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under_the_skin ([info]under_the_skin) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-07-16 14:42:00

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Entry tags:tsunami, vlad rasputin

Mini Golf (minus the destruction of Manors)

Vlad looks into the mouth of the dragon and steels himself for the confrontation. He'd fought bigger opponents before, this would be nothing. No dragon would come between him and his goal. 
Taking a moment to aim, with a mighty swing he lets his shot fly straight into the beast's mouth. And out the other side, where it sped past the hole and bounced against one boundary, then another and another until it finally lost momentum and came to a stop.
As far from the hole as it could be it seems.
"..." Yeah, he'd put way too much power into it again.

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2012-07-18 12:44 am UTC (link)
Cait smiled when she saw him catch snowflakes with his tongue. She did the exact same thing.

"Now I'm going to beat you." She stepped up to the ball and with a light tap she knocked it into the hole.

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2012-07-18 12:51 am UTC (link)
He laughs, "You distracted me!" Although it would have made no difference anyway. Shockingly he gets his ball in with the next two shots. Which for him was a milestone.

"Will it be icecream in the snow?"

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2012-07-18 05:00 pm UTC (link)
"If you want to buy me ice cream in the snow." Cait smirked and grabbed her ball to move to the next hole.

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2012-07-18 05:06 pm UTC (link)
"At this rate it seems likely. You provide the snow though." He follows her along to the next hole which had the classic windmill, completely unaware if they've been getting any funny looks for their antics on the last hole.

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2012-07-18 06:16 pm UTC (link)
"That won't be a problem since it's so humid. I can feel the water in the air."

Cait lined up her shot and hit the ball toward the hole in the upper part. The slope of the green put the ball in the hole and it went down to the lower part. It stopped three feet away from the hole.

"Your turn."

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2012-07-18 06:23 pm UTC (link)
With a final spin of his club, Vlad lines up his shot and has a thought, "Hey, do you think I could get it over the windmill? Lob it over or something? There should be extra points for that." Sure, he knew she'd be beating him at this but there was no reason not to make it fun.

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2012-07-18 07:27 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, but I think we'd be kicked out," she said. "Let's not do that if possible."

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2012-07-18 07:41 pm UTC (link)
"Alright, they do have weird rules after all." His shot did get the ball past the windmill, just not as close to the hole since he'd put a tad bit too much power which had the ball bouncing off the edges. "It's no annual snowball fight but powered mini golf would be interesting."

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2012-07-18 07:43 pm UTC (link)
"I dunno. I'd hate to see what some people do."

Cait took her next shot and got it a little closer to the hole, but not in.

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2012-07-18 07:53 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, people get real competitive pretty much every time," he says then sighs as his next shot doesn't really improve his situation. "You're seriously going to need to teach me how to do this properly. I kinda suck."

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2012-07-18 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Want a lesson right now?" she asked. She brought her club up and rested it over her shoulder.

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2012-07-18 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"That'd be great. Teach me oh wise water sprite. I'll get you two scoops of icecream in return."

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2012-07-18 11:51 pm UTC (link)
Cait went to stand behind Vlad and put her arms around him. It was an amusing sight because she was so much shorter than he was.

"I know you're going to laugh at this, but just line it up and tap it. Tap it toward the hole straight on with the putter."

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2012-07-19 12:02 am UTC (link)
Vlad laughs but he really doesn't mind this. "You know, usually the positions are reversed," he jokes but follows her instructions as best he can. The ball rolls toward the hole and comes to a stop two inches away.

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2012-07-19 12:33 am UTC (link)
"I know," she said and her cheeks turned red. Thankfully she was standing behind him and he couldn't see. "Good shot."

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2012-07-19 12:44 am UTC (link)
He smiles at her over his shoulder, "Thanks. But it didn't quite go in. Does that warrant another lesson or am I out to sea on my own?"

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2012-07-19 02:22 pm UTC (link)
"I suppose I can give you another lesson. Next hole though. You should be able to get this in. It's only a few inches."

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2012-07-19 02:30 pm UTC (link)
"I'll try not to disappoint," he says as he very carefully lines up his next shot, really not wanting to miss so badly after she'd helped him. When he does get it in he shoots her a victorious grin. This was much better than the first hole.

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2012-07-19 03:35 pm UTC (link)
"Wooo!" she said and clapped. "You may have a chance at beating me." Cait took her shot and missed. On the third shot she got it in. "On to the next hole!"

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2012-07-19 03:40 pm UTC (link)
He laughed and bowed at the clapping. "Nah, that was just barely making up for my failing at the first hole." Taking his club off his shoulder he dramatically points it to the next hole. "Onward!"

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2012-07-19 04:01 pm UTC (link)
Cait laughed and followed him to the next hole. "This one looks tough." It was a small stream cutting across the green and there was a narrow bridge that one had to hit the ball across.

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2012-07-19 04:22 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, I'm going to have issues here." At least he knew that if his ball fell in it wouldn't be a big problem getting it back with her around. "Ladies first," he smiles as he steps aside to let her take the first shot.

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2012-07-19 08:51 pm UTC (link)
Cait smiled and stepped up to take her shot. The ball missed the bridge and went into the drink. For about two seconds when it popped back up onto the green.

"Your turn," she grinned.

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2012-07-20 12:00 am UTC (link)
"You're a miraculous golf player," he teased once the ball popped back out.

"Happy place time." Instead of opting to go for the bridge, he figured if she missed it he would too, Vlad takes a swing and gives the ball a good whack. It sails over the stream, the bridge...and the hole. When it finally lands it's about as far from the hole as it started, just on the opposite side. "Well...I got it over the river," he smiles.

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2012-07-20 12:04 am UTC (link)
Cait laughed and turned a little red. "Better than I did. Just not so much power. I know it's hard with all those strong muscles."

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(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-20 12:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-20 03:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-21 01:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-21 07:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-21 09:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 09:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 01:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 10:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 10:52 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-22 11:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-22 11:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 04:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-23 07:36 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 07:57 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-23 08:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-23 11:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-24 12:07 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-24 09:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-24 11:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 09:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 10:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 10:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 10:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 11:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 11:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-25 11:25 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-25 11:28 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-26 03:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-27 12:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 09:33 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 09:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 11:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 11:26 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 11:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-28 11:39 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-28 11:53 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 12:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 12:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 12:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 03:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 03:34 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 04:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 04:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 05:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 05:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:14 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:18 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 06:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 06:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 08:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 09:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 09:48 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 09:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 10:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 10:09 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 10:32 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-29 10:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-29 11:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 12:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 12:26 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 05:31 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 09:38 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2012-07-30 09:54 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2012-07-30 10:25 pm UTC

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