01:20 am UTC (link)
A few moments the main doors opened again. Ten S.H.I.E.L.D. agents escorted the prisoners out of the building and toward the waiting transport. Each one had hands and feet bound and was wearing a collar around their neck to suppress any powers.

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2010-05-16 11:01 am UTC (link)
Del removed a weapon and took aim. One wrong move and she'd be able to put some of them down on the ground. Her father had been nice enough to help her make an energy gun.

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2010-05-16 11:11 am UTC (link)
The captured Masters of Evil, Iron Butterfly, Gravedigger, Jurassic, Callisto, Ganymede, Io , Decidbel, and Egghead, all walked in line toward the transport. They glared at their captors. Given a chance they would break free and hurt these people for caging them up like animals.

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2010-05-16 04:47 pm UTC (link)
Shield on his left arm, pistol in the other, Johnny stood watching the Masters.

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2010-05-16 06:23 pm UTC (link)
Aleks wanders a little way from the others, presenting himself front and center while keeping an eye out. He's less worried about the captured masters escaping, and more someone arriving to try and spring them. If so, he wants to protect the others as best he can by being an obvious first target.

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2010-05-16 10:14 pm UTC (link)
Sammy moved to stand near the transport and examined each prisoner as he or she was escorted on board. She didn't glare back or say anything to the prisoners.

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2010-05-16 10:42 pm UTC (link)
Alice moved to stand next to Sammy, one hand on her gun to pull out quickly if one of them tried anything. She didn't say anything, but just looked sternly at the prisoners.

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