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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-04-28 22:49:00

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Entry tags:derek woo, dolemeck, plot - "the nights tale"

The Attack on the Lourve
Derek Woo, the Khan to be of the Atlas Foundation, was in France visiting one of the facilities owned by the characters. He wasn't too happy about this, but this is something that he needed to know how to do: this was the day to day running of the Foundation, to look at the business of monetary concerns and material concerns, and learning the details of what made the Foundation worked together liked a single bit of gears in the larger whole.

All in all, this was boring but necessary.

But at least Dolemeck was there to be supportive. And now that the big boring part was over, he had free time to inspect stuff. And talk with people, at least as best he could. So now he could be able to just take it easy.

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2013-04-29 09:12 pm UTC (link)
"Why is it that every time I want go out and do something I desire, something like THIS happens?" Dolemeck hissed to Derek, letting go of his hand and suddenly shadow porting from the ground, only to end up behind the woman spouting orders and wielding a blade. His green eyes slowly opened after emerging from the shadows and he reached for the blade she was wielding.

"Has anyone told you that you should not wield blades in museums? Even I know that and... I..." Dolemeck's eyes widened as the blade suddenly created a surge of pain that went through his body. It was unlike the pain he felt when he got shot, but something worse. Much worse. He screamed in agony, trying to keep his grasp on the blade, even as it caused his hand to bleed.

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2013-04-29 09:24 pm UTC (link)
Derek meant to move in response when he saw Dolemeck do his disappearing act. He was still ready to go in case the bullets started firing, but-

This changed when he heard the scream. Forget the goons, right now he needed to get Dolemeck away from the sword!

Derek jumps, putting himself right in between his cousin and the woman with the sword.

"You know this is the Lourve, right? They're not gonna just let you walk out, lady."

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2013-04-29 09:28 pm UTC (link)
The crazy man was a surprise, as was his reaction to the sword, but the womans bemused look didn't go away when the young boy stood in between the two. She gave a nod to the very nervous looking men with her, then turned her attention back to the boy.

"Oh yes they will. Because I'll be walking out of here with two of Charlemagnes swords."

There is a smirk to go with the words while the other two focus on the casing around the sword.

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2013-04-29 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck hissed in pain. His right hand was now bloodied and looking burnt. That was... impossible? Unless perhaps the sword she wielded was holy? He was not sure, but he knew she this woman had to be stopped!

"Brother, get everyone out of here!" He shouted at Derek, his voice sounding slightly demonic as his eyes went from green to red, and his black fingernails looked a bit sharper than before. He shadow ported behind the woman and tried to use his fingernails like talons, grasping her shoulder tightly and painfully with his bloodied hand. "I refuse to let you take what is not yours, woman! Not while I am still standing!"

He knew this was a gamble, his actions could backfire and he could get seriously hurt. But he was working past the pain, forcing his body to it's limits to try and protect Joyeuse, as well as everyone in this room. Derek being the most important out of all of them.

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2013-04-29 10:56 pm UTC (link)
"You get the goons, Dole! I'll take the lady with the sword!" Derek calls out as he dives for sword. The way that it affected Dole, it may be magical, which means it could mess him up. So he's going to try and grab the womans arms.

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2013-04-29 11:00 pm UTC (link)
The goons move to grab their guns, but with them trying to crack the protection around Joyeuse they had to place the weapons down. They scramble to pick up the guns that were now at their feet.

The woman, on the other hand, has her weapon at the ready and manages to not get grabbed. however, any swing she did have went wide. She leaped back, the body check almost knocking her off her feet and almost knocking the wind out of her lungs.

"You insufferable brute!"

There is another swing at Derek, this time form a firmer place than when she was getting grabbed.

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2013-04-29 11:09 pm UTC (link)
Dolemeck growled, shadow porting quickly as he attacked the goons just as he did the ones who robbed the bookstore where he worked. He would shadow port near one, punch them in the gut, then port to another and hit them in the back of the head. He kept moving, in spite how his injury and how tired he was getting from his own attacks.

"Derek, look out!" he shouted back at his cousin, watching how the woman swung her sword at him. She was skilled, very skilled from what he could tell. But just as he was warning Derek, some of the goons began to grab Dolemeck, trying to restrain him. If he ported with them, they could end up in limbo... but his cousin frowned upon him using such tactics, ever. "Let me go!"

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2013-04-30 01:31 am UTC (link)
Derek dodges the sword without incident, but as soon as he hears Dolemeck saying to be let go of, Derek immediately moves away from the woman. In a quick movement, there is now a headband on his head and Derek...stops. And begins chuckling.

"Hey, Lady MacBeth. Guess you didn't get all the alarms."

As if to punctuate this, there is the distant sound of sirens.

"Tick tock tick tock. How long do you have?"

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2013-04-30 01:32 am UTC (link)
There is a darting of eyes between the big obvious thing she went for, then to the window. She steps back, nodding to the other people. Dolemeck is released and the three run off.

