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ng_divine_ones2 ([info]ng_divine_ones2) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-05-10 17:06:00

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Entry tags:npc - anansi, npc - anu, npc - baiame, npc - hodiak, npc - itzama, npc - izanagi, npc - kane, npc - loki, npc - manitou, npc - osiris, npc - shiva, npc - tame, npc - tezcatlipoca, npc - the dagda, npc - vishnu, npc - zeus

Meeting of the Godheads
Osiris rises from his seat, now that everyone has responded to the invitation. Everyone who received one, at least.

He stamps his staff of office, drawing eyes to him.

"We are aware that there have been significant signs and portents of change coming. We are also aware no one has yet determined the nature of this, unless someone is hiding information from the rest. We also notice that one of our number has not been invited. Anyone care to explain?"

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2011-05-11 01:13 am UTC (link)
"We will also extend trust to the Asgardians, and faith in their wisdom." Izanagi says.

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