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cosmic_son ([info]cosmic_son) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-23 23:27:00

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Entry tags:cosmopolitan, iason, inactive - charlie rogers, inactive - eli paravich, plot-"12-step", ryan spector, svalin

Marvels of Steam
There's an abrupt shift in reality, and the Exiles find themselves... well, not in Kansas anymore.

In all times previous to this, the air has been fresher than that of the world they know. This one... well, it may be fresher, but there's a very distinct tang of faint coal dust in the air. The colors are muted, mostly tans and browns... except the ones that aren't. the women walking by in the distance are examplary of the era when more complex dyes and dye mixing was being discovered, the women in extremely opulent finery in many cases, the wealthy among them in a wash of bright, vivid greens and reds and blues and patterns, and even their maids in complex dress compared to the ages of simplicity and necessity they've left behind. The men are all in hats, shirts and jackets.

Everywhere, there's signs of the city being powered by a mix of old style gaslights, steam power, clockwork and electricity, sometimes with little rhyme or reason.

Over it all, a single craft, the size of a city block and being supported by numerous dirigible balloons hovers, casting a shadow over all of what could be recognized by long term residents as some ancient and steam powered version of New York City.

Iason is the first to speak.  "I... do not recognize this as similar to anything from Earth's history."

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2010-10-02 06:52 am UTC (link)
"Perhaps we can find a way to draw him out, then?" Eli suggests.

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2010-10-02 07:14 am UTC (link)
"Plus there's your trick," she tells Eli, recovering from the thought of her mom. "I forget, can you take people with you?"

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2010-10-02 11:12 pm UTC (link)
"We will give you all the information we have on Schmidt," Tony said. Maybe with their help they could finally defeat Schmidt. At this point Tony would take all the help he could get.

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2010-10-03 03:23 am UTC (link)
"After this much time, it sounds like Schmidt and the Captain know each other quite well. We should be able to determine something. I believe we also have a significant amount we can add to help equalize the battlefield."

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2010-10-03 03:25 am UTC (link)
Eli nods at Vernique. "Yes, I can, Vernique. As many as necessary, though large groups over extended periods of time may tire me." he says.

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2010-10-03 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Great. Plenty of options, then."

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2010-10-03 10:49 pm UTC (link)
"Alright, so we have some tactical options. If he's heard about you, and given the method of your arrival, he probably has, he'll be being cautious. He hasn't been alive and active for over a century out of just luck. We know a few of the things he wants. The Machinesmith would like access to Tony's workshop. The Skull has tried to kidnap Greer before to learn how to turn people into monsters he can control. The only thing that's proven near irresistable on any regular basis has been anything he thinks might relate to finding the fountain of youth, or some other way to cure his face while assuring him of immortality."

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2010-10-03 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Tony nodded. "How about we think over our options for a bit while the group of you take a few moments to rest and freshen up. I'm sure you could use a short break and a chance to clean up."

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2010-10-03 11:32 pm UTC (link)
"May I request some hay and oats for mine steed?" Svalin asked. "If it ist possible."

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2010-10-03 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"We'll find you some, though it may take a while. People don't use horses as much as they used to. We do have a store of apples in the meanwhile though. And if any of you want to discuss possible tactical options, or want to talk to any of the Avengers, I'll make sure the agents know where to find me, and will try and keep the others available for you."

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2010-10-03 11:47 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds like a good plan to me."

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