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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-03-26 17:38:00

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Entry tags:grogg, kayura yagyu, plot-"tickle a sleeping dragon", team - big hero 6

The First Attack
It was unwise to wake up a dragon. It was even more unwise to anger a dragon once it woke up. The dragon Fafnir was not pleased that his rest had been disrupted. He was even more unhappy upon discovering so much time had passed since he had done battle against his foes.

He had discovered that there were several other dragons in the cavern he was in and decided to wake them. He would send them one by one out into the world to do as they willed. The youngest of the group woke up first.

It took off to Tokyo. And now is has tipped over several buses and is about to begin an assault on Tokyo tower. A few news cameras are displaying the destruction in the city. The situation could turn even more dangerous very quickly.

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2012-03-26 09:58 pm UTC (link)
"Get there in armor, get an appreciation of the situation, but don't engage any more than necessary until we get there." Amiko rounded up the others.

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2012-03-26 10:05 pm UTC (link)
When Keiji was informed he could scarcely believe. "Did you say a dragon?"

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2012-03-26 10:06 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. Dragons. They happen sometimes."

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2012-03-27 12:56 am UTC (link)
"Dragon related to babies?" Grogg asked.

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2012-03-28 12:15 am UTC (link)
"Dragons... happen sometimes? I suppose so... we should get people there quickly."

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2012-03-28 12:19 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like a different variety, Grogg. This one's violent. And yes, we need to get out there. Kayura will meet us."

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2012-03-28 10:25 pm UTC (link)
Thanks to some assistance from one of the scientists in BH6's support staff, Clockwork had been able to expand its vocabulary by use of audio-sampling.

Which is why American-accented drawling speech comes out of a small speaker attached to its neck.

"Lets ride out and round 'em up."

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2012-03-28 10:42 pm UTC (link)
Kayura will be waiting for the rest of the team. She is trying to not be obvious while in her armor as she watches to see just what the dragon is up to. She has a feeling that they're going to be in for a difficult time.

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2012-03-28 10:47 pm UTC (link)
The dragon roars loudly and throws a now empty bus towards a store front. When it crashes and breaks the window the dragon begins to move more in the direction of Tokyo tower.

Some cops are trying to clear the area not knowing how they should deal with a dragon.

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2012-03-28 10:56 pm UTC (link)
Hajime glances between the people present. "This is a new situation for me, but crowd control is not a strong point. Perhaps a couple people should help the police, while the rest try to draw the dragon to a more open area?"

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2012-03-29 01:12 am UTC (link)
Grogg's face twisted into a scowl. "Grogg going to smash puny dragon!"

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2012-03-29 01:19 am UTC (link)
"A good idea," Amiko agrees. Grogg was actually fairly adept at crowd control, but when it comes to anything vaguely resembling Godzilla, he might be more focused on the fight. "I'm actually the least help in this one for a while. Clockwork, you're with me."

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2012-03-30 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"What should I do, Amiko-san?"

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2012-03-31 01:38 am UTC (link)
"Other side of the crowd, preventing collateral damage... it comes pretty easy in these things," she says darkly, getting out her phone. School was in session, and they knew the drill. The hotline was there for a reason.

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2012-03-31 02:03 am UTC (link)
"A few moments, Amikoa-sama. Get Grogg-san in position in the nearest open region. I will lead the dragon to where it can be fought with less loss of life and damage." he volunteers, taking a few deep breaths and considering the dragon.

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2012-03-31 02:06 am UTC (link)
Amiko nods quickly. "Good call. Let's do it." She nods to Grogg and directs him to a better location.

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2012-03-31 02:07 am UTC (link)
It's about now that Kayura pops up in full armor. She had been helping people before they got here.

She gets the gist of the plan and just simply nods to the group. She's not chatty while in armor.

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2012-03-31 02:09 am UTC (link)
Hajime assesses the territory, and lets the others begin to move, then he darts out forward, combining running, climbing and leaping in something quite akin to parkour borne of mountain exercise and athleticism, trying to get some height and closing in on the dragon to try and get its attention.

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2012-03-31 02:16 am UTC (link)
The dragon had almost gone after a car. People had been trying to get away.

But it sees movement outt of the corner of it's eye and goes after Hajime. He's moving too fast for it to ignore.

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2012-03-31 04:29 am UTC (link)
He could dive for cover, disappear again perhaps, but that would defy the point. He must take the risk, no hesitation, and keep leading it away into a trap.

He races along a rooftop, leaping to another, not daring to slow his stride or assess the plausibility of making a jump or not. He just runs, turning only to make sure its not seeming ready to breathe fire or steam or poison or any of the other things the dragons of the tales exhaled - and to taunt it, making sure it still follows as he races for all he's worth, trying to stay ahead of it a little longer.

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2012-03-31 06:09 pm UTC (link)
Grogg stomped into position and bellow a challenge. In a moment, he would have enough power to grow to giant size.

"Grogg ready!"

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2012-03-31 08:17 pm UTC (link)
Amiko did make the call as they were getting in position, and soon, the music goes out over school loudspeakers across the land.

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2012-04-05 01:57 am UTC (link)
As the dragon moves again, a tree suddenly grows, Clockwork coaxing its growth and bending the shape of it with purpose. It moves to restrain the beast.

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2012-04-08 10:24 pm UTC (link)
The dragon burns burns the tree away. It sees Grogg and does two things.

It roars and then it charges him down.

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2012-04-08 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Hajime has done his primary part, so he ducks out of the way, trying to evade being burned or stepped on until the behemoths collide.

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2012-04-08 10:28 pm UTC (link)
There was a brief glow and a flash of light, and Grogg was returned to Kaiju-size.

He let out another roar and unleashed a blast of atomic fire.

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2012-04-27 01:30 am UTC (link)
Having been asked very politely, a massive murder of crows takes flight, trying to distract the dragon as Clockwork slowly tries to reach it. Mystical creatures are more difficult for it to empathize with.

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2012-05-11 12:53 am UTC (link)
The crows will get swatted at with the dragon's tail. The dragon is hitr directly by Grogg's fire. It stumbles then blasts a jet of fire right back at Grogg.

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