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Elizaveta Romanov ([info]ladydevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-12 00:11:00

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Entry tags:iason, lady devil, team - avengers

Careful manuvering
Eliza was frantic in her search for some sun glasses and some warm clothing so she could go shopping. She pulled on a coat and shoved some gloves into her pocket and bounced out of her room with a purse stuck under one arm. She stops and stands by a window looking outside. It really did look chilly but she had to get out there to pick up something for the charity ball.

She wonders for a moment if she can recruit someone to go with her on this little trip. She smiles to herself and searches the mansion looking for Iason before she looses her nerve. There's no reason to not ask him to go with her. It's just to pick up some toys.


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2009-12-16 06:15 am UTC (link)
"Doctor Pepper heavy on the butter," she answers not missing a beat. Sure the butter always makes her thirsty but she'll be fine. She never saw a reason to not share things with people.

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2009-12-16 06:27 am UTC (link)
He orders per her specifications, extra large popcorn, heavy butter, to share, extra large Dr. Pepper, also to share. He has no problem with splitting the food and drink. "Ok, I think we're set, and with a few minutes to spare. Shall we see what kind of seats we can find?"

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2009-12-16 06:52 am UTC (link)
She nods with a smile. "Yeah. I don't think we'll have a problem though."

She saw that while there were plenty of families there was also a fair mix of other people. She was sure that Where the Wild Things Are wouldn't be too packed.

She was right, mostly. There were a couple dozen people. A few elderly women in the front and some college aged people who were poking at each other and having fun. Then there were the over worked parents and their happy kids and the not so over worked parents and their kids. Eliza glanced around trying to find a spot for them.

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2009-12-16 06:58 am UTC (link)
He points out a couple seats out near the middle. "Those work for you? Or do you prefer to sit up close... or further back where the light and sound are less intense? I'm not sure of the degrees of your senses."

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2009-12-16 07:06 am UTC (link)
"Further back, please. The light won't bother my eyes so much. I'm not too worried about the sound," she glances through the dim lights and starts up back towards where she was sure he meant since there was a nice gap for them to take over. She stood or a moment and flashed a girn.


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2009-12-16 07:10 am UTC (link)
"No problem, like I said, I wasn't sure of the degrees of your senses, aside from them being somewhat enhanced. Anywhere is fine." he replies, holding onto the food and drink so she can get settled, then sitting beside her.

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2009-12-16 08:28 pm UTC (link)
She just flashes him a pleased look as she settles down. Her coat gets undone so she doesn't get to warm during the movie. She preferred to be comfortable after all.

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2009-12-16 08:37 pm UTC (link)
He goes quiet as the movie starts up, sampling the popcorn and drink, but leaving plenty for her, and occasionally resting his hand on her far shoulder or her hand as the movie gets going.

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2009-12-16 08:56 pm UTC (link)
A few times Eliza just out right laughs. But most of the time she just nibbles at the pop corn and sips on the soda. At one point she leans just a little on his shoulder but most of the movie is spent with Eliza bent forward watching the screen intently.

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2009-12-16 09:18 pm UTC (link)
He's pretty intent on the movie most of the way through. Its certainly an odd story, for those not familiar with the book, but also a well crafted one. By the end of the movie the food and drink are gone, leaving his arm free to rest across the back of her seat, for those few times she isn't leaning forward watching the screen.

"Not what I had expected, but a very good movie."

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2009-12-16 09:25 pm UTC (link)
"It was different than the book," she laments a little. "But I liked it. It was fun. And cute. Also a good movie for kids."

She's going a little faster with her words right now. All the soda had her a little more hyper than she had been when they got here. She wasn't about to say she was still sort of hungry but her stomach let it be known as she stood up. The loud gurgle had her just shrug it off she would eat whenever.

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2009-12-17 08:07 am UTC (link)
He can't help but notice that. "Popcorn isn't very filling sometimes. Ready for dinner?"

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2009-12-17 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, I am," she says while working a kink out of her back. She is in a very good mood though.

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2009-12-17 10:39 pm UTC (link)
He moves behind her, pressing his thumb against the area she seems to be trying to stretch and rubs lightly to help ease the tension from the muscles. "Alright, still want the same thing for dinner? If so, it a short flight or a moderate walk."

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2009-12-17 11:02 pm UTC (link)
That felt delightful. It leaves Eliza smiling and sending him a look that promises something at some point in the future just not quite yet.

"I don't mind walking. It shouldn't be too dark out yet and we can see some of the Christmas lights better on foot."

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2009-12-18 02:05 am UTC (link)
When he's finished with the impromptu backrub he takes her hand, and start towards the restaurant. "This is quite a spectacle." he notes, of the lights. "I'll bet I could see this city from space right now."

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2009-12-18 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Probably. New York is already very bright," she says with a nod. "There was this... weird technoranic space station on my Earth we had to take down. It was trying to eat the satellites in orbit of Earth this one time,' she says to explain. "Earth looked... pretty. I was in the little ship we took up to do the fighting off of."

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2009-12-18 04:06 am UTC (link)
"Well, like I said, if you ever want to see things from space, or any of the other empires, all we need is to get you the survival gear. I'm sure the Avengers here have something for space missions."

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2009-12-18 04:16 am UTC (link)
"I'll ask some time," Eliza says with a nod. She was having a good time with him. She decided she'd ask him about the charity after they ate since they were having fun now and she decided that they'd keep having fun. He was easy to talk to and be around after all.

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2009-12-18 05:17 am UTC (link)
The walk to the restaurant takes a bit longer than expected, mostly due to quite a few holiday crowds out shopping, but its definitely a scenic trip, and not that far.
"Sure, check any time. I'll look forward to it."

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2009-12-18 06:56 am UTC (link)
She looks up at him and just smiles. That's when they get there. The restaurant was lit up and Eliza had to cover her eyes for a moment. She would be fine.

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2009-12-18 07:30 am UTC (link)
"That's... quite a display." he adds, noting her discomfort, and not far from it himself at first. He guides her in until her eyes adjust, and asks for a table when one opens up.
"They seem to have gotten into the holiday spirit here."

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2009-12-18 07:43 am UTC (link)
She almost hid her face against his shoulder. But she did give him a small grateful smile. "Normally it isn't so bright in here. I liked i because the lights were a lot dimmer. But it still looks friendly."

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2009-12-18 02:38 pm UTC (link)
He doesn't mind her hiding her face at all. The closeness is good. "I would imagine it would be a lot dimmer without the holiday lights. I asked for the table back in that corner where its got some shade from the lights. It'll take a little longer, but it ought to be a more pleasant dinner for you."

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2009-12-18 10:17 pm UTC (link)
Eliza gives him a thankful smile. "Thank you Iason. That's great."

Now she turns slightly to watch the restaurant. It looks fairly busy. Then she turns back and smiles up at him. Eliza is in a good mood.

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(no subject) - [info]cosmic_son, 2009-12-18 11:13 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]ladydevil, 2009-12-18 11:16 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cosmic_son, 2009-12-18 11:22 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]ladydevil, 2009-12-18 11:29 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cosmic_son, 2009-12-19 12:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]ladydevil, 2009-12-19 03:08 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cosmic_son, 2009-12-19 09:37 am UTC

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