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designergene ([info]designergene) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-06 21:01:00

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Current location:New Orleans, LA
Entry tags:inactive - alisa lebeau, inactive - entienne lebeau

You don't believe it, Let me demonstrate

The shopping mart, a small mom and pop grocer that was lucky enough to survive in a neighborhood that only got minimal water damage, was quiet. Not in the sense that there weren't many people there, but that it was just... quiet. No music was playing over the intercom, customers shuffled along in a hush and even the checkers seemed to have caught the bug, murmuring as they scanned items.

This made Enteinne more that a little nervous. It felt like the place was just waiting for something. And considering that he had a good five pounds of soon to be shoplifted food tucked inside his coat, his paranoia probably wasn't too far misplaced. He stood a few feet from his sister, hands tucked in his pockets and keeping his head low so hair would obscure his eyes. No need to set a random, fellow customer into a panic at the sight of them. Alisa had a basket and was, as always, his foil. They'd buy a small amount on the up and up while he pocketed the rest.

Not that they couldn't afford to buy it all, but a good sixteen years on the street bred habits that were hard to break. He titled his head and nodded at a brightly colored box of cereal, "Let's get de one wit' honey dis' time. I like de honey." He was pretty sure the box said 'honey' on it.

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2010-01-07 03:29 am UTC (link)
His grin widened and he came up behind her to give her a hug, "You gonna like dis. I know it."

The weren't going to sit in the middle, despite what she said. And he knew it. If they sat there, she'd be too scared to enjoy the show. But it was nice of her to agree.

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