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your_talents ([info]your_talents) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-17 18:28:00

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Entry tags:inactive - julian gallo, inactive - lisa graves, plot-"open season", team - x-factor

A Good Sign
Lisa got out of the town car and told the driver to put it on her usual tab. She was fresh off another modeling gig to pay off the date she'd lined up from the auction. She told herself it was a good cause, even though she knew she'd be telling herself that even more intently if she didn't get a 'taste' of her date. She also needed to have a 'talk' with Julian to further figure out what the two of them were.

Plenty of time for that, and freshening up for her date. The shoot had let her borrow a simply stunning black number that she'd be treating her date's eyes to. Possibly hands as well. She smirked as the car pulled away.

She had taken five steps when the rushing air was all the warning she got. Hands grabbed her from behind and the block blurred past. She was shoved into the front of a building and dragged across it for several yards, before being thrown to the ground.

The damage to the building itself showed that if not for the super-strength she'd helped herself to earlier in the day, there would be plenty of herself embedded in it. As it was, her clothes were all but destroyed and her belongings were thrown across the street. Her breath had been pulled out of her by the shock and the velocity.

Her attacker was silent, dressed all in black. They seemed to hesitate before speaking. "You need to shut your mouth and stop asking questions Stick to being pretty on tv." Their voice is muffled by the mask. They take off again, leaving car alarms screaming in their wake.

Lisa's eyes are wide with disgust, rage, and panic. She slams a fist into the ground, letting out a scream of frustration as the pavement cracks. She pulls her clothes, what's left of them, around her. Mercifully, her phone had survived.

She calls Julian.

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2011-02-18 05:07 am UTC (link)
Julian nods slowly, taking this into account. He remembered how passionate Lisa was when she'd brought this up a few weeks ago; of course she'd go and investigate this issue.

Now she was close enough to be a problem and someone wanted to silence her.

"So, whoever came after you knows that Pauline was with you and she's likely a target as well." Julian says. This is no question in his tone.

He takes out his phone and contacts DJ. He asks him to keep a closer eye upon Pauline, as someone could be out to harm her. Once he puts his phone away, he looks at Lisa.

"Lisa, /whom/ did you ask about the distribution? Were you discreet in your questioning or did you interrogate anyone?" he asks.

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2011-02-18 02:32 pm UTC (link)
After watching the phone-call with concern, Lisa pauses, then grits her teeth. "Oh son of a bitch.." She lunges for her bag. "Please be intact... fuck me running for not transcribing it y-- good."

She pulls out her notebook that she'd brought with her and Pauline, handing it to Julian. "Everything I've researched so far. We interviewed, above-ground, only people I know and moderately trust. I couldn't get names from the Morlocks I spoke to. It takes weeks just to get them close enough to accept foodstuffs. I doubt they're talking to Strauss' Stormtroopers or MGH dealers or producers."

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2011-02-19 01:37 am UTC (link)
"But somewhere in that line, Lisa, someone betrayed you. Whether by intent or accident is irrelevant; someone learned what you were after and sought to stop you from digging deeper." Julian says, thinking it over.

"If you stop now, whoever is behind this wins, and soon they'll be trying to shake us down for money, protection and God-Only-Knows what else." Julian says.

"If you continue, the next time, they'll probably have someone waiting in your apartment to kill you." he surmises, still professional, as if he'd thought this over a few hundred times on the way here.

It's how /he/ would deal with someone who'd gotten too close to his own operations. Except, he'd have made sure Lisa was dead today instead of later.

"What do you plan to do?" he asks.

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2011-02-19 01:40 am UTC (link)
Lisa eyes her boss and sometimes lover.

"First, I'm taking a shower. Then, in some order I haven't decided yet, I'm calling the police, calling my date to postpone, checking in with the rest of the team, and calling a press conference.

Bastards aren't going to scare me into being quiet."

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2011-02-19 01:51 am UTC (link)
"Poor ideas all, Lisa, except for the shower." Julian retorts.

"Calling a press conference and the police only lets the people behind this know that they got to you. It also draws attention to what's happened. Take that shower, then go out and have a good time with your date. Be your normal gregarious self and act like it didn't bother you." he says.

And leave me the list of names that you managed to get from everyone you spoke to, and where you spoke to them. If there were addresses and phone numbers, that would be helpful. Please and thank you." he requests.

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2011-02-19 01:53 am UTC (link)
"Julian, the whole reason I'm doing this is because attention isn't being called to things. People are disappearing off the streets, super-crime is skyrocketing and District X is being blamed, and the cops are either incompetent or dirty."

She lets him finish though. She lets it sink in, and then she nods.

"Alright. Everything I've got so far is in that book. I'll e-mail you the stuff I've transcribed tomorrow."

