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_tsunami_ ([info]_tsunami_) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-09 22:22:00

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Entry tags:etoile lebeau, fred mccoy, misha loganovich, tsunami, vlad rasputin

Deck The Halls (open for others for mistletoe meme)
Cait loved the holidays whether it was Saturnalia or Christmas. Both meant decorating and a lot of great food. Today was the start of decorating the mansion. Boxes upon boxes of decorations had been hauled out of storage and placed in the rec room. Thankfully Aunt Jean was a little anal retentive about labeling everything and putting everything back where it was supposed to go, so it saved having to dig through the boxes to find anything.

Cait opened a box and found a sprig, fake of course, of mistletoe laying on the top. Looks like that was going to be the first thing to be put up. She hanged it in the doorway of the rec room that led to the hallway. It was one of the most used doors in the mansion.

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2012-12-12 08:21 pm UTC (link)
"Misha..nice to meet you too. Oh..really?" She was kind of surprised to hear that. She didn't think her sudden arrival would be considered gossip. Then again she did show up almost half dead.

She laughed lightly and slowly pulled her hand back."Well, thannks again for the chocolate. It was really nice of you. I'll try and give you something back for the nice gesture." She nods her head and offers a warm smile to him.

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2012-12-13 04:32 am UTC (link)
"No need. It's Christmas. Just enjoy yourself. If there's anything I can do, let me know. Or call my cell phone and talk to Darlene. She knows everything and where to find it."

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2012-12-13 05:15 am UTC (link)
Etoile nods her head and smiles lightly."Thank you.." She nods her head a little."Again..thanks. Wait, I don't have a cell phone. I could send you an email, just tell me your email." She note of the other name.

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2012-12-13 03:48 pm UTC (link)
"It's misha@xavier.edu. Darlene reads all my email, too. Don't be surprised if she calls you when the admin sets you up with a cell."

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2012-12-13 04:05 pm UTC (link)
Etoile nods and stores the email given. She thought for a moment and realized Darlene isn't an actual person. She analyzed everything Misha had been saying about Darlene and realized it could be something similar to her.

"Darlene..I take it she is an AI?" Her cyberpathy powers aren't as strong as her mothers, she's been slowly working on them as of lately.

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2012-12-13 04:48 pm UTC (link)
"She's the AI in my car. My sister is a coding genius and thought I needed someone to nag me. Darlene has access to everything."

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2012-12-13 05:16 pm UTC (link)
"Really? That's pretty amazing. I'll have meet your sister and Darlene." She smiled. She enjoyed meeting other people who were tech savvy. Her brother was more of the techy, then she was. When she puts her mind to it, she can easily do coding, development and troubleshooting with devices and operating systems.

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2012-12-13 05:25 pm UTC (link)
"Anya doesn't live here. She's in Boston in school. I'm the mutant, she's the genius. You've probably heard of her, Anya Stark. Next time she's down for a visit, I'll introduce you. Darlene is out in the garages, and willing to talk to anybody who comes near her if she can't reach them on a phone. I suspect she's carrying on with some tech heads in Pasadena."

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2012-12-13 08:09 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, I see. Yes, I have." She remembered reading her file, but she won't mention that."That would be nice. I would love to see how your sister developed the AI in your car." She smiled.

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2012-12-14 05:35 am UTC (link)
That was just odd enough to make him wonder. Etoile didn't recognize the Stark name. Stark, yes. /Stark/? Not really. He knew the look when he saw it. She didn't have it.

"One word of caution. No matter what she says, do not let Darlene talk you into going to Jared's. "

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2012-12-17 04:44 am UTC (link)
Etoile knew about Stark..she just wasn't going to make it known to him, about her knowledge. It was her responsibility to know who certain important people were in the world. Plenty of times Stark's name popped up during her missions.

"Jared's? What's wrong with going to Jared's?" She asked curiously.

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2012-12-18 07:49 am UTC (link)
"Nothing if it's not your credit card she's shopping on."

Yes, his car shops. A lot. She likes sparkly things.

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