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Julian Gallio ([info]hellfireprince) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-10 20:54:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, plot-"the uprising"

Another Piece of the Puzzle
Julian Howard's day is going, according to his notes, exactly to plan. Two days after his meeting with Emma Frost and Roberto DaCosta, both agreed to aid him in his plan to remake the Hellfire Club. With two powerful allies backing him, Julian feels he's scored a major victory, but this is not enough. He needs to bring another potential ally to his cause.

"Mr. Howard, I contacted Viveca van Roehm." Paulo Seganti, his manservant, says.  "I informed her that you requested her company today, and the food will be ready when she arrives."

"Thank you, Paulo. Please bring her in as soon as she arrives." Julian says, settling back into his chair to wait.

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2010-07-13 06:06 am UTC (link)
Kelly answers in her best ditzy secretary sing-song.

"National Rifle Association, anti-solicitation division. How may I help you?"

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2010-07-14 12:33 am UTC (link)
Julian blinks a moment, then wonders if he dialed the correct number. He did. Ah, one can't order hit-men like Chinese food, now can they?

"Hello, I was wondering if you had anyone available for private lessons and if they can be available on demand. A friend of mine is going away on business soon and I'd like to get him a lesson or two before he goes away." Julian says.

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2010-07-14 05:39 pm UTC (link)
"I trust this friend of yours is going away for a long, long time? We do have someone available... but you understand, our lessons are very exclusive, only for the very best... as such, they're also quite expensive. Oh, and are these lessons for professional or personal reasons?"
The last, of course, is just Kelly wanting to know if this is supposed to be a quick, clean hit... or if its supposed to hurt. Some clients liked that personal touch.

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2010-07-14 11:18 pm UTC (link)
"Yes. In fact, I don't think he'll be returning home after this. He's having a going-away party, so I thought it would be good to provide him some last-minute entertainment before the party. If he's having too much fun to go to his own party, so much the better." Julian says.

Translation: Make sure they can't find the body.

"Price isn't an issue, so I'd like the best available. And while this an office party and should be professional, he's done so much on behalf of our organization that I wanted the touch to be special. The longer it lasts, the better it is before he goes...so long as he goes on time." Julian says.

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2010-07-14 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"I guarantee we'll be punctual. We will, of course, need your friend's name, address, and half up front. We understand that you're much too busy to meet in person, so Box 192 at the New York central post office has been set up for remote business. Please make sure we have pictures of your friend, plus any details related to the job, so we make sure that there's no mistakes. The price for the very best deluxe, personalized entertainment package is $400,000. After this job, of course, we're going to be very booked for a while. You won't want to contact us again for at least six months. So... do we do business?"

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2010-07-14 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"All the necessary information will be provided to you in two hours' time. Also, he'll have some items for you to provide to me once his session is over. I'll include a bonus for having that information delivered upon completion of his training.

My friend is also known for bestowing personal gifts on those who treat him well." Julian says.

"If your calendar is booked after this, that's no issue. I think we have a deal, however." Julian says.

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2010-07-14 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"Our calendar will be booked. Its best we don't work for the same clients too often, not always good business. Detail the items and information you need on a page left in the P.O. box. It will be checked within the day. I guarantee satisfaction with the job done."

She checks the time - good, under trace time limit. Always good to be on the safe side. Not that she doesn't trust Julian - she tries to check up on anyone who would have this number, but she tries to be thorough.

"Pleasure doing business with you." she adds, before hanging up and bouncing off to tell Mel the news. Red pays well, but it never hurts to have some supplemental income.

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