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your_talents ([info]your_talents) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-17 00:20:00

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Entry tags:inactive - lisa graves, inactive - pauline argosy, plot-"open season", team - x-factor

Sirens went off for the fifth time of the night, less than two blocks from Lisa's apartment in Mutant Town. Not that this was anything new. The recent crime wave, the drug traffic, and just the fact that it was District X meant that something was always going on. Or going down. Deals, hookups, people looking for fixes, college kids looking to dash in and out of the wrong side of town, everything that made the district come alive, and was slowly killing it.

Lately though, it seemed like the death of the area was approaching faster than ever. It was time to start taking action.

She called up her female co-star.

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2011-02-04 05:52 pm UTC (link)

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