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weakerlink ([info]weakerlink) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-17 02:13:00

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Entry tags:hajime, kayura yagyu

Returning home (Meme- Fluff, Meeting Again)
It was supposed to just be a week long trip to a dig site. It was going to help her finish off her degree so she could focus on her other duties full time. And really everything should have gone smoothly! It had. Mostly.

Except she got talked into staying for another week when they stumbled across a big find that was more of Kayura's area of specialty. It was really hard to say no because it was a fantastic example of mid-thirteenth century armor and it had been exciting.

Then she had wrenched her knee badly the day before she had to leave. She had to delay going back because of that. The site medic didn't want her to risk tearing something since they had to hike to and from the dig site. So now it was almost three weeks later and now she is finally back and so happy to just have to wait for the date to graduate more or less.

But boy was this a little embarrassing. Almost two weeks late coming home even though she had sent word explaining everything.

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2012-03-29 01:35 am UTC (link)
"Perhaps." he agrees. "At least enough to keep up appearances until my task is done here." As to his odd relationship with Amiko - he's a samurai. Someone needs to be lord, and as far as he can tell, his family's daimyo's line has long since ended, wheras Amiko does a pretty good job telling them what needs to be done.

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2012-03-29 01:40 am UTC (link)
"You think you may return.... home, one day?" She had never asked. She was never the sort to pry and this did almost feel like prying.

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2012-03-29 01:43 am UTC (link)
He quiets a few moments, as if pondering something very deeply. Then he shakes his head. "I will never return home." he replies with conviction.

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2012-03-29 02:06 am UTC (link)
"Ah." She does not know what to say about that. She decides that nothing is the best thing. She will though admit that statement is slightly worrying but she won't push or pry.

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2012-03-29 02:09 am UTC (link)
He considers her expression a few moments, and seems, if nothing else, resigned to potentially field questions. When none come, he adds, "Even were it possible, I have seen too much. It would endanger that time and this one... and it is not possible in any case. Perhaps for the best."

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2012-03-29 02:28 am UTC (link)
"I wasn't going to push for answers," Kayura points out. "I do not wish to invade your privacy, Sempai."

She tries very hard to be as polite as she can.

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2012-03-29 02:32 am UTC (link)
He nods. "I appreciate that, but I do not consider it an invasion. I am a guest here, and all of you are being very helpful. If you have questions, I will answer them."

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2012-03-29 02:48 am UTC (link)
"I..." She just isn't sure how to put this. "I do not think I should ask anything though, Sempai."

She fiddles with the tea cup looking vaguely embarrassed. "As much as everyone has made me feel welcome on the team I still feel like I.... "

How to say this? "I am still unaccustomed to working with people."

Asking questions would make her feel a bit uncomfortable anyways.

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2012-03-29 02:51 am UTC (link)
He nods. "As you wish. I realize how little I have shared, at times, as I grow more and more aware of how much the world has changed, and how little... people would assume certain things. Regardless, you are a member of the team, and if I can help you feel more comfortable in working with us, I will try to help."

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2012-03-29 03:13 am UTC (link)
She can't help but actually flush. "I'm fine, Sempai."

She thinks she's starting to fit in anyways.

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2012-03-29 03:18 am UTC (link)
"Indeed, you've been doing very well. Perhaps... we should approach Amiko-sama some time about doing something social with the team, however. I realize, I have kept myself very separate from most, other than you, when not working."

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2012-03-29 03:35 am UTC (link)
"I tried a movie night once. I don't recall it working out? I think I dozed off," she admits.

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2012-03-29 04:06 am UTC (link)
"I have been introduced to these movies. I like some of them, but prefer theater still. It has more... soul. Perhaps you would like to see a play with me some time?"

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2012-03-29 04:18 am UTC (link)
"I recall you might have caught Seven Samurai when I was watching it one time?" She thought he had liked it. She had been more interested in the movie at the time.

The invitation is a little out of no where. And it almost sounded like a date. Which it obviously couldn't be. "That would be fun Sempai."

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2012-03-29 04:24 am UTC (link)
He didn't think of it at all like a date. The concept is still a foreign one. Just a potential common interest, and showing her the theater, and seeing if she liked it better than movies. Besides, theater was better with company - so you had someone to discuss the deeper meaning of the play with after the show, over tea.

"Indeed, it was a very good movie."

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2012-03-29 04:33 am UTC (link)
"I need to see if I can find some of my other favorites you might like. I had to put a lot of stuff up in the attic. The dog.... chewed stuff before he was settled properly." She tries to not smile but this next part is slightly amusing.

"He tried to chew his way through a phone book." She's sure he's still a puppy. Just a big one.

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2012-03-29 04:48 am UTC (link)
"If you like, I certainly would not mind. And... yes... the phone book... I am still not entirely sure about these... phones. But Amiko-sama has shown me how to press one key to call her."

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2012-03-29 04:51 am UTC (link)
"Well cell phones are really new still. So are so many of the things we use," she admits thinking back to the cameras that had been on the dig site.

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2012-03-29 04:59 am UTC (link)
"That is what I am told, yes. So much change in such a short time, and still changing so fast. All the harder to get used to."

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2012-03-29 05:04 am UTC (link)
"You'll figure out what you need to," Kayura says with confidence.

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2012-03-29 05:10 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate your confidence. I am sure I will in time. I have very good help."

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2012-03-31 01:53 am UTC (link)
"If you ever have any questions I will also do my best to help you, Sempai." That gets her to smile slightly because she has no problem trying to help.

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2012-03-31 02:06 am UTC (link)
"I appreciate that, and admittedly, there is much I do not know... but a lot of the problem is not knowing the questions."

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2012-03-31 02:34 am UTC (link)
"...That would be a problem," she agrees.

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2012-03-31 02:40 am UTC (link)
"Consistently." he admits. "There is not something totally new every day like there used to be, but it still seems like there is much more I don't know than what I do now."

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(no subject) - [info]weakerlink, 2012-03-31 03:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]get_medieval, 2012-03-31 03:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]weakerlink, 2012-03-31 03:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]get_medieval, 2012-03-31 04:27 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]weakerlink, 2012-03-31 05:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]get_medieval, 2012-03-31 05:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]weakerlink, 2012-04-05 11:16 pm UTC

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