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Old Saint Nick ([info]old_saint_nick) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-12-23 18:16:00

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Entry tags:eternals, holiday, iason, independents, jack murdock, kalypso

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy.

Christmas Day is a Christian holiday, it's true, but it also has become increasingly secular. It is an opportunity for love, charity, and goodwill.

There is some debate within mystical circles if there is indeed such a creature as the embodiment of Christmas Giving known as Santa Claus. But whether or not there is such a being, the spirit of giving itself is very real, be it incarnated in a fat man in a red suit or not.

Throughout this small blue planet of Earth, people have brought trees into their homes, decorated them with lights and ornaments, and placed them in locations of honor. Stockings have been placed on the chimneys. And gifts have been placed under the tree.

Some are looking forward more to the receiving than the giving. But for many, it is the act of giving which warms them, which fills them with the holiday spirit.

Each person, in their own way, becomes a part of this spirit of giving. Each person, in their own way, becomes Santa Claus.

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2009-12-24 05:57 am UTC (link)
Iason stops by to bring Kal her present in person, since its not something that can easily be left under the tree. Specifically, a promisory note, whenever they can obtain or transmute protective gear for Jack, to take his cousin and her boyfriend away for a week on one of the Shi'ar pleasure worlds without telling her mother.

Sersi will be getting gift certificates for a spa in Greece.

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