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tooth_n_claw ([info]tooth_n_claw) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-28 21:20:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, jordan bochs

With a Little Help From My Friends
Alex wasn't one to sweat the little things. He considered himself a pretty laid back guy, but lately he had been fretting over something. He didn't tell anyone of course. Alex had a hard time opening up to people in general and this was something really embarrassing. There was a solution of course, he just didn't know what do to or how to even get started.

Which meant he had to ask for help.

There was only one person he could go to. He went searching for Jordan.

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2011-03-02 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Cool. Thanks. I just don't want to be someone who would embarrass Mel."

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2011-03-02 04:18 am UTC (link)
"Why would you embarrass Mel? If you're going to get your GED, do it for the right reasons. She knows where you come from, what your circumstances are. She knows how smart you are, what you like to talk about, the things you do together... not a piece of paper that says you know how to dot your i's and cross your t's. Its a good thing to have... but Mel wouldn't think any less of you without it."

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2011-03-02 12:22 pm UTC (link)
"I know she knows where I come from and what the circumstances were, but if we're out somewhere with others I don't want to look like an idiot and embarrass her or Alpha Flight. It's something I should have anyway. Can't be doing this hero thing for the rest of my life either."

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2011-03-02 06:12 pm UTC (link)
"You haven't embarrassed anyone yet. I'll get the process started, and put a hush on it so we don't get any kind of stupid media attention on it. If you need help with anything, let me know."

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2011-03-02 09:51 pm UTC (link)
"Yet being the key word in there," Alex pointed out. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

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2011-03-03 12:56 am UTC (link)
"No problem. You should have everything by the end of the week. We're also going to have to celebrate when you get it, of course."

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2011-03-03 01:01 am UTC (link)
"Thanks. So this game...it's based on that cartoon Mason is always watching?"

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2011-03-04 09:01 pm UTC (link)
Jordan laughs. Then he laughs some more.

"Mason /hates/ this show. Which is why I keep loading it on his computer and put it up to go whenever the TV is turned on in the temple. Yeah, the game is awesome though - ever since the Captain Canada episode, I've been working with the producers to let them do some promos with NHL teams, toys, things like that using Captain Canada."

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2011-03-05 02:06 am UTC (link)
Alex laughed. "I know what I'm getting him for his birthday and for Christmas and for every other gift giving occasion."

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