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_tsunami_ ([info]_tsunami_) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-09 22:22:00

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Entry tags:etoile lebeau, fred mccoy, misha loganovich, tsunami, vlad rasputin

Deck The Halls (open for others for mistletoe meme)
Cait loved the holidays whether it was Saturnalia or Christmas. Both meant decorating and a lot of great food. Today was the start of decorating the mansion. Boxes upon boxes of decorations had been hauled out of storage and placed in the rec room. Thankfully Aunt Jean was a little anal retentive about labeling everything and putting everything back where it was supposed to go, so it saved having to dig through the boxes to find anything.

Cait opened a box and found a sprig, fake of course, of mistletoe laying on the top. Looks like that was going to be the first thing to be put up. She hanged it in the doorway of the rec room that led to the hallway. It was one of the most used doors in the mansion.

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2012-12-12 12:25 am UTC (link)
"I see. ..still seems a curious pastime to me."

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2012-12-12 12:28 am UTC (link)
"It's not really a pastime, but more of a once a year thing to do." Cait shrugged. "Besides, it's better than doing the normal chores around here."

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2012-12-12 12:37 am UTC (link)
Fred doesn't comment that that at least would be doing something productive. He's certain Sasha would have scolded him for such thoughts. Sylvie likely would too.

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2012-12-12 12:48 am UTC (link)
Cait hummed happily while she decorated the tree. She looked over at Fred every once in awhile.

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2012-12-12 01:16 am UTC (link)
Fred notes this. "Did you have a question, Cait?"

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2012-12-12 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Nope," she said and smiled at him. "Just doing some decorating."

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