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Martin Baum ([info]magic_hands) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-03-31 23:01:00

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Entry tags:frances barton, martin baum

Small animals make everything more fun...right?

He'd been polite and had even used that knocking-spell Orlen had set up on her place to get permission before teleporting in. He didn't really see the point of it really, but if that was what people wanted...alright then.
Currently he was set up on her living room floor, sitting there and showing off new minor spells he'd been practicing. As if the poor archer's place didn't have enough magic in it, here he was infusing extra in the air. "May I have something to drink please?" Magic was thirsty work and one did not manage to make her books dance to The Black Keys without needing a refreshment. Disney had it right, musicals were best with normally inanimate objects. 

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2013-04-14 09:24 pm UTC (link)
She gave an owlly sneeze at the praise. She was a badass markswoman and made a killer caramel brownie, she was not cute. Squawking once, she kicked herself for forgetting her voice and looked around. She didn't know pinafore, so she bounced over to the menu. Can owls drink milk? She'd really like something stiff to be honest but was certain that'd be bad too. Finding the water on the list, she started picking at it to make a point.

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2013-04-16 05:15 am UTC (link)
Martin decided to take the sneeze and squawk as grudging agreement because why not? She did make a cute owl. Not everyday you got an owl friend after all. Or well...turned one into an owl friend. Still, he'd fix that.

He leaned forward to see what she was pecking at. "Okay, water for you. But the waitress lady is going to get mad if you damage her menus." Though he suspected the entrance of a customer with an owl meant the waitress would be around in a moment.

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2013-04-16 12:26 pm UTC (link)
Frances snorted again and pecked at the menu's plastic to just push the line. She walked across the menu to read the milkshakes list, stretching up tall and squatting down, trying to get her eyes to focus properly. Looked like owl aerobics.

When the waitress did come over, sweet Jesus, she was huge. Frances had gotten used to Martin but a full grown adult was practically a mammoth. She scurried to the far side of Martin from the waitress and side-eyed her fiercely, well fiercely as possible.

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2013-04-18 01:31 pm UTC (link)
The owl squinting and aerobics were just a tad too much, and Martin had degenerated into muffled laughter that he was trying to hide against his sleeve. What? She made an entertaining owl.

He had to try to compose himself when the waitress came, and gave the woman a friendly smile, laughter still at the edge of it. Normally Frances dealt with the ordering and the adults and stuff, she was the adult between them. Though it might've struck the woman as odd that he was there without Frances. As if the owl thing wasn't more than enough odd. Attempt at looking composed was shot the moment the tiny owl skittered to his side to use him as a barrier between her and the waitress. After some lip-biting snickering, Martin manages to actually get out an order. "We'll have...a water. And two small milkshakes! One toffee and one oreo," he said with a bright youthful smile.

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2013-04-23 02:12 pm UTC (link)
The waitress would have said something about the bird, but this little guy was a regular and tipped well. As long as the bird didn't flap around and crap on things, she figured the management would let this slide. She wrote up the order and smirked at the dressed up kid. "Sure thing, coming up."

The Matterhorn With An Apron left and Frances came back out from behind Martin to watch her leave. She really hated being tiny. And then she turned her head up to snort at Martin for snickering, then rush over to peck and mess with one of his cuff buttons in revenge. "And I totally noticed the two milkshakes, Martin Baum. I suppose I should be grateful you didn't get the grande-size," she scolded. "I need a magician with a tummy ache and sugar high like I need a spare nostril."

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2013-04-24 10:39 pm UTC (link)
He beamed back, happy that Frances the owl was going to be apparently allowed to stay for a milkshake.

Martin jumped slightly at the cuff pecking and the scolding squawks. Good thing he kept his sleeves rolled up to his forearms so she wasn't pecking near the gloves. "Hey! One's for you, you know." Which she obviously couldn't drink, or at least drink all of, while an owl so he'd be very helpful and offer to help her finish it. See? Brilliant plan.

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2013-04-25 05:50 pm UTC (link)
'One's for you, you know.' She pahhed at the bullpuck and really wished she could roll her eyes. She'd bet her favorite boots that owls were lactose intolerant, to start off the list of ways that would be wrong. And what would this body be like during a sugar rush? Small and full of frantic energy with no ability to fly. "You are fooling no one, Pip. You are opportunist and total shake-mooch, that's what."

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2013-05-02 01:47 am UTC (link)
He made a face at the owl and her unintelligible lecturing. He might've pointed out that she helped his opportunist streak along and was an excellent example for it, but conversation with owls were hard to hold. So defaulting to face making it was.

