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fullmoonfever ([info]fullmoonfever) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-06 21:03:00

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Entry tags:gregory price, nicholas salem

On The Hunt (Open to Nick)
New Orleans. Not one of Greg's favorite cities. It was usually too warm, too humid and the smells were almost overwhelming. If he could have avoided it he would have, but his prey had come to this cesspool and Greg had no choice but to follow.

A vampire had left a trail of corpses in Seattle and Greg had gotten close. The vampire fled and Greg had tracked him to New Orleans following the corpses the vampire left in his wake.

Greg stood outside the club he had seen the vampire enter earlier and waited for him to come back out.

Unknown to Greg, someone watched him and had set a trap for Greg to walk into.

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2013-01-12 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Long way to run. Bad place to run to."

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2013-01-12 01:09 am UTC (link)
Greg shrugged. "Can't be any worse than other places out there." A pause. "Can it?"

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2013-01-12 01:16 am UTC (link)
"He has to go to ground eventually. And then I'll find him."

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2013-01-12 01:23 am UTC (link)
Greg didn't want to let this go, but he really didn't want to hang around New Orleans and so close to a Ghost Rider. His uncle told him about Ghost Riders.

Greg nodded. "He's all yours."

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2013-01-12 01:48 am UTC (link)
The Rider spends a few moments just looking back. Of course the vampire is his. When a hunt begins, it will always end. Typically the same way.

There's certainly no expression of thanks. But he can offer at least one assurance, for what its worth.

"He will pay for his sins."

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2013-01-12 02:04 am UTC (link)
"As he should," Greg said as he went back into the club. His clothes were by the front door after all.

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2013-01-12 02:17 am UTC (link)
The Rider leaves it at that, revving the bike, and heading in the direction the vampire disappeared in, hoping to pick the trail back up.

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