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Anya Antonovna Romanova Stark ([info]anyastark) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-27 21:44:00

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Entry tags:anya stark, bea dayspring, crosshairs, inactive - elodie lebeau, inactive - sarita baker, npc - talia coleridge, team - thunderbolts

Flashback - Formation of the TBolts
It had been a long day of enforcing her lord's will and delivering his justice and Lady Mandarin returned to the base and to her lord. She removed her armor and let the servants take it away. Her arms went out and the two women worked efficiently to remove the clothes she wore. Once she was naked, Lady Mandarin stepped into the hot shower that had been prepared for her.

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2011-10-21 11:40 pm UTC (link)
El firmly buckles herself into one of the seats sputtering, but tossing a grateful look towards Bea.

"That's a bad idea, as in we'd end up on the ground way to close to the place we're running from. And what does coffee have to do with anything?"

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2011-10-22 12:04 am UTC (link)
"Oh, that's right... kinetic wired... so instead of coffee, I'd just have to shoot at you a bunch... wow, foreplay and hot-wiring!" Kelly replies cheerily.

Still, her sister has spoken. She sighs, and looks at Anya. "Ok, Red... everyone is getting all strapped in, which means its time to get you all tied up for the trip. Don't worry, I don't mean anything by it... but there's always second dates for that." she comments idly as she sets to getting Anya suitably bound up and secured into a seat.

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