"Don't be like that, you still get something too you know. And then we'll go find a place to fix this. Not your place though...too much in the air and we made enough of a mess. Hmmm...oh! My room in the HQ! I can show you my room and I've got a laptop Anya gave me so you can watch stuff while I set up the spell! There's probably crackers somewhere in the kitchen I think...owls like crackers right? Like parrots?"

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2013-05-02 01:56 pm UTC (link)
She snorted and made a face back at him, squinting and tilting her head at an odd angle. Even stuck looking like Pigwidgeon she could out-sass a kid without trouble. Go to his place to try to fix things... It made sense, there was probably more ward to keep things from backfiring and she was sure there'd be enough new stuff to wander around and see while he untangled this spell. She was pretty certain her owliness should be offended at being compared to a parrot, so she drew herself up to an indignant height and clacked her beak at him to scoff.

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2013-05-02 10:12 pm UTC (link)
As hard as he tried, one really couldn't win against an owl when it came to making faces, especially not a Frances!owl. He'd concede defeat there.

"Don't worry, you're my favourite owl," he told the indignant one clacking at him as the waitress came back with their order. "Thank you," he smiled at the woman. "She says thank you too." Of course referring to his owl friend there.

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2013-05-03 01:45 pm UTC (link)
Well, being the favorite will have to count for something, she decided and she poofed up slightly in pride as she settled into a sitting position. The Wall of Waitress came back and Frances stood her fluffy ground, if she could face off with super-powered crack-pots bent on world domination, she could stare down a waitress bearing milkshakes. Frances looked at Martin when he gestured to her and then the waitress and then to the woman, opening her wings and bowing to prove him right. What the hell, flirting never hurt a situation.

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2013-05-03 10:13 pm UTC (link)
He turns back to the waitress and puffs up and beams, looking a bit like a kid particularly proud of his very well trained owl. The thumbs up to Frances!owl is saved for when the lady leaves. He was pretty sure he was the coolest customer here right now, nobody could beat the hat and owl combo.

"Would you like some?" He offers some of the toffee milkshake in case but frowns when he considers that there was no real way for the little owl to have any, and probably a better idea that she doesn't. Well, this is where he'll be helpful and have both! "Hmm...okay maybe next time then actually." And the glass of water will slide over to her.

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2013-05-04 10:46 pm UTC (link)
Frances snorts again and leans forward as if to nip his gloved thumb for the gesture, teasing him back. He is very lucky he is endearingly cute or he'd be such a dork. She circled around the two shakes, noting how things smell as an owl and then turns her head completely around to glare at him when he withdraws the shake offer. "You little cheat! You're going to sit there and drink them both with me watching!?" she cried out and marched back and forth indignantly. When he pushes the water to her, she glares back at him. Oh, joy water. Whee! She puts her head against the side of the glass and starts to push it toward Martin. Someone's getting a wet lap.

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2013-05-04 10:54 pm UTC (link)
He gave her a frown at the attempted nip and quickly withdrew his hand away. "Careful! It might turn you into something other than an owl," he whispers, careful to now keep his hands away from her.

Martin has to admit the full head turn was pretty neat and has a 'that's so coooool' smile on his face. Though her glaring and marching gets a dignified 'I don't know what you're talking about' sip of his milkshake from him, as if he got her point just fine. Seeing what the tiny grumpy owl was doing, Martin held up a hand as he slurped his milkshake to telekinetically push back the water glass to stop the wet lap plan. Cue amused smile from the kid.

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2013-05-05 01:38 am UTC (link)
By the blessed fucking tits on a crossed-eyed saint, she was cockblocked in everything else in her life but she was not going to get denied something as simple as revenge. She scraawed in frustration and kept pushing, wings out for balance. Finally, sensing her lack of progress, she gave up with a grumpy noise and a fluff of feathers. And now she did want a drink of water, too.

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2013-05-05 08:10 pm UTC (link)
Martin just casually slurped his drink and kept his palm out to push back, watching the little owl scraaw and push against the glass in vain. He did try not to look too amused at his victory as he came to the bottom of his small toffee milkshake.

"Did you want something Frances?" He asked innocently while resting his chin on his hands.

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2013-05-07 04:13 pm UTC (link)
She glared at him mid brood, and was very grateful that owls could do death looks so well. Not breaking eye-contact, she pointed her wing to the water glass to answer his question. Whether the reason was 'I am thirsty' or 'I want to dump it in your lap' she didn't bring up because he didn't ask.

Sadly, owls don't grimace or she'd cringe at the speed the little magician had inhaled his milkshake. So much for bothering with tasting it as it went down. "Pip, that's going to mess your tummy up so bad."

