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Natasha Romanova ([info]redheadspy) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-11-12 07:46:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, inactive - james romanov rogers, inactive - valeria richards, lady devil, misha loganovich, npc - black widow, npc - tony stark

Little Bundle of Joy
Natasha was restless. No matter what she did she could not get comfortable. She tried stretching out on the couch, sitting in a chair, laying down on the couch, and walking around the penthouse and not one thing was close to being comfortable. It was a common hazard at this point in a pregnancy.

A part of her was glad that Tony was on the West Coast. He would be hovering and asking her if she were alright every few minutes, which of course would have improved his chances of getting shot. He left her with babysitters who were a little better about it. James and Val and Misha were in the living room watching a movie. Ivan, who had arrived two days ago, was in the recliner with his eyes closed and snoring.

Natasha was in the kitchen pacing a bit. Idly she wondered if SHIELD would let her use the firing range. She needed something relaxing to do and something to keep her mind off the mild contractions she was having. This baby couldn’t be coming yet, but of course it would be since Tony was across the country.

The contractions were still ten minutes apart and weren’t hurting much. Yet. These things took time which is exactly why she wasn’t going to tell the kids just yet. Misha had been a marathon. Twenty two hours in labor. She remembered feeling like she had singlehandedly fought World War three after giving birth to him. Anya had been a little quicker at twenty hours. Natasha would bet money this one would be longer. Call it a gut feeling.

It was time to call her husband. He needed time to get back here. He helped cause this and he was going to be here for this baby’s birth...or else. Natasha grabbed a glass of water and headed for his office to call him.

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2010-11-13 07:53 pm UTC (link)
"Well, that goes without saying, but she's also the most stubborn woman I've ever met, which is a trait that she passed to our daughter. She'll say I cloned Anya from me, but I think she tampered with the equipment during the process." Tony jokes.

"Tasha, are you sure you can hold out until I get there?" he asks his voice suddenly taut with concern.

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2010-11-13 09:18 pm UTC (link)
Natasha laughed.

"I can't make any promises," she said. "It's not up to me when your son makes his entrance into the world. I'll try to convince him to wait until you get here, but he probably won't listen. If we head to the hospital before you get here, I'll make sure someone lets you know."

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2010-11-13 10:22 pm UTC (link)
"Well, don't hold the party up on account of me. When you and Eddie need to go, you just go. I'm on my way now. Tell Eddie that I love him and to take care of you, and call Anya, too." Tony says.

"I love you, Red." he says, then hangs up the phone.

"Sydney! Andy! I'm headed out! Tasha's getting ready to have the baby!" he says. "Jarvis, we ready to go?" Tony asks.

"Mr. Stark, there's been a complication. It seems that LAX has issued a no-fly mandate until tomorrow afternoon. I just received the information, sir, as I was confirming our plans to return home tomorrow morning." Jarvis says.

"But Tasha's going into labor, man. Okay, we brought the suit off the plane with our luggage, didn't we?" Tony asks.

"Yes, Mr. Stark. It's downstairs." Jarvis.

"Excellent. I need to leave now, old friend. I'll call you as soon as I'm in New York." Tony says, running toward the basement.

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2010-11-13 10:34 pm UTC (link)
"Good luck, Mr. Stark. Send us pictures," Syd called after him.

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