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Amiko Kobayashi ([info]hotlittlehands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-18 16:47:00

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Entry tags:grogg, hajime, inactive - ryota satou, inactive - sparkler, inactive - super geisha, sunset, team - big hero 6

Matter of Honor: Raiders of the Honor Sword (Bendytimed, BH6)
Amiko looks at the cavern opening in the mountains. "My uncle said the first section of the cavern is trapped, even before one gets the opportunity to disabled the wards on the sword. So please, we must go in one at a time, and watch our step."
She looks at them. "I appreciate all of your being here."

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2011-04-19 04:32 am UTC (link)
"Is there anything you need me to do, Amiko-san?"

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2011-04-20 09:56 pm UTC (link)
Kikuya was silent as she carefully checked the discreet weaponry she had on her person and tucked into various aspects of her kimono at any time. Amiko knew well what Kikuya was capable of; it was unspoken that she would not hesitate to do anything required.

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2011-04-21 03:09 am UTC (link)
"Just tread carefully and pay close attention"

And as they go into the opening of the cavern, she'll keep an eye out for tripwires and pressure plates, and call to Ryota whenever she spots one.

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2011-04-21 10:03 am UTC (link)
Ryota keeps an eye open for any possible traps too. Ready to deal with them however is necessary.

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2011-04-21 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Grogg kept close, his tiny eyes darting around for trouble.

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2011-04-21 09:33 pm UTC (link)
And they avoid the tripwires, and the snapping metal. But there were a few mechanisms it was simply impossible to get six people past. And so, before they know it, there is rumble in the cavern as a huge bolder starts to roll down from an adjacent part of the mountain.


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2011-04-21 09:36 pm UTC (link)
Ryota rapidly maneuvers himself behind Grogg to give him room to do his thing.

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2011-04-21 09:57 pm UTC (link)
Grogg lumbered into the path of the bolder, bracing his feet and holding his arms out.

"Grogg got this!"

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2011-04-25 04:34 am UTC (link)
Hajime turns to face away from the boulder, adopting a drawing stance. He places total faith in his teammates to do their job, and he prepares to do his, totally focused on making sure no one has a chance to ambush the group while Grogg deals with the boulder.

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2011-04-25 05:49 am UTC (link)
Figures begin to move in the shadows, almost coming out of the stone.

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2011-04-25 10:24 am UTC (link)
With a nearly unseen movement of her wrists, Kikuya arms herself, both hands wielding fans with lethally sharp blades. She does not wait particularly to see the figure in more detail; one fan is deployed towards the figures.

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2011-04-25 04:14 pm UTC (link)
Ryota pulls out his guns ready to shot and slow things down but waits to find out what he's shooting at.

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2011-04-25 11:03 pm UTC (link)
Grogg was ready when the boulder got to him, his feet sliding only slightly on the ground.

"Grogg show you, dumb boulder!"

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2011-04-25 11:42 pm UTC (link)
Hajime draws his sword in one smooth motion, using that momentum to lunge at the nearest of their assailants.

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2011-04-26 05:42 pm UTC (link)
Kikuya's fan lodges itself into the assailant with a 'clunk.' As the five figures come more clearly into view, they appear to be some form of fired-clay automata.

They're durable, but not very good at dodging. Another takes scratching from Hajime.

Amiko somersaults towards Kikuya's target, her hands already heating up. She pulls out of the fan, tosses it back to Kikuya, and and then sets her hands on the figures arms to start burning the clay.

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2011-04-26 05:47 pm UTC (link)
So they were solid. The fan blades quickly returned to their resting places and she tried a different tactic. In a blur of movement, the heavier outer garments of her kimono were cast aside and she joined Amiko with the assailants and attacks them with karate. If she could slow them down it would allow Amiko to burn them more easily.

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2011-04-26 07:06 pm UTC (link)
Ryota opens fire sending kinetic blast at the robots heads in rapid succession. With how bad these guys where at dodging he didn't feel like he needed to slow things down to deal with them.

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2011-04-26 08:10 pm UTC (link)
Solid. Not good news if he doesn't want to eventually scratch his blade.
Hajime returns the master blade to its sheath, and attacks unarmed instead, launching a kick at the knee joint of one of them. He has no illusions of doing them great harm, but figures he might be able to unbalance them with precision.

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2011-04-26 09:02 pm UTC (link)
Grogg held his footing against the boulder, then started moving forward, shoving it back along its track.

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2011-04-26 09:09 pm UTC (link)
Asako jumped out of the way of any traps that she ran into, trying best not to lose her head.