Another pause. "Julian... how good a time are you suggesting I have on my date?" She arches an eyebrow in earnest curiosity. It's something they haven't gotten to discussing before.

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2011-02-19 02:02 am UTC (link)
Julian shakes his head. "I'm going to need that information tonight, actually, if you can. I'd like to look over it with the new bottle of pear brandy I just received from Mrs. Paltrow." he smiles.

He considers her second question, noting that she chose to ask rather than simply decide how far she would go.

"Lisa, I want you to have a great time. Enjoy yourself, however much or little you think is appropriate." Julian tells her.

"I simply hope your date treats you with all of the respect you deserve and that he doesn't do anything to embarrass you." Julian says.

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2011-02-19 02:13 am UTC (link)
Lisa gives him a very slight smile, putting a palm to one of his cheeks and kissing the other. "This is why I come back to you..."

She goes to her laptop. "I'll get the other copies for you now." She gazes intently as she taps away at the keys. "Hm. Pear brandy, huh?"

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2011-02-19 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Yes, pear. I hear it's an excellent after-dinner drink. My mother also sent me some peach brandy, so I'm going to compare the two and see if I'm interested in purchasing stock in a vineyard out in California." Julian says.

"I also need to catch up on some paperwork and listen to what that Zothelle ingrate had to say about us today. He's dancing on the edge of a slander lawsuit and I'm trying to see if I can get him to go the rest of the way." Julian grins.

"Who did you win at the auction?" Julian asks.

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2011-02-19 02:35 am UTC (link)
"Aleks Childress. Sculpted but pleasantly rugged, and most likely gamma-touched." Lisa hands over a jump drive. "I'm... hungry." She smirks.

Something catches her eye, and she reaches over to tug his collar a bit. He's wearing the torc. "Mmm. It looks good on you." She undoes a button and smooths his collar so it can display more.

"Old world seems to have that trend with you."

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2011-02-19 03:03 am UTC (link)
"What can I say? I get it from my father." Julian smiles, leaning in to kiss Lisa.

"Make sure you eat well. I like when you're full." he whispers.

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2011-02-19 04:33 am UTC (link)
Lisa puts her laptop aside and just tucks her head under his chin after the kiss. Right now, she'll let herself need this. Need him.

"No promises you'll get me while I'm still in the throes of it. I've never gotten to try my power on someone gamma-touched before. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to hold focus for, depending on how powerful he is."

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2011-02-19 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Ah, well. If you show up tonight, you do. If you don't...you will call me as soon as you're safe inside your apartment. If Mr. Childress offers to walk you to your door, don't try to be polite or bashful.

Let him. Please." Julian requests.

"And text myself as well as the rest of the team when you're home. When everyone can tell me that they received the text from you, I'll believe you're safe." he says.

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2011-02-19 04:54 am UTC (link)
She reaches up and strokes his face. "This is bigger than just my personal crusade now. I need you to have someone pack up a few days worth of stuff for me. I'm staying at the Plaza. I don't want anyone in my building getting caught in the way if someone comes after me again. It's bigger, but it's got better security. And yes, I'll notify you and the others when I get back."

Lisa sits up and kisses him, then stands and pulls him along with her. "I'm going to shower. You don't have to join me if you don't want to get yourself messed up just now, but just... stay nearby for now?"

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2011-02-19 05:03 am UTC (link)
"I can do that." Julian says, following her to the bathroom with a smile.

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2011-02-19 05:07 am UTC (link)
After she was as clean and refreshed as she was going to get, Lisa called Aleks to confirm all was still on.

She nudged Julian aside as she went through her jewelry, as he was apparently taking his sweet time getting dressed again.

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2011-02-19 05:09 am UTC (link)
Aleks found a place to park and wait, not minding a little extra time to drive about. Always a nice change from the confines of the helicarrier.


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2011-02-19 05:12 am UTC (link)
"Hi, Aleks? This is Lisa. I just wanted to make sure everything was still on for tonight. My boss is going to be dropping me off." She shifts her phone from side to side as she slips on a pair of opal earrings.

She's dressing to stun, but not quite to kill. If the evening goes as she hopes, she's going to want to be able to move freely, for more reasons than one.

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2011-02-19 05:17 am UTC (link)
"No problem. Everything ok?" Yeah, something doesn't sound quite right with that. Still, at least it seems the date is on.

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2011-02-19 05:19 am UTC (link)
"Nothing that's stopping me from coming. It's in-person talk though. Where should I have him drop me off?"

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2011-02-19 05:27 am UTC (link)
"We have reservations at the Eleven Madison Park restaurant. Hope that will do."

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2011-02-19 05:35 am UTC (link)
"That'll do just fine, hunk. I'll meet you there at the time we set." Lisa smiles to herself. "Be ready." She practically purrs as she ends the call, getting herself the rest of the way dressed and accessorized.

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