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nextgen_misc ([info]nextgen_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-02 18:33:00

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Entry tags:aleron maximoff, alex bowmaster, alice dugan, andrew summers, anya stark, brad hill, bram harker, buck rogers, emmeline wagner, eric phillips, franklin richards, gabriel worthington, giovanna bennet, gregory price, jack murdock, jenny woolverton, jordan bochs, kalypso, lyta worthington, marlow, martin baum, misha loganovich, nicolai sablinova, perenawska, plot-"eve of destruction", rita dermont, ryan spector, sammy fury, shane ostrum, svalin, team - alpha flight, team - avengers, team - big hero 6, team - champions, team - defenders, team - future foundation, team - genoshans, team - nightstalkers, team - shield, team - x-men, tyler morbius, valeria richards, vincent vernard, vlad rasputin

A Gathering of Heroes
Once the Champions returned to their headquarters and destroyed the Quantum Mirror returning all the heroes to normal. Once that was done they called a meeting of the superhero teams. Irina transported the Champions to the Avengers Mansion and volunteered to provide transportation for the other teams.

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Re: Piercing the Veil
2013-01-10 06:51 pm UTC (link)
It takes some consideration, and a great many runes being marked out in a circle, but Vincent is eventually satisfied with a configuration. With Lucas and Strange's apprentices keeping things secure, he positions himself, Asleif, and Akilah at the center of the array. Akilah was an excellent generalist, and Asleif's power (both in source and application) would be the most compatible with his own. He seats himself at the center of the array and begins focusing.

Divination is tricky, even when you've got a Skyfather (albeit a sleeping one) backing you up. Blocking against scrying or tracking spells is just common sense, but his work in the sciences has granted Vincent an uncommon sense of perspective. Along with reaching out in the standard three physical dimensions to locate their quarry, the channeling reaches out in the fourth and fifth as well. Tracking it through time allows them to pinpoint it's path if it is blocked in the present, and get a general shape of where it may be going. Tracking it across reality proofs the channeling's effectiveness against the target having been changed in any severe way from their general understanding of it.

The power of the array begins to thrum, in time with Vincent's own pulse, as he starts connecting himself and his energy to those he is working with. While not as potent or as easily recognized as the Odinforce, mortals have their own spark, the soul's own version of a pulse, and all those present begin to fall into step with it, as the spell builds up energy, preparing to release it in what would probably be compared to a massive burst of magical sonar, followed by a homing missile.

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