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2013-05-12 03:47 am UTC (link)
Martin decided that his owl friend of course meant she wanted water to drink and not dump on his lap. Whether this was accurate or not was irrelevant really.

He considered the water problem for a moment before looking around the place and spotting some clean coffee cups and saucers waiting to be filled with coffee on the counter. "Shhh," he whispered at the little owl before waiting for the waitress to be distracted with something so he could teleport one of the saucers to their table. It didn't take long, and he grinned at the successful mission before once again glancing around before trying to telekinetically tilt the glass to pour some water into the saucer. Sadly it wasn't as successful as his last mission, and while water did manage to make it into the saucer, it also managed to make a mess on the table too.

Ah well, nobody could be perfect, and it did nearly manage to get the 'water in your lap' part of the unsaid request down too. Partial success?

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2013-05-13 03:53 pm UTC (link)
Frances sat back far enough away to make it easier to land the saucer, watching the transfer of the saucer. Pretty good, actually. His control of the TK's going well this time. When the dish landed, she scooted forward to watch out for their waitress in case she came over to check on him and his milkshakes. She jumped a little when the water sloshed around and hit her on the side. Wet! Wet! Shaking the water off and poofing up to keep her feather from sticking, she flapped her wings to free them as well. Well he got soggy to, she was avenged, she decided and delicately picked through the puddles to get to the full saucer.

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2013-05-13 06:03 pm UTC (link)
The young mage narrowed his eyes and half pouted at her once he'd been thoroughly sprayed. Hmph.

He tried to fix his hair to no avail and settled for sipping his second milkshake while watching her drink. It was rather interesting to watch owl Frances, she also did the best owl reactions. Too bad that'd be over when he turned her back. Oh well, owl Frances was fun but not as fun as human Frances. Even if having an owl on his shoulder was fun.

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2013-05-13 06:43 pm UTC (link)
Awww, did he get a little damp? She laughed (okay made a clacking noise) and stretched up tall as possible to preen in her superiority. However, now that they were even, she eyed and saucer and tried to come at it at the best angle. There were a few false starts: she ended up sneezing for a bit when water got into the nose holes and the tongue was so short that trying to drink like cat made it look like she was screaming at the water. She settled for a scoop-and-lift technique, like doing a shot, to get enough water. With a mrrt-chirp, she hopped off the saucer and heading over to Martin to give another 'thank you' bob.

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2013-05-13 11:27 pm UTC (link)
There was something akin to a cough-snicker coming from him as she figured out how to drink, it was amusing enough that some milkshake goes down the wrong way. But by the time she hopped over with a thank you bob he'd composed himself again. He didn't have the hat on to give her a hat tip in return so she got a smile and two finger salute instead.

As he worked on the last milkshake he realized there was one hurdle left. Paying. Well more of the handing over money issue given...no touching things. Well maybe they'd indulge the kid with the hat a little, it still required some work ahead of time on his part though.

So he got to work carefully extracting a 20 from the wallet that floated out of his hat. Okay, it was Frances' wallet he'd picked up before they left her place because he knew they'd need money, but it wasn't like he carried money around at all. He gave the owl an apologetic, sheepish shrug. "They don't accept dubloons..."

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2013-05-14 01:02 am UTC (link)
As blind as she was,she recognized that wallet! With a grumble and a poof-sulk, she had to accept the fact she had been pick pocketed by a little kid. After watching him trying to pull money out, she started flapping her wings to get his attention and pointed to the floor. Err, the table top. "Put it down," she explained and then jumped to bite at the bill to help yank it out of the billfold. It'd speed up the process at least.

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2013-05-14 01:12 am UTC (link)
Cue the wide-eyed innocent yet apologetic look reserved usually for Dr. Strange when he came back to see certain young mages had made...a bit of a mess.

While he didn't understand owl speak the body language was enough, and he let her wallet down onto a dry spot on the table, watching her yank the bill out. Martin grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Oh! Maybe that was how he'd give the waitress the money! He finished off his milkshake finally and slid out of the booth before holding out his hat for Frances to jump onto. Who could say no to cute owls offering you money? Perfect.

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2013-05-14 06:11 pm UTC (link)
And it was just as effective on transfigured archers as well. Read: Not.

She had to brace and lean back to get enough force going to free the bill, staggering back to catch herself from falling over. Beak full, she turned around to see the hat's brim low enough for her. Fussing so she could at least hold the money from the center, she waddled over to feel for the felt lip and climb on board. Settled best she could, she gave him an all-clear/mouth-of-cash mrrt.

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(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-05-15 01:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-05-15 06:35 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]magic_hands, 2013-05-15 07:47 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hotshot_hawkeye, 2013-05-16 05:53 pm UTC

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