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Jean-Louise Reece ([info]notafailure) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-11-17 21:17:00

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Entry tags:alex quill, azura/abel, jean-louise reece, kree deviants, lady devil, npcs - kree deviants, rocket red panda, team - guardians of the galaxy

The Costs of Doing Business
 After her previous run was ruined, Jean-Louise was relieved to finally be on the Kree border sorting out oatmeal orders.  Just one little outpost now, but give her time.  She was giving the senior officers a sample of the new milkshake-like beer recipe she'd learned when she found herself looking out the window.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-03 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Iason comes right at the biggest looking foe quick and hard, trying to close the gap to melee range and take advantage while he's got his hands full of big guns.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-03 06:50 pm UTC (link)
Morg-Dox turned to see Iason coming. He brought his guns to bear, but Iason rammed into him. The guns are dropped, Morg-Dox dug his feet into the ground, loads of dirt being kicked up by the effort.

"What are you, pink-skin?"

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-03 07:21 pm UTC (link)
"I am Iason of the Olympian Eternals, as well as with the Guardians. You have one chance to surrender and leave."

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-04 06:17 pm UTC (link)
His singular seemed to glow in proportion to his rage. "AN Eternal!? " ANd that's when a beam of pure energy shot from the eye.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-04 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Iason slams back into, then through a wall, a little surprised by the sheer punch of the blast - and the reaction to hearing the name of his race.

He levitates back to his feet, firing concussive blasts back through the Iason-shaped hole.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-04 10:40 pm UTC (link)
Morg-Dox had been about to charge at the fallen Iason, but was halted by the concussive blasts.

"I will be the first of my people to slay one of you wretches in millennia!" He removes another massive gun from his back. This one sends unleashes a burst of blue flame-like power.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-05 05:30 am UTC (link)
Iason focuses, absorbing all of the heat he can, sapping some of its power, and redirects it as a wave of intense heat.

"Why would you want to do that?"

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-05 10:29 pm UTC (link)
The Deviant's armor and hide seemed to resist the heat, though he was clearly uncomfortable

"Telling you would mean nothing!" He grows frustrated, then overcharges the gun to maximum and then flings it at Iason, using the weapon as a makeshift bomb.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-05 11:30 pm UTC (link)
The blasts were already painful enough - he's sure this will be worse. He can't avoid it, and if the explosion is as bad as he thinks, it may hurt a lot of others, so he does the best thing he can - fires a blast of concussive energy at it to try and detonate it between them, so at least his foe will get hit as badly as he does, and absorb what he can to try and limit the damage to a smaller area.

Either way, the detonation sends him crashing through walls.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-06 07:05 pm UTC (link)
At first Morg-Dox grinned in triumph, but then his single eye widened in horror as he realized too late the implications. Iason's premature detonation of the gun sent the Deviant giant flying the opposite direction.

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Re: vs Morg-Dox
2012-12-08 04:55 pm UTC (link)
Morg-Dox groaned, but was getting back to his feet when Kay-Len's ceasefire sounded across the planet. A frustrated roar rang out, but he did not defy the order.

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