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2013-04-30 01:39 am UTC (link)
The minute Dolemeck is released, he wants to run after the group. But he looks at the people around him, taking note that they appear more afraid of him than the people who held up the Museum. He walks backwards, his red eyes going wide as he tries to clam himself down and try to appear less threatening.

"I... I am... I am..." He stammered, his eyes turning back to their bright green color, and his fingernails going back to normal. Well, as normal as they could since they have always been black. He appears to be more panicked about people's reactions than to his own injured hand.

Dolemeck eventually calms, only to freeze up before the crowd and his cousin. Just as he had done so back in Derek's apartment.

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2013-04-30 02:52 am UTC (link)
Derek shakes his head at the idiots running away as he pulls the band off of his head.

"We took care of that, didn't we-Dole? Dole?"

Oh no. Derek knows what's happening with Dolemeck when he's like that.


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2013-04-30 03:03 am UTC (link)
He was frozen in place as more images just flashed by in his mind. None of them made sense, and eventually he felt like he was drowning. Not in water, not in the images, but in the shadows themselves in his mind. It was as though they had turned to tar and sludge and trying to consume him. Trying to pull him further away from the mass of images he was seeing.

His green eyes finally rolled into the back of his head and he fell over. His body made a loud thud as he hit the ground. He never heard the concerns from his cousin, the questions of if he was okay. All he saw was darkness.

It took him what felt like forever to claw his way out of the "sludge" in his mind. The images that made no sense were gone, and he finally awoke. He was no longer in the museum but a hospital in France. His left hand and arm were bandaged up pretty good, and Derek was at his side. Groaning, Dolemeck sat up some, only to realize his clothes were gone and he was in a hospital gown.

"Derek? Is the sword still where it is supposed to be?"

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2013-04-30 03:28 am UTC (link)
Derek wasn't really not paying attention, so when Dolemeck groans there's a slight jerk bringing Derek back to reality. But it wasn't a flinch, just a wee bit of surprise.

"Dole! Oh thank goodness! Yes, the swords still there. It's on heavy lockdown now. And we've been hailed as heroes without having our identities revealed."

Derek smile starts to fade once the question that has been itching at the back of his mind comes back again.

"Dole, do you know why you were so affected by that sword? You were out for a day and a half."

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2013-04-30 03:42 am UTC (link)
"I've been... unconscious for a day and a half?" He groaned once more, still struggling to sit up. "I have come to two conclusions as to why that sword affected me as badly as it did. One is that it was a holy weapon. But that makes no sense... as I am capable of walking into a church with ill effects."

Dolemeck's eyes look about the room, before looking into Derek's eyes. He let out a sigh and spoke softly on what the second conclusion he had was.

"The other possibility is that it is a sword that can do damage to magical beings. Again... it makes no sense as to why it would hurt me so badly. My body is "human" now, and I show no signs of magical properties. While my powers appear to be "demonic" in nature... the moment I touched that sword, I should not have been able to use them."

"But it something else happened... I had more "flashes", Derek. They appeared more real this time... almost as if they were part of me somehow. But then they just... they faded off, and I was swallowed by darkness. It took me strength I barely had to come out of it." He looked somewhat sullen. Dolemeck pulled his knees up to his chest, resting his head on the top of them. "None of this makes any sense. I do not understand what is going on..."

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2013-04-30 04:12 pm UTC (link)
"I dunno. If your teleporting is magic based, I can see the later. I can't at all see the problem with it being holy. But I won't take any chances if we see that crazy woman again."

Dereks face goes grim when he hears what happened to Dolemeck there.

"I don't either, but I'll help you, man. Don't worry about that. But...I think I know why she was after Charlemagne's sword. After you went unconscious, I tried to figure out what happened. And i thought on what she said, about leaving with two of his swords."

Derek shakes his head, angry he didn't figure it out sooner.

"I think that sword she used was one of his as well."

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2013-04-30 04:20 pm UTC (link)
"Derek... I am so confused right now..." He then looked up once he heard what his cousin was saying. "She... is going after all the swords? But why? What is her connection to Charlemange's swords?"

It then hit Dolemeck and he nearly bolt up, his green eyes wide.

"Derek... we need to protect the other swords! She may not wish to come back here and go after Joyeuse, but that will not stop her from trying to get the others. I know one has been lost with time, but I believe I know the location of one that is not!"

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2013-05-01 05:25 am UTC (link)
"Glad you do, but since I figured it out I've been doing some reading," Derek says, showing his phone with quite a bit of text.

"Curtana in England is supposedly a sword form the pile, and it's now under lock and key. But here's the catch: there's a guess that another is in New York. Guess where?"

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2013-05-01 06:03 am UTC (link)
"The Metropolitan Museum of Art in the Arms and Armory exhibit!" Dolemeck spoke somewhat excitedly, then quickly calmed himself down to act more serious. "We will have to try and get back to New York in order to beat her to the sword, Derek. There is no way someone so... so... without honor should be able to lay a finger upon them!"

