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Melissa Frost ([info]lady_hood) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-25 13:04:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - beetle, inactive - melissa frost, inactive - molly hayes, inactive - victor mancha, plot-"reciprocity", team - thunderbolts

Despite the garbage that went down earlier in the week, Melissa found herself a happier camper today. The Boss Man's check cleared; she and Kelly were now much more financially solvent. After a call to her lawyer, Diane, to get bills and things paid, Mel goes downstairs to have herself a victory dance, or as they're called, a beer. Never mind that it's early in the morning and that she hasn't hand breakfast, which also sounds like a good idea, Mel just wants to enjoy having her money, her girl, her magic and her guns.

Kelly was right about this whole mercenary gig; it paid dividends, even if being shot at and nearly killed by life-draining nutjobs was part of the job. They'd also done the world a favor by removing Benedict Kine's sorry self from it, and Mel figured they deserved medal for that. Instead, they got hefty-paychecks. Maybe she'd /buy/ herself a medal.

She walks into the kitchen, going through the cupboards to see if there's any eggs to make an omelet. If there is bacon, it's left untouched.

Bacon is against her personal religion.

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2010-09-26 08:46 pm UTC (link)
"No problem." Kelly responds to Sydney, going to town with a cutting knife, hacking up some sausage and browning it before blending eggs and cream cheese, the knife flying across the cutting board almost too fast to track as she gets going on extra-light sausage scrambles on toast to go with the pastries. She doesn't bother using a spatula, speeding up the process all the more by handling everything with her hands and a fork to do the blending, the small burns on her fingertips from working with a pan filled with sausage grease disappearing almost as fast as they appear.

"Who wants scrambles? And by the way, you guys have this place really well stocked."

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2010-09-27 01:49 am UTC (link)
"And yet none of us really cook," Anya said. "I would love some. Thank you."

"We mostly survive off of takeout."

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2010-09-27 02:00 am UTC (link)
"Sure," Sydney said, maybe in spite of herself. She was hungry. "Just add some powered sugar to mine."

She didn't really think she was wrong here. Certainly... she understood a second chance. She was living one. But what she'd done and what she suspected the other two may have were a fairly vast gulf.

No real option but to wait and see. Right now, living under the auspicious of Stark was about the only thing that kept SWORD or SHIELD from capturing and dissecting her ass.

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2010-09-27 02:46 am UTC (link)
"Ooh, me!" Melissa says, very happy to have scrambles today.

"So, how often do you people gear up to fight the good fight and rescue innocent people like us?" Melissa asks.

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2010-09-27 03:10 am UTC (link)
"Depends," Anya answered. "Sometimes it can be quiet for awhile and other times it can be something just about every day. It goes in cycles."

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2010-09-27 03:27 am UTC (link)
"Hmmm, powdered sugar, sure, no problem." Kelly agrees, sweetening up Sydney's extra-fluffy sausage, egg and cheese scrambles some, and serving everyone else with hot off the stove food.

"Funny how that works. Thanks for helping out. Doubt that'll be the last we see of them, persistent sons of motherless bitches, but at least now I'm watching for them."

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2010-09-27 04:11 am UTC (link)
Argh. And now they were being reasonably pleasant.

What the hell?

"Thanks," she managed. She certainly didn't think they were harmless... but they also hadn't done anything against the T-Bolts yet.

What to do, what to do.

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2010-09-27 06:13 pm UTC (link)
"My family has some history with your former team," Anya said carefully. "By the way, if my one brother ever visits, don't mention Weapon X. I'd like to keep bloodshed to a minimum in headquarters if possible."

Anya smiled. "You're welcome. Glad to be able to help out."

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2010-09-29 05:47 pm UTC (link)
Kelly grins. "Ooohhh, hey, yeah... you're Misha's sister, aren't you? Yeah, Nicky's got a serious hard on for your brother."

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2010-09-29 05:53 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, the Dork is. Not that he'll ever visit. I'm only his sister. Great. This will just fuel his '/everyone/ is out to get /me/' delusions because apparently he's the only mutant that Weapon X or the only person Red Room could ever be interested in."

"Is Nicky the big guy who looked like he went overboard on the steroids?"

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2010-09-29 06:03 pm UTC (link)
Kelly snickers. "Weapon X has a lot of targets, they originally only went after Misha to get to his dad though. Don't know as much about Red Room, but actually, I think they want his mom... or, really, his mom's kid. Some creepy Russian dude wanted to do something or other to the kidlet. That, and he has some thing for some chicky in New Orleans. Not sure what it is. I read the mission reports, but they don't usually say a lot of WHY someone wants someone 'napped, just the who and how. Yeah, Nicky is the 'roid case. And yeah, he has it bad for your brother. Well, your brother and Justin Timberlake. No accounting for taste. I think its a family thing. His old man has a thing for hairy Canadians too."

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2010-09-29 08:58 pm UTC (link)
"That's nothing new with Logan. The man is a walking target. Well that could either be me or the one she's carrying. Either one isn't a good option. The one in New Orleans could be my sister Eliza. She's down there with the Champions."

Anya snickered a bit. "I should introduce him to the fanclub my brother seems to have. All the girls seem to follow him around."

Anya nodded. "Yeah, Victor Creed and Logan go way back.

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2010-09-29 09:24 pm UTC (link)
Kelly grins. "Well, you guys will be on their shit list now too, so since I'm not going back, I should give you guys some of the info on them. I'm sure your mom and Misha's dad could find something to do with that to make it not worth their while to pursue any grudges til they get some new hires and new secret bases."

Yeah, before, she was just going to go free and call it good. But since they sent people after her, all bets are off.

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2010-09-29 09:26 pm UTC (link)
"I'd appreciate it," Anya said. "Any info will help."

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2010-09-29 09:30 pm UTC (link)
"Sure thing. Got a laptop or something? I'll give you everything I've got. Teach the bastards to send a retrieval crew after me."

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2010-09-29 09:33 pm UTC (link)
"Here you go," Anya said and slid her laptop over to Kelly.

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2010-09-29 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Kelly begins rapid-fire typing away. As ditzy as she is sometimes, she knows her mission profiles, tactics, co-personnel and all the locations she's holed up in. Besides, if Weapon X is way too busy with Wolverine and the Widow, they're less likely to bug her and Mel.

"I probably should have bargained before offering all this up. Don't suppose you'd consider trading me the specs to those arm repulsors for all this service to your family? I need some new spank material."

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2010-09-29 09:39 pm UTC (link)
"I'll see what I can do," Anya said. The repulsors were Stark proprietary property, but Anya could make a prototype of a portable hand held device.

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2010-09-29 09:48 pm UTC (link)
"Awesome, cause those things were sexy as all hell." Kelly replies without looking up or slowing down.

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