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Elizaveta Romanov ([info]ladydevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-30 23:15:00

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Entry tags:inactive - harmony watkins, inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, lady devil, perenawska, team - champions

Going Through a Thing (Girl Champions Bonding)
first she went through all her clothing. Then she tried to o her hair in different styles. She then tried playing different kinds of music. Then she ended up finding herself snapping one CD in half because that pig from Weapon X had sweet talked her into buying it all those months ago when she was still new to this universe and so naive about the dangers here.

She manages to get dressed in something that feels normal after than small temper tantrum. Finding that she wants to get out of the building she decides to go see if the other girls on the team are up for getting out of the base for the day. The boys can fend for themselves.

Heading into the kitchen where everyone seems to meet up she waits to see when everyone will find themselves drawn into the kitchen. It should be easy to talk them into going out.

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2010-08-03 02:17 am UTC (link)
"Do we have enough time?" Of course they do. She should know better. She won't be busy for another week anyways. She should do things now.

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2010-08-03 02:57 am UTC (link)
"We should have," Irina said. "It's not like we have to be anywhere."

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2010-08-04 01:17 am UTC (link)
"I'll go find my purse." She nodded, relieved that no one seemed to know where she'd been last night. Whew.

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2010-08-05 02:07 am UTC (link)
"Okay. I'll snag mine too. Lyta. Are you sure you're fine with driving? My car is decently roomy too," Eliza offers with a smile. She doesn't mind letting someone else drive honestly she hates to drive unless she has to.

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