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ng_olympian ([info]ng_olympian) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-02 16:47:00

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Entry tags:aridis, asleif, cosmopolitan, eiltin, franklin richards, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - sigurdur, marlow, plot-"eclipsing the son", team - defenders

All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter In!
Between Marlow and Dawn the Defenders had managed to track the shadow demons who had abducted Svalin to the gates of Hades. Countless shades wandered on the shores of the river Acheron. These were the paupers and the friendless, those who did not possess an obolus to pay Charon.

A small boat floated on the dark waters of the river and the cloaked figure of Charon stood in the boat waiting to ferry souls across the river. A skeletal hand clutched a pole and the other was outstretched waiting to receive a fare for crossing.

On the other side of the river stood a large three headed dog and a large two headed dog. Cerebus and Orthus guarded the entrance into Pluto's realm.

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2011-08-03 11:06 pm UTC (link)
Griffen is even less comfortable than Eltin. He is a mortal with no real power, This place makes his cut clench with fear he will never show.

"Can't you just pay the usual fee? A coin means little to us. We need to get to Svalin."

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2011-08-03 11:19 pm UTC (link)
"Hold on, that might work. Music is how Orpheus paid Charon in his descent to the underworld."

And Eiltin was a half-God with an affinity for music. It made sense that his offer of music, especially in bringing up the music of Orpheus, would be enough to pay Charon for his passage.

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2011-08-03 11:26 pm UTC (link)
Vernique is not happy starting a sentence with 'if still live.'

"We've got the money. That's all we need to get you across, but there's another thing the songs of Orpheus are good for. Eiltin, can you please stay with Hal and try to keep the dogs calm and distracted as long as possible?"

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2011-08-04 12:53 am UTC (link)
Sigurdur pays his fare and waits for everyone else to be ready, ready to find the person that took Svalin and consign them to eternity in this place.

Why were the Olympians so damned depressing? He hoped they did not run into Andy here. He was still at home, injured.

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2011-08-04 05:48 am UTC (link)
Halbjorn shoves the pouch at Vernique so she can pay the toll for all of them. He's running out of patience with this.

"None shouldst stay, if they value their lives. Thou wilt all be needed to aid mine sister... but I wilt be of no more use, the first time a fight rears its head."

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2011-08-04 09:29 am UTC (link)
Vernique doesn't like the idea of leaving Hal alone in a fight, but she takes the money, hands it to Charon, and urges everyone into the boat.

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2011-08-04 02:34 pm UTC (link)
Marlow dropped all the coins she still held in Charon's hand, irritated on some level that Halbjorn hadn't spoken up before and saved her the effort of transmuting gold for the boatman.

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2011-08-04 10:42 pm UTC (link)
Dawn paid up as she stepped aboard.

"All right... let's do this."

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2011-08-05 01:33 am UTC (link)
"Aye." Aridis peers at her brother silently.

She fears his death will come too soon but she will not stop this.. He is their best distraction.

"Do thine best brother."

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2011-08-05 01:37 am UTC (link)
"I wilt gain thee entry, and the time thou needst. Save our sister, worry not for me."

He brought up the coins as soon as he noticed the issue. Right now he's having a hard time focusing on anything that doesn't involve a murderous rampage.

Not ideal for potentially delicate situations.

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2011-08-06 02:31 am UTC (link)
Eiltin end up not going with them. There was another lead he wanted to check out anyways. He would be running to Avalon after this.

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