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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-16 22:06:00

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Entry tags:derek woo, mac rider

Family Time for Atlanteans May Include Beatdowns
Well, Derek was really curious as to how things went on the East Coast, and so far all he had seen was interesting. The pizza here was better than it was back home, but the burgers in Cali have the East Coast beat down (although he had yet to try the burger place everyone keeps raving about, the White Castle place). Still, he was about to see the biggest difference of them all: the headquarters of the Avengers.

On his phone he dials Mac. He didn't have the damn codes to get in, after all.

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2011-10-08 01:26 am UTC (link)
And Mac takes it hard, wrapping his arms quickly around Derek for support as he starts to fall.

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2011-10-08 01:28 am UTC (link)
Oh crap! Again! And where Mac is wrapped, it feels like Mac has Dereks neck, which means less air to the brain. So he digs and tries to force Mac off with the headbands imparted power. However, that ground is coming up mighty fast...

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2011-10-08 01:33 am UTC (link)
And they hit it with a Whumph! Mac releases Derek's neck before it becomes something to worry about.

Then he just lies there.

"So.... good game."

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2011-10-08 01:35 am UTC (link)
Owww. His head, it feels like a jackhammer is being pressed on his head by a bull elephant.

"Hell...hell yes."

A few breaths come form the younger man.

"Also, ow."

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2011-10-08 02:03 am UTC (link)
"You need a shower. Or a glass of water, or something."

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2011-10-08 02:26 am UTC (link)
"Can I get all of the above? Preferably with any or all of your female teammates?"

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2011-10-08 02:31 am UTC (link)
"I think all my female teammates have boyfriends, sorry, but we can get you in the showers."

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2011-10-08 02:51 am UTC (link)
"All right. Shower it is, then," Derek says has he starts trying to pull himself up. It was slow going. Very slow.

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2011-10-08 02:52 am UTC (link)
"Take taht hunk of junk off," Mac insists as he helps him up.

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2011-10-08 02:55 am UTC (link)
"What hunk of junk? This here, this is gold," Derek says as he gets the headband off of his head. The headache began to alleviate, but the dull throb was still there.

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