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ngmastersofevil ([info]ngmastersofevil) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2009-05-31 20:47:00

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Entry tags:iason, inactive - arachne, inactive - artemis, inactive - nightingale, npc - black widow, npc team - masters of evil, plot-"legacy of hate", sammy fury, team - avengers

Testing the Waters
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." - Sun Tzu

Hadelinde wasn't one to rush headfirst into things. She liked to know as much as she could about an opponent before she made her move. The Avengers were well known, but the Young Avengers were not. Sure she had files on them and she knew what abilities they had, but she didn't know how they functioned as a team. A person could toss together a team of the most powerful individuals on the planet and it didn't mean they would always win. Teamwork was important, the Avengers had proved this many times, but Hadelinde had no idea how the Young Avengers worked as a team. She had to know how they worked if she was going to defeat them.

Perhaps it was time to test the waters and see what the young hero-wannabes were capable of.

She called on the triplets, Enforcer and Frenzy for this job, using only a portion of her forces. She wasn't going to show her entire hand to the Avengers. Not yet anyway.

Once the plan was in place, she had Jeremy teleport them to right outside of the Avengers' Mansion.

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2009-06-03 02:17 am UTC (link)
"That tickles," McKenzie said as she turned to face the source. "Hey hot stuff, let's play." She waited for him to draw close enough and when he was within striking distance, she threw a punch.

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2009-06-03 02:24 am UTC (link)
He goes flying back, digging a trench in the stone as he lands, coming up rubbing his chin. "Nice shot, you're stronger than you look." he acknowledges, turning his beams to pure heat and firing for her face, getting an idea how durable she is, and trying to induce her into closing her eyes against the heat before he flies at her in a shoulder charge at her gut.

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2009-06-03 02:42 am UTC (link)
McKenzie is durable enough to take the heat blasts, but natural instinct kicked in and she shielded her face against the attack. Oooof! A hit to the gut and she went flying back. She grabbed onto him and tried to fling him off.

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2009-06-03 04:22 am UTC (link)
He's flung into the building, crashing through part of the section she was demolishing. "Ok, stronger than you look, stronger than I am." He rushes back in, swinging a right cross. "But thankfully, there's one detail missing."

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2009-06-03 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Come on hot stuff. Let's not fight. There's better things we could be doing," Enforcer said as he rushed toward her. She braced herself for his attack.

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2009-06-03 04:55 am UTC (link)
He pauses. He has a pretty good idea what she's talking about - but on the other hand, while the two of them could fight half the day, he doesn't want to end up destroying the place, and the others seem to be holding their own. Provided that doesn't change, maybe he can take their brick out of the fight another way.

"Oh? Such as?" he asks, coming to hover just far enough out of reach he'll notice if she tries to attack.

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2009-06-03 05:29 am UTC (link)
McKenzie smiled. "Oh I'm sure you can figure it out." She didn't move for the moment. She wanted to see what he would do.

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2009-06-03 05:40 am UTC (link)
He gets it, well enough, listening to her heartbeat and tone of voice to verify she's sincere before extending a hand towards her. "If that will get you to cease hostilities and stop attacking the mansion."

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2009-06-03 05:55 am UTC (link)
Enforcer chuckled. "You'd sleep with me if I agreed to stop fighting?" It was a total joke. As soon as she surrendered, they'd have her ass in a cell.

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2009-06-03 06:01 am UTC (link)
"No, that wouldn't be very smart on your part." He can hear the hesitation. "If we go somewhere else, then go our separate ways, and you agree not to come back here, period. This is my home now, I don't want it destroyed, and you're way more capable of destruction than any of these others, as far as I can tell."

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2009-06-03 06:20 am UTC (link)
"In your dreams, hot stuff," she said and then attacked with her wrecking ball.

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2009-06-03 06:23 am UTC (link)
This time he's ready. He's had a chance to study her a little, listen to her heartbeat and movements, and he sees the swing coming. And, extending a hand, he catches the ball mid-flight in his left hand, swinging a right cross with the other.
He's also had a chance to charge up.
"That missing detail earlier? You're stronger than I am... but I can get stronger. A lot stronger."

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2009-06-03 03:09 pm UTC (link)
She wasn't expecting such a hard punch. It had been quite awhile since someone had managed to hit her with something that she would actually feel.

Enforcer went flying backwards and into and through a wall. Ouch. That hurt.

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2009-06-03 03:57 pm UTC (link)
"You're going to wish you'd been more reasonable. Now we get serious." he responds, as he follows up on her crash through the wall, charging in to try and engage her toe to toe, and not give her enough room to use that wrecking ball.

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2009-06-03 09:12 pm UTC (link)
Enforcer welcomed the challenge. It had been awhile since she had someone who could go toe to toe with her. There was that girl in green during the Raft breakout. She picked herself up and got ready to mee the challenge.

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2009-06-03 09:31 pm UTC (link)
There's no question this is going to be an ugly fight, and now that both sides know it, Iason is kind of relishing the opportunity to go all out and see who falls down first. She's resistant enough to make his energy blasts not do a lot, which is impressive in its own right. He can match her strength and toughness for strength and toughness - and at the moment, he's betting he's the more skilled fighter of the two, and wagering that will be more of an edge than her extra reach with the wrecking ball.
He stops trying to be fancy, just throwing hard punches and rolling with her return hits as best he can to keep this in close quarters where she can't swing her weapon and its weight is more of a liability instead, trying to use it against her to throw a few more punches than she manages, much as every hit she lands hurts.

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2009-06-03 09:48 pm UTC (link)
McKenzie took his punches and returned with some of her own. His hurt, a bit, but she could handle them for now. She also knew this wouldn't last long. It wasn't because she wouldn't be able to handle it, it was because Hadelinde had planned for this to not last long. This was just to test the Avengers and see what they were capable of.

Enforcer kept throwing punches, not holding anything back.

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2009-06-03 09:54 pm UTC (link)
Iason has no real idea of the plan, and now that they're fighting in close quarters like this, he can't really follow the rest of the fight to see how the others are doing. At the same time, he can take her punches in return, much as they definitely hurt, but its nothing that won't heal either. Not holding back, so far, where he's concerned, anyway, Hadelinde's plan is working perfectly.

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2009-06-03 10:01 pm UTC (link)
Why did all the good looking ones have to be good guys? McKenzie asked herself this question as one of his rights connected with her jaw. She threw one of her own, hoping it hurt him like his just hurt her.

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