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ng_olympian ([info]ng_olympian) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-08-02 16:47:00

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Entry tags:aridis, asleif, cosmopolitan, eiltin, franklin richards, griffen o'niell, halbjorn, inactive - dawn roberts, inactive - sigurdur, marlow, plot-"eclipsing the son", team - defenders

All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter In!
Between Marlow and Dawn the Defenders had managed to track the shadow demons who had abducted Svalin to the gates of Hades. Countless shades wandered on the shores of the river Acheron. These were the paupers and the friendless, those who did not possess an obolus to pay Charon.

A small boat floated on the dark waters of the river and the cloaked figure of Charon stood in the boat waiting to ferry souls across the river. A skeletal hand clutched a pole and the other was outstretched waiting to receive a fare for crossing.

On the other side of the river stood a large three headed dog and a large two headed dog. Cerebus and Orthus guarded the entrance into Pluto's realm.

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2011-08-11 01:14 am UTC (link)
The demon kept screaming as the blots slammed into him and the screaming got louder when Aridis's sword plunged into him again. The demon was clearly beginning to falter.

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2011-08-11 01:18 am UTC (link)
Damn. First Hal, now Ardis... Asgardians could be freaking scary.

She probably already knew that, but hey, right now, pretty big reminders.

"C'mon..." She said, through gritted teeth, continuing the barrage.

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2011-08-11 01:43 am UTC (link)
Yeah. But they're also good at partying and listening to offer their idea of sage advice.

She draws back and shifts to the left to give Dawn more room and stabs again.

"Give him no quarter," she said flatly.

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2011-08-11 02:11 am UTC (link)
The demon was hit with more blasts and another stab of the sword. He yelled and then went still. A moment later the demon exploded into a million pieces.

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2011-08-11 09:41 pm UTC (link)
"Oh... oh... my God," Dawn said. "He just... he... I... he exploded..."

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