Marvel Next Generation Roleplay

Goodbyes: @ 11:08 am


It wasn't expected.

Ohu Amane received an unusual phone call today. And now his room is empty.

It's abrupt, but Ohu Amane has never done anything in half-measures.

He goes from room to room, seeking out the Defenders one at a time to say his goodbyes.

At the SHIELD medcenter @ 12:55 pm


Qamar lies in the bed, silent. The machines connected to him beep rhythmically, reporting that, yes, his body still lives, even after the savage beating he received at the hands of Ganymede.

But he's not getting up any time soon.

He may never wake up. He may wake up tomorrow. The doctors don't know.

His breathing is shallow but rhythmic. His eyes are closed.

They may never open again.

Going out with a bang @ 05:05 pm


The Avengers would only find two things. A hole in the wall and a note from Wally. It might have been a bit worrying considering the subject matter of the note...


Okay, gotta write this quick. Usually crappy cosmic awareness kicked in and I've gotta go stop something big and bad before it gets anywhere near Earth. Just uh...pretty sure I'm not walking away from this one so look, I love you guys. I'm weird as all hell but you guys accepted me as one of your own and just...yeah. Luna, I'm sorry to ask this but please make sure my dads know what happened to me and that I love them too. Right...time to go save the universe. Keep on fighting, Avengers.

--Wally Altman-Kaplan aka Captain Marvel.


A Hero's Exit )


Skeletons (Family Secrets, part 1). @ 07:18 pm


Disguises were easy.

So was convincing people that they were seeing and hearing what you wanted them to see and hear.  Easy if your last name was Frost at least.  From her outpost in the black Mercedes with the tinted glass Kassia had no trouble seeing to it that Marrina got into the building with unfettered access to everything that lay beyond the security desk.  The building was empty of people, of course.  An attack of what some idiot news source tried to term economic terrorism had left the building closed for business but there was still a treasure trove of information on the inside.  Kassia was interested in two things: confirmation that her sister, Tina, wasn't inside and whatever suspicious devices and odd evidence might be there.

They bought it, Marrina.  You have complete access.  I suggest heading to the damage zone first and telling me what you see.  Or rather, thinking it.  I can hear you clear as day.

Her sister wanted a cheeseburger.  That she could hear clearly, too.  Kassia sighed, realizing there was a trip to a fast food place in her future.


Convalesce @ 08:05 pm


She'd been careful to make sure every aspect of a near-fatal car accident was installed in her regard.  Her Jag was totaled, mostly smashed beyond recognition that it was ever an automobile.  An insurance claim had been filed.  There was a police report, complete with a ticket for reckless driving.  She'd been in a private hospital, which made sense given that she was a mutant and the location of the accident--close to Xavier's, meaning that a co-worker or friend had happened upon the scene so they would know where to send her.  She'd picked Joey for her alibi.  The option to lie had been his idea and the encouragement to make it stick his as well; she was damn well certain to make him an accomplice.  It was perfect and perfectly sickening to Tina.

The doctors had released her earlier that day and Tina had got herself home, arranged on the couch and more or less comfortable even with the bruises still staining her skin and the gash on her side still healing.  It was then that she contacted Justin, coupling her telepathy with her technopathy to send him a playfully suggestive holographic video letting him know that she was home.

The hologram Tina wasn't bruised.  She hoped Justin wouldn't cry misleading advertisement.

Marvel Next Generation Roleplay