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Etoile Gabrielle LeBeau ([info]aceofhearts) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-01-28 23:30:00

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Entry tags:etoile lebeau, nicholas salem

Luxury Resort Time!
Etoile planned a trip with a few friends to luxury resort to Bora Bora. Suddenly her friends backed out due to personal reasons. Etoile wasn't going to let this stop her from going on a much needed vacation. She packed up what is needed for her trip and took a very long plane ride and soon a boat ride to get to the main island. This island would have one of the best luxury resorts.

She suffered from a bit of jet lag, immediately she after getting set up in her little hut. She slept a good day, a very much needed rest. Etoile freshened up, slipping into one of her many bikini's, pulling on a pair of short-shorts and a tank top. Today would be the day for her to get her munch and sunshine on.

This place is pure heaven right now. She is glade she came here, even if she is alone.

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2013-02-05 07:38 pm UTC (link)
Etoile smiles at him."Whenever you have time, try to have a mini vacation. I'm sure you can go to any place you want for a few days and enjoy the food, culture and ladies." She teases. Etoile eats more of her burger, soon starts to work on her fries.

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2013-02-05 07:40 pm UTC (link)
He nods. "Most of the time, after big hunts or a lot of smaller ones, I get out on the open road. Head into Texas for the big outdoor music festivals or BBQs, or up through the midwest and into the Dakotas for a few days in the Badlands or Sturgis. Not that heavy on culture, but gets my head right."

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2013-02-05 07:42 pm UTC (link)
"That's good. I think I need to do this more often as well. Whenever humanity doesn't need saving, I can go on a mini vacation. Right now...this is heaven." She said with a grin.

"The company is great, too. Glad you chased someone into Bora Bora."

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2013-02-05 07:50 pm UTC (link)
"Me too. Don't suppose you like motorcycles, country-rock and BBQ? If you do, we can hit the road sometime if you don't mind riding bitch."

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2013-02-06 12:30 pm UTC (link)
"I'm Cajun...of course I like those! That would be great." Etoile said with a wide grin.

She blinked at him...riding bitch? Was he calling her a bitch or is it a term for a woman riding in the back of a motorcycle? She stared at him for awhile, trying to come to terms with his last statement.

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2013-02-06 04:21 pm UTC (link)
He spends a few moments trying to figure out why she's looking at him like that, then figures it out, trying to explain.

"Standard term for whoever is on a bike but not driving. Male, female, whatever. Biker slang, sorry."

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2013-02-07 03:03 am UTC (link)
"Ohhh! Okay." Etoile replies nodding her head."Roger that." She said, finishing off her burger and soon works on her fries and milkshake.

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2013-02-07 04:22 am UTC (link)
He's back and forth between burger and fries, seeming to find it all excellent.

"Alright, so when we're back from vacation, at some point, we take a vacation. I'll take you on a ride through Texas."

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2013-02-07 04:03 pm UTC (link)
"That sounds good!" Etoile said smiling at him. She watched him for a bit, and she gives off a cute evil grin. Etoile leans back in her chair and stretches out her arms. Without warning she sends a wave of plashes at him.

Getting back at him for cheating or maybe this was for fun. She'd went with both.
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2013-02-07 04:10 pm UTC (link)
He brings an arm up to guard from the splash, grinning at her. "You got my fries wet. You realize, of course, this calls for revenge!"

He splashes her back.

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2013-02-08 01:06 pm UTC (link)
"That I did...whatchu gonna--" Before she could even finish her sentence, he splashed her right back. Her fires were wet and her milkshake would be no more. He certainly did get his revenge.

"Oh yeah!" Etoile quickly moves away from the table, and continues her onslaught of splashes at him, this time they were more bigger..

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2013-02-08 03:00 pm UTC (link)
"Just remember you started this!" he shouts, before heading towards her, splashing as he goes.

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2013-02-11 01:01 pm UTC (link)
Etoile knew all to well that she started it. She kept on splashing him as she kept on going. Soon, she ducks down into the water to avoid is one huge splash. Etoile surfaces, she had swam a few feet away from him. Etoile grinned at him brightly.

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2013-02-11 05:06 pm UTC (link)
When she ducks under, he lunges forward, trying to close some of the gap, then dives towards her, trying to get within reach.

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2013-02-13 06:33 pm UTC (link)
When she went under, she wasn't sure what he was doing. She finally re-surfaced to catch her breath. She glanced around to see where he went to."Oh no..." She said, she knew she was going to get attack from somewhere."Eeeek!" She tried to swim away from his watery attack!

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2013-02-13 09:39 pm UTC (link)
He's totally ok with her trying to get away, since he's not trying to splash this time. Just get hold of her bikini bottoms, and give her the choice of either letting herself be dragged back by them, or escaping without them.

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2013-02-14 02:30 pm UTC (link)
Etoile gasped, quickly moved back up to the surface."Nick!!" She yells out, she got dragged back by them. She didn't want to be left bottomless in the water.

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2013-02-14 03:21 pm UTC (link)
Nick grins, dragging her back in close and kisses her, hard.


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2013-02-15 01:11 pm UTC (link)
Etoile blinks when he suddenly kisses...which is more intense then the others he's given her. Her face goes an instant red and she felt a little wobbly in the knees.

"Umm..yeah?" She said sheepishly."You play unfair, Nick." Etoile said, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing him back. Damn Demons and unfair playing.

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2013-02-15 02:54 pm UTC (link)
He's more than happy for this kissing thing. "I believe I told you all about that unfairness, didn't I?"

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2013-02-17 05:15 pm UTC (link)
Nodding her head."Yesssss." She said, laughing a little against his lips.

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2013-02-17 08:47 pm UTC (link)
"Good, I'd hate to think you were shocked by now."

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2013-02-19 01:22 pm UTC (link)
"Nooo...just frazzled with it a bit. I'm getting use to it." She said, before kissing him deeply, soon after she bits down on his lip, tugging back and moves up to his ear lobe, giving it the same treatment. Doing all this in hopes it was a good enough distraction for her to escape out of the water!

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2013-02-19 08:58 pm UTC (link)
Definitely a good distraction. Its not long before she's free and bolting for shore, with Nick chasing right behind her.

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2013-02-20 03:09 pm UTC (link)
Finally making it to shore. She crawls into the beach, falling back on the sand. Running away from a boy is certainly hard. Especially when one such as Nick.

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(no subject) - [info]vicious_cycle, 2013-02-20 10:28 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]aceofhearts, 2013-02-22 01:37 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]vicious_cycle, 2013-02-22 09:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]aceofhearts, 2013-02-25 12:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]vicious_cycle, 2013-02-25 07:50 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]aceofhearts, 2013-02-28 01:11 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]vicious_cycle, 2013-03-02 01:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]aceofhearts, 2013-03-04 01:40 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]vicious_cycle, 2013-03-04 11:20 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]aceofhearts, 2013-03-07 03:05 pm UTC

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