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StrongBox ([info]strongbox) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-08-23 15:39:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, inactive - mystic, jordan bochs, melanie hall, nimue smallwood, plot-"taking flight"

Taking Flight, pt 2
The base was nice, and definitely spacious, but it wasn't home. The government gave them no real budget for outfitting the base with creature comforts, and while the current set up would be quite comfortable, even luxurious for line soldiers, as far as Jordan was concerned, it was entirely unacceptable for teenagers. This was going to be fixed.

The one thing he has relatively easy access to is electronics at a discount, so that's where he starts, along with the necessities. Even then, its a busy day.

It starts with the subtle stuff he can sneak into people's rooms. He has no idea what people have for computer systems of their own, but the government issue 'can check e-mail and file reports and not much else' systems are entirely insufficient. So everyone gets gift certificates to either get a custom cpu, or seriously upgrade what they have.
Everyone also gets a sound system worthy of belonging in a teenager's room. Music is a must. To go with it, there's gift cards for 'The Beat Goes On', so everyone can get a few dozen used CDs or several new ones.
Alex in particular takes some work, but Jordan insists he be treated like everyone else. So he gets a 128 CD changer and a large push button remote so he'll never need to handle a CD once they're loaded, and could change the CD in almost any form with paws.

He's not as connected where beds are concerned, but military style twin beds are also not ok. Ikea gift certificates are added so people can bring in something nicer, or equip the kitchen instead if they like. Alex, again, is included, with explanation that Jordan will pick something up on his behalf.

The real changes, however, are in the process of being made to the main lounge. The old metal card table and 6" TV are stuck in a closet. A coffee table complete with cupholders is ordered instead. The room is equipped with movie theater quality surround sound, Jordan hangs the speakers himself for best effect. Black leather couches are on order as well, and a room layout taped out. Jordan is currently working on installing the 60" flat screen TV, the centerpiece of the room, and hooking the sound system to it.
He's made sure to be as sneaky as possible, and work a lot in the middle of the night so there's some surprise involved, so the first sign most people are likely to get of the work being done is the sound checks, as well as the sign now hung over the lounge door:
Welcome to the Temple of Boom.

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2009-08-28 09:21 am UTC (link)
/Mel?/ he asked from the doorway. Her scent was strong and he figured she was in here.

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2009-08-28 09:24 am UTC (link)
Lavender starts to bleed into the color of the walls, and then she emerges out of one.

"Hello, Alex. Is everything okay?"

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2009-08-28 09:27 am UTC (link)
/Everything's fine. Jordan's working on an entertainment system from hell and thinks we should start having movie nights and doing things as a team./ He sat down in the doorway.

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2009-08-28 09:42 am UTC (link)
"Oh. That sounds nice...as long as they aren't horror movies." Sinking into the floor and giving everyone knots in their stomach: not a good idea. "I should say thank you soon for the music stuff, too."

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2009-08-28 09:44 am UTC (link)
Alex nodded. /Yeah. It was really nice of him to do all of this for us./ Even for him. /We should do things as a team once and awhile./

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2009-08-28 09:51 am UTC (link)
She nods. "It was. He's a nice guy."

She nods a little again, then.... "I don't know if I can think of any movies or activities to suggest that everyone else would like, though."

But she does get a thought. She simply doesn't share it just yet.

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2009-08-28 09:53 am UTC (link)
/He is,/ Alex agreed. /Yeah, I can't think of any except Star Wars. I haven't watched a movie in about five years./ Not since his powers manifested. /Or do any other normal thing./

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2009-08-28 10:09 am UTC (link)
Mel, having practically exhausted her supply of words already, and figuring there are times when even 'I'm sorry' can be rude, nods in a polite sympathetic way.

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2009-08-28 10:14 am UTC (link)
/The good thing is that I'm here. I have people to talk to and interact with instead of living outside in the wild./

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2009-08-28 10:26 am UTC (link)
"That is a good thing, yeah."

A pause for thought. "Alex," she asks quietly, "Do you have any allergies? I mean...I... I suppose you would be allergic to chocolate when you're being a dog, but do you have any allergies all the time?"

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2009-08-28 10:28 am UTC (link)
If he could have, he would have shrugged. /I don't know. I've never had any allergies. Or if I do, I don't know about them./

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2009-08-28 10:34 am UTC (link)
"Okay. I was just wondering."

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2009-08-28 10:35 am UTC (link)
/Anyway, I just wanted to tell you about movie night and doing things as a team. Sorry to disturb you./

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2009-08-28 10:47 am UTC (link)
"Not a problem. Thank you for telling me."

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2009-08-28 10:51 am UTC (link)
/You're welcome. I'll see you later./

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2009-08-28 10:52 am UTC (link)
Mel smiles and nods a little.

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