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Mason Jeffries ([info]got_the_touch) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-02 13:36:00

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Entry tags:alex bowmaster, jordan bochs, mason jeffries, melanie hall

The First Day of the Rest Of My Life
Well, Mason Jeffries' first day as a superhero was off to a pretty good start. He'd already met a pretty girl and gotten his stuff dropped at his quarters. Now for a little looking around, see who else there is to meet, and hopefully track down his big brother Jordan.

Oh yeah. This was gonna be awesome. First day as a superhero and he's already set up for his first date.

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2009-12-12 05:29 am UTC (link)
Jordan is pretty easy to find, doing his Christmas shopping online for the team and his family from his computer.

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2009-12-12 05:32 am UTC (link)
As soon as he's in his brother's sights, there's a Kitchnerian practically tackling Jordan.

"JORDIE! I'm all set in the program and everyone I've met so far is really cool and the purple girl, Mel, makes awesome mac and cheese AND I've got a DATE! Women are apparently not as difficult to deal with as I thought, so that was kind of a relief. She seems really nice so far but she hasn't watched a lot of movies, so I asked her if she wanted to go see one with me and she said yes, and then I said 'It's a date' but wasn't sure if it was a date-date, but then she said it was definitely a date. Awesome, right? Her name's Marrina."

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2009-12-12 05:37 am UTC (link)
Jordan, thankfully, is very hard to tackle, being pretty near immovable, so he takes it well.
"Hey midget, wow, you're off to a quick start here. Congratulations on the first date and all. And yes, Mel is an awesome cook. Great singer too. Sounds like you're settling in well."

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2009-12-12 05:47 am UTC (link)
Yeah, clearly. Ow. Typical there, Mason will walk it off just fine.

He scowls. "I'm NOT a midget. I'm just gonna hit my growth spurt late is all. Mel and Marrina are perfectly good heights too. Speaking of growth, Mom told me to make sure you're eating well. I told her you're probably eating everything in whatever kind of kitchen they have here, but she still worried. I've got a letter for her from you in my bag, remind me to give you that. Dad wanted me to just give you a firm nod and make sure everything's good, and to tell you that the Leafs are having a great season. I'm designing my own uniform with their colors. Do you have one yet? I wanted to set up the design to match. We'll have to take a picture of doing the back to back thing, like in buddy cop movies, to send Mom and Dad."

A pause.

"What do I do on a date?"

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2009-12-12 05:55 am UTC (link)
Jordan grins. He knows well his brother hates the nickname, which is why he keeps using it, with a smile. He's been doing it since they had a chance to get to know one another and Jordan developed his own tagalong.
"You could grow to be seven feet tall, you'll still be my midget younger brother." he replies with a grin. "The food here is great though, and yeah, eating well, following the Leafs as best I can. I do have a uniform, mostly blues and whites. I'll show it to you." he replies, bringing up the rotating schematic on his computer to show the team in the uniforms they designed on the program he built for it.

"We can do that. As for what you do on a date, I'd say just be yourself, but you don't want to embarass yourself. Hmm." he can't keep a straight face long. "Seriously, if she agreed to go on a date with you she must have seen something she liked. Just be nice and courteous, and listen to her, find out what she likes, what you might have in common."

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2009-12-12 06:07 am UTC (link)
"I can still melt your clothes y'know. Or turn them into tinfoil. Or evaporate them. Or... stuff." Mason huffs, then moves on. He's never been very good at hostility, especially not with his big brother, who is awesome. He smiles.

"I've been practicing a lot, studying a lot of chemistry type stuff when I'm not working on my bike. Mom's still really strict about when she lets me ride it and where, and I try to point out that she let you pretty much do what you want with it, but then she goes on about the whole 'indestructible' factor, and you've been there for that." He peers over Jordie's shoulder at the screen. "Nice stuff... I think I want to be a little more covered though. Except my hands, need them free."

At the follow-up to 'be yourself', Mason twists part of his brother's shirt. Flicking or whacking Jordie was kind of useless, so he had to go after possessions, when he felt like doing something minorly annoying. "Any good conversation topics to stick to, or avoid? Even if I don't get a Second Date, I want to at least make sure my First First Date is at least not a disaster. Maybe I could make her something......" Gears did not turn so much as spun madly in his head. "It doesn't count as damaging the economy if I make a piece of jewelry that I'm not going to sell, right? Nothing massive, just something nice, for a little gift."

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2009-12-12 06:12 am UTC (link)
"Right, because modesty is very important to me." As Mel well knows from their first meeting.

"No, I think that'd be ok. As for what to talk about, start by asking her about herself. Pretty safe tip for making conversation with 90 percent of the world, people like talking about themselves, most people's favorite topic. Listen to what they have to say, and look for common interests."

Jordan is used to his brother going after stuff. All the more reason shyness is not a big problem for Jordan, and he usually just set about fixing whatever it was. Sometimes being the older annoying brother has its up sides. Despite it all, he's plenty fond of his brother too, but part of his job is giving him a bit of a hard time now and then.

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2009-12-12 06:23 am UTC (link)
Mason listens attentively, nodding where appropriate, engraving all that in his brain. "I'll need your advice on good date movies, out of what's playing now. I was gonna pay for tickets and snacks, if she offers to split stuff, should I say okay, or bounce it back and forth a couple times? What do you know about Marrina so far? Are you dating anyone here yourself? I think Mel might kinda... I dunno, combust or something if you complimented her in any way, so I'm guessing not her, but I'm not sure if I've met everyone yet..."

He rubs his chin. "Are earrings or a bracelet a better 'Here, thanks for being my date' present?"

And Mason loves you too Jordan. You're the most awesome big brother in the world after all.

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2009-12-12 06:29 am UTC (link)
"Ok, for good date movies, start by not planning to go to anything you'd typically see with your buddies. Or better yet, just let her pick the movie. And if she wants to split stuff, go with it. And I compliment Mel all the time, she usually starts to melt into the floor, but she's getting better. As for what I know about Marrina, she's pretty independent, capable, brave, keeps to herself some. And no, not dating anyone, and pretty happy not pressing it too much. I need to work with these people, and somehow ended up sort of being elected team leader, so I'm kind of being careful, you know? I flirt some, but that's about it. As for a first date gift, try flowers. Then see how it goes, even if they're made, jewelry might be a bit much."

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2009-12-12 11:31 pm UTC (link)
Mason nods to all that. "Okay, guess I'd better check in with her on that again." He gives his brother another hug. "We'll hang sometime soon and do stuff. I gotta go get unpacked and call Mom to let her know I arrived safe. Later Jordie." He slips out of the room at top speed.

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2009-12-12 11:33 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, we will. Take care, midget. Catch you later."

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