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Shane Ostrum ([info]lightningbolt) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-02-08 23:46:00

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Entry tags:shane ostrum, tsunami

Crazy Things Happen: Shane/Cait Bodyswitching
Shane was in the kitchen packing up a snack to take with him. He was bored and the weather was pretty nice so he figured he would go outside and do some exploring to check the woods nearby the school. He had not really done that yet but it seemed like it would be some fun.

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2012-02-28 01:39 am UTC (link)
"Works for me," Shane says, "At least one of them has to be up by now." He would bet Mr. Summers had been up for a while at this point.

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2012-02-28 02:21 am UTC (link)
"They're all probably awake already," she said. "I think Uncle Scott gets up early because it's the only time of the day he doesn't have to deal with Rufus."

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2012-02-28 02:31 am UTC (link)
"So then lets go find one of them and start figuring this out."

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2012-02-28 03:12 am UTC (link)
"Lead the way," she said with a sweep of her arm.

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2012-02-29 02:15 am UTC (link)
"OK," Shane says leading the way.

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