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2011-04-30 11:19 pm UTC (link)
Kikuya sets them up for Amiko to take them down, Hajime throws them off balance for Ryota to finish off. Grogg gets the boulder back in its place.

"Good job, Grogg. Indiana Jones wishes he had you. Well done keeping yourself safe, Asako." Then, to the adults. "Thank you. All right," she says, catching her breath, standing over the golem-like clay warriors. "Let's keep going."

And the cave begins to narrow, and there's a stone wall. Amiko looks where her uncle hinted, and finds a strange-looking brush and inkwell.

"Kikuya, I...." Amiko looked down and bit her lip. "I can't even do a tea ceremony without splashing. Could you write what I say on the stone, please."

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2011-05-01 01:54 am UTC (link)
"It would be no trouble."

Kikuya went to attend to the brush and inkwell and awaited instruction.

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2011-05-01 05:19 pm UTC (link)
Grogg gave the boulder an extra hard shove to wedge it back into place.

"Boulder stay, or Grogg smash!"

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2011-05-01 08:50 pm UTC (link)
After a brief smile at Grogg, Amiko takes a breath and begins slowly reciting, so as not to rush Kikuya.

"The Honor Sword of Clan Yashida represents all we were and are and wish to be. It is perfection of form and function, reality and spirit, endowed with the soul of nobility and grace for eight hundred years."

And as Kikuya perfectly paints the words, the paint will glow on the stone until it finally slides away.

Behind it is a total arsenal of swords. Shiny, shiny swords.

"Please, no one touch anything"

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2011-05-01 11:03 pm UTC (link)
"Oh my," Kikuya breathes and carefully steps back a bit.

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2011-05-02 08:26 pm UTC (link)
Hajime finishes the fight, then waits in a ready stance, guarding the backs of the others, much as he longs to watch Kikuya at work with the calligraphy.

At the breathed exclamation, he finally turns. He touches nothing, but his eyes move over the swords.

"Ah, I see."

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2011-05-03 12:11 am UTC (link)
Grogg seemed almost hypnotized by the sword room.


A hand started to come up, as though with a mind of its own.

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2011-05-03 12:18 am UTC (link)
And Amiko steps in front of him. "Grogg! Don't touch them! Anything but the right one is going to hurt you!" She sighed. "This was clearly Uncle Ken-chan's idea of hiding a book in a library."

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2011-05-03 12:24 am UTC (link)
"Yes, a reasonable minor protection from thieves, I suppose. And perhaps from those who are samurai in name only, perhaps, who cannot tell a blade with a soul from a piece of craftwork... admittedly, not bad craftwork."

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2011-05-03 12:30 am UTC (link)
Amiko nods. "And Jushiro didn't exactly spend a lot of time in the family shrine at home, either." She looks them over. Finally, she carefully threads her way through them and picks up the honor sword.

There's a strange, weary smile. "Now the only thing to do is to get out and get this to my cousins. The right cousins."

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2011-05-03 01:22 am UTC (link)
Asako gulped at the sight of all the swords, staying perfectly still.

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2011-05-03 12:51 pm UTC (link)
Kikuya had stepped back and out of the way once the blades had been revealed. Now she was surveying the area looking for any obstacles to their exit plan.

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2011-05-03 05:44 pm UTC (link)
"We are unlikely to go without interference for too long. Jushiro will figure out you have the sword soon enough."

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2011-05-03 09:15 pm UTC (link)
Grogg goggled. "How you know that right one? They all look the same to Grogg!"

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2011-05-03 09:19 pm UTC (link)
Amiko smiled. "My Lady-Mother gave this sword to my father to carry until it was eventually returned to the family shrine for a time, Grogg. I could not forget it."

And carefully, very carefully, they make their way out. But she knows Hajime's right. She knows Jushiro won't let them get back to the city, to Shiro, without opposition.

"Keep an eye out. Don't let them get the drop on us," she says, though she knows for the msot part it's not needed.

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2011-05-03 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Ryota got his guns out and helped keep watch.

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2011-05-04 02:52 am UTC (link)
Hajime drifts back to the rear of the group, letting Grogg and Ryota lead while he makes sure they aren't ambushed from behind.

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2011-05-05 10:56 am UTC (link)
"Then we must be ready for anything."

Her eyes narrowed a moment as she seemed to notice something just ahead.

"I think we may have greater issues getting out than in. Watch your step. That which is beneath our feet may bring an assault from above."

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2011-05-05 05:05 pm UTC (link)
Grogg's steps were slow and careful, more so than usual, the kind of care he was shown to use when dealing with children or kittens and puppies.

He squinted his tiny eyes. "What you mean?"

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