Dolemeck looked down at his bandaged hand, then back at his cousin. He was determined to stop this mad woman, but unsure of what he could do. Her sword could damage him badly, possibly kill him faster than it could Derek. But it was a chance he was willing to take.

"Will the hospital be releasing me soon? I wish to help aide you in protecting these swords."

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2013-05-01 03:16 pm UTC (link)
"As far as the hospital was concerned, it was shock and hyperexhaustion that landed you here," Derek said with a bit of a smirk. It should be obvious that Derek pulled some strings to ensure he cousin wasn't harassed.

"Now that you're conscious, we can get you signed out and be on our way to New York to get this taken care of.

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2013-05-01 03:33 pm UTC (link)
"I see... do you know where they put my clothes? I do not wish to travel to new York in a Hospital gown and a pair of boxer shorts. You told me going out half naked or nude is frowned upon in society, after-all." Dolemeck sighed as he tried to get out of bed. He was a little woobly, but managing well enough. "You... did not stay here the entire time I was unconscious, did you? And you did not tell Mother and Father, correct?"

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2013-05-02 12:11 am UTC (link)
"I did have to leave to do some research, and...well, your folks already knew," Derek said sheepishly, the smile on his face one of embarrassment.

"Someone at the facility told them. They were going to get here later."

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2013-05-02 12:15 am UTC (link)
"They... know!?" Dolemeck was paniced by this knowledge, he bolted out of the bed, stripped off his hospital gown and franticly looking for his clothes while just wearing a white pair of boxer shorts. "What did they say!? Oh my... they are not going to come get me and make me go home, are they!? Where are my clothes!?"

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2013-05-02 02:45 am UTC (link)
"We were int eh middle of it and we couldn't just disappear like normal! And I had to do something! It was your Dad who was able to get us in without a question!"

Derek is now in semi panic mode, his voice a strained whisper.

"Stop panicking! We'll figure something out!"

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2013-05-02 02:57 am UTC (link)
"How can I stop panicking!? My parents WILL take me back to San Francisco, and I will have to live with them for... I do not know how long! You know how protective of me they are! Worst of all, the doctors probably talked about the old bullet wound I have in my shoulder! They will never let me out of their sight again... and Mother will keep trying to find me dates!"

Dolemeck was in an utter panic, tossing stuff about and looking for his clothes, enough that a nurse and one of the doctors rushed in to try and sedate him. He quickly shadow ported, frightening the doctor and making the nurse faint. Though Derek knew he was still in the room.

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2013-05-02 03:28 am UTC (link)
There was a quickly mumbled "he does that" before Derek made a break for it himself. He had a very good idea as to where Dolemeck would go, at least if it were in the city.

Derek made his way to the Atlas facility within Paris, hoping that the Dolemeck would be there.

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2013-05-02 03:36 am UTC (link)
Dolemeck had managed to get himself back to the facility... sort of in one piece. He actually had lost his boxer shorts from the sudden shadow port and was... well... running around the facility completely nude, looking for SOMETHING to wear so they could get the hell out of France and into New York before his parents showed up.

"Do we not have any spare clothes my size in this facility!?"

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2013-05-02 03:37 am UTC (link)
Que Derek, with a pair of slacks that look to be about Dolemecks size. Also, here are some Very Obviously Averted Eyes.

"Dole! Pants! Catch!" There's a throw in Dolemecks general direction.

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2013-05-02 03:41 am UTC (link)
Quickly, Dolemeck caught the pants and put them on, frowning a little as he had to adjust himself some. he always hated to go without shorts... but they could not help it. He turned back to his cousin and gave him a somewhat serious look.

"We have to go back to New York, NOW. And not because I need my boxer shorts, shoes, and the rest of my clothes. We have to get that sword, and we have to prevent my parents from seeing me like THIS!"

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2013-05-02 03:55 am UTC (link)
"Hey hey! Calm down! We'll get it taken care of! And I'm certain that your Mom and Dad are not gonna go and shanghai you back to San Francisco!"

There is a very definiteive "and that's how it is" tone to Dereks voice.

"We just need to make it back to New York before our sword thief makes it there."

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2013-05-02 04:00 am UTC (link)
"Then we have no time to waste." Dolemeck's eyes narrowed as he looked at his cousin. "We have to leave, now. I will deal with my parents when and if they show up. And unless you are very convincing, they WILL take me back. You have no clue how over-protective they can be."

While Dolemeck did love his parents, he did not wish to return and feel trapped in San Francisco. He understood their fears, but he desperately wanted to see as much of the world as possible and do some good. To prove he was... good.

"Come on, Derek. We have to leave, NOW."

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2013-05-02 04:06 am UTC (link)
"Okay, okay! Next stop, the Met!"

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