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nextgen_holiday ([info]nextgen_holiday) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-12-21 19:51:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, angelo bennet, anya stark, asleif, ben parker, ben storm, buck rogers, charlotte lehnsherr, cosmopolitan, eric phillips, jenny woolverton, joanna ketch, jordan bochs, joshua hoskins, kael, korra frost-mckenzie, marlow, mason jeffries, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, nimue smallwood, perenawska, ryan spector, sammy fury, sunny saldano, sydney ashcroft, tim dugan, toni rhodes, tsunami, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

Maria Stark Foundation Winter Charity Ball

You are cordially invited to attend the 28th annual Maria Stark Foundation's Winter Charity event.

Four Seasons Hotel
57 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10022

Friday 21st of September
Seven O'clock pm - Midnight

Formal dress required.

Please bring a donation for Toys for Tots.

The grand ballroom of the Four Seasons Hotel on 57 East 57th street was festively decorated for the holidays. A series of lit candles on every table gave off warm light and the dulcet tones of a jazz ensemble filled the room.

People, the upper elite of New York society, Hollywood celebrities, musicians, politicians and even superheroes moved around the room. People sat at tables and talked, while some moved gracefully around the large dance floor.

Tables loaded with unwrapped and unopened toys lined one wall and at one end stood a very large decorated Christmas tree. Wrapped presents sat under the tree, but they were just empty boxes wrapped for decoration. Mistletoe hung from the ceiling near the tree and people stopped to kiss.

The air was light and the mood happy and festive.

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2012-12-24 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Good, I'll have plenty of reasons then."

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2012-12-24 02:24 am UTC (link)
"I like the sound of that."

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2012-12-24 02:29 am UTC (link)
"You and me both," he smiled and tucked the mistletoe into his jacket pocket to act as a festive pocket square.

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2012-12-24 02:45 am UTC (link)
"Shall we get a drink? I could use some liquid."

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2012-12-24 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Sounds like a plan," Vlad smiled as they stepped off the dance floor and he offered his arm.

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2012-12-24 03:02 am UTC (link)
"I survived a driving lesson with Rufus. It didn't go badly." Cait smiled at people as they passed. She recognized a few celebrities and other famous people. The Starks sure drew crowds of who's who.

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2012-12-24 03:11 am UTC (link)
"You went driving with Rufus?! And you didn't do your last goodbyes? You sure live on the edge Ms. Drake." Joking aside, driving with Rufus was a dangerous gamble, though she had a better chance than most at coming out without much damage. "Hope nothing too bad happened."

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2012-12-24 03:13 am UTC (link)
"I did and survived to tell the tale," she said. "It went really well. He listened to what I told him and he drove like a sane person. It was surreal."

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2012-12-24 03:25 am UTC (link)
"I think I'll need to get you a medal for the accomplishment," he responds. "Are we sure this is the real Rufus though? Not switched out? But glad to hear he did, you keep him in line well. Any plans to go again?"

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2012-12-24 12:32 pm UTC (link)
"As far as I know he's not a pod person." Cait nodded. "Yes. I think he has be taking him just about everyday. Apparently I'm the only one brave enough. Even Uncle Logan said no."

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2012-12-24 04:59 pm UTC (link)
"Never hurts to check," Vlad chuckles. "You're also the only one he seems to listen to at all around here. I mean when Uncle Logan opts out..."

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2012-12-25 10:36 pm UTC (link)
"That's because I can threaten him with the Wrath of Mom." It was a great trump card and Cait used it sparingly.

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2013-01-02 02:03 am UTC (link)
"Ouch, those be the big guns there," he cringed but smiled. "Well you know if you ever need a hand you can call me." Which, hopefully, wouldn't be needed. Better though to have someone who could pick up a car if needed though.

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2013-01-02 02:18 am UTC (link)
Cait kissed him. "Thank you. I appreciate the offer and will probably need to take you up on it one day."

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2013-01-02 02:27 am UTC (link)
She gets a big smile for the kiss and he shakes his head. "I hope you don't need to use it. Though I'm a cheap towing service, I promise you won't get charged. Rufus might get charged prank free days but, you know, not everything's free," Vlad jokes.

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2013-01-02 02:31 am UTC (link)
"You and me both," Cait said. "I'll gladly pay in baked goods and kisses."

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2013-01-02 02:35 am UTC (link)
"...Is it too late to take that thing about not charging you back? I think I'm regretting it already."

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2013-01-02 04:12 am UTC (link)
Cait grinned. "Not at all."

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2013-01-02 04:30 am UTC (link)
"Well then," he says and puts on a mock dignified expression, "I think, in the interests of staying professional of course, I should charge you for towing services after all, as much as it pains me to say so."

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2013-01-02 05:21 pm UTC (link)
Cait laughed. "Okay. Payment for each towing will be made in baked goods and kisses."

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2013-01-02 06:13 pm UTC (link)
"I'll do my best to be fair and not overcharge you," Vlad says solemnly before breaking into a grin.

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2013-01-02 06:37 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think I would mind being overcharged." Cait smiled up at him. "Not in the least."

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2013-01-02 07:17 pm UTC (link)
"In that case, may I interest you in an exclusive membership offer? I promise only one lucky customer gets it," he laughs and tries his best salesperson voice. Fancy parties were no reason not to be a little silly.

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2013-01-02 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"Sign me up!" she said with a large smile. They moved effortlessly across the dance floor and not once did he step on her toes.

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2013-01-02 11:55 pm UTC (link)
"Already on the list!" Not stepping on her toes was something he was very proud of though near the end of the song he does playfully smirk and tap his shoe lightly on her toe. "Whoops. Guess later I need to carry you wherever you demand and kiss you better. Should've been more careful there. And I was doing so well too."

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(no subject) - [info]_tsunami_, 2013-01-03 10:39 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]under_the_skin, 2013-01-03 11:32 pm UTC

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