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nextgen_adult ([info]nextgen_adult) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-17 20:05:00

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Entry tags:alice dugan, brad hill, emmeline wagner, jack murdock, jack power, kalypso, nicolai sablinova, npc - captain america, npc team - hydra, npc team - skeleton crew, plot-"eve of destruction", sammy fury, team - avengers

All the armies all the missiles All the symbols of your fear
Captain America, symbol of freedom and hero, had long fought terrorists such as Hydra, AIM and such groups as the Skeleton Crew. Today it was different. Today Captain America led a small group of Hydra soldiers into a missile silo in the mid-west. They quickly overcame the security forces stationed there and reached the control room. It wasn't long before the Hydra agents hacked into the computers and started the launch sequence. In a few moments the missile would launch and strike targets in Russia. The retaliation strikes from Russia would take care of targets in the United States.

It wasn't the only damage done by the symbol of America. He gave the Skeleton Crew and other hydra teams the blueprints and locations of other missile silos across the United States. They easily broke into the bases and started the launch sequences.

The world was on the brink of World War III and no one knew it.

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2012-11-21 05:35 pm UTC (link)
Nope, no glass jaw here. Aleks rolls with the throw, righting himself in the air, landing, and leaping right back, Hulk-style, swinging a fist downward.

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2012-11-21 07:03 pm UTC (link)
He lifts one arm to block the downward blow before catching the hero in a tight hug. With his falling momentum, a belly-to-back suplex was easy and Gabor drops backward to the ground with a hard thud.

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2012-11-21 07:48 pm UTC (link)
Aleks has been caught off guard by the guy's skill a couple times. This time, he's ready - and has some tricks of his own. This guy wants to go WWE on him? Ok.

He shifts his weight with the momentum of the suplex, keeps hold of an arm, and while he'll hit, he turns the move into an arm drag.

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2012-11-22 12:45 am UTC (link)
Gabor rolls as he's dragged but curls his arm against the green haired man's strength to bring him close and hit him with an elbow as they roll around on the ground.

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2012-11-22 03:54 am UTC (link)
Aleks is, for the thousandth time, grateful for regeneration, even if its a lot slower than some - the teeth he spits out from the elbow will grow back.

He responds with a headbutt, aiming his forehead at the man's face, continuing to grapple.

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2012-11-22 11:56 pm UTC (link)
Gabor steps back, that was actually a very good headbutt. This hero has strength. He smiles and head butts back to not be top. If his vision's going to go fuzzy he might as well make it worth it.

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2012-11-27 02:20 am UTC (link)
Their skulls crack together, sending Aleks staggering, but not falling. He shakes it off as best he can, stands up straight again, and gives the guy a 'bring it on' gesture.

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2012-11-27 02:31 am UTC (link)
Bold little hero. He indulges the foolish behaviour and comes in, on guard for any feints or sneak moves the man could have before he can get the green haired man in a crushing hug.

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2012-11-27 02:41 am UTC (link)
The guy is obviously on guard, braced, watching for any trickery - so Aleks does just the opposite, ducking down and swinging hard for the guy's gut as he comes in, trying to double him over enough to set him up for an uppercut before he can lock the bear hug in.

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2012-11-27 01:22 pm UTC (link)
Gabor stumbles back a step when the force of the blow knocks his head back and he swings out with a blind haymaker to make up for his mistake.

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2012-11-27 07:45 pm UTC (link)
Aleks ducks his head back. Not in time to save himself from a broken nose anyway, but enough to roll with the worst of it.

He turns with the force of the blow, coming back around with momentum and a backhand.

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2012-11-28 07:58 pm UTC (link)
The satisfactory feel of crushing cartilage is cut short when the hit down't level the hero. Gabor gets a backhand to the jaw and rolls it to test it, swinging a punch into the green man's gut. He needs to end this quickly and not be so concerned about technique points.

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2012-11-28 08:11 pm UTC (link)
This guy is stronger than Aleks, of that, he's sure. He's also trained enough to keep up with a SHIELD trained specialist. Those punches are definitely applying more hurt than his healing factor can keep up with, and the punch sends him reeling back, trying to find some oxygen content amidst spitting blood.

But this is a nuclear matter. Millions could die if they don't stop these people. He spits green-tinged blood, and finds his air, glaring at the man, and allowing himself to feel the pain, for once, not blocking it off as best he can. He needs to win this fight, hold this ground, buy Sammy more time.

Sucking in a breath, he meets the man's gaze, and speaks through clenched teeth.

"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

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2012-11-28 08:43 pm UTC (link)
Gabor recoils slightly, roughed up expression shifting to lidded disappointment. Really? Borrowing other's catchphrases? His respect for his opponent just dropped. He rolls his shoulders, because he doesn't need to get angry, and drives at the hero.

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2012-11-28 08:48 pm UTC (link)
There is, of course, a reason for that. The catchphrase is there for a good reason when it comes to gamma. A little less aware of anything but what's before him, but feeling the adrenaline rush, Aleks comes right back at him, taking the punches, feeling the pain, the bruises, the cracked bones, and giving right back without any attempt at subtlety or feinting, just raw strength, speed and ferocity.

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2012-11-28 09:18 pm UTC (link)
It's about then that Gabor realizes how true his first analysis of the hero was and how much he underestimated his abilities. Even with all of his strength and experience, he can sense the shift of the fight leaving him. But he can't run off (to where?) and a fighter doesn't retreat ever, he's stuck with digging in and holding out against the onslaught. And he is losing, he can tell, the hero just gets stronger and faster with each hit.

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2012-11-28 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Aleks' skin has taken on a greenish hue, faint, but noticeable, and his hair has gotten darker, and seemingly longer as well. There's more force, more speed - the injuries are visible - but he's fighting through them right now, forcing Gabor back - but clearly losing some of his situational awareness in the process.

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2012-11-28 09:55 pm UTC (link)
Gabor isn't going to win this, but the hero isn't going to have his victory cheaply either. Finally, pinned to the fencing and unable to block or retaliate, he gets pummeled until he falls over into the dirt.

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2012-11-28 10:00 pm UTC (link)
It costs him. The wounds will heal, but it will take time. But more importantly to Aleks, anyway, all of the tightly restrained anger was let loose. His usual discipline compromised, setting back a lot of work. Had the situation been any less dire, it wouldn't have happened - but he knows his limits now.

Or he will, when he comes more back to himself. Right now, the limits of his control is venting by smashing the landscape and surroundings instead of the base itself.

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