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Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes ([info]toni_rhodes) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2012-02-22 09:24:00

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Five Facts!
Been a while since we had one of these...

List five facts about your character that not many people (or no one) know.

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2012-02-23 03:10 pm UTC (link)
"Rocket" Red Panda...

1) has six brothers and sisters. Ed Panda, Fred Panda, Ned Panda, Jed Panda, Ted Panda, and Roxanne.

2) once blew up the dwarf planet Kaiba-5. It was an unstable volcanic world anyway, and one rocket later... Well, it was going to blow up anyway. In a couple million years.

3) is technically classified as a grade-2 security threat by Knowhere staff.

4) would be insulted by that. He should be being grade 1!

5) gets his munitions, subspace storage pocket, and rocket-board from Min-Dee, a researcher on Knowhere whose race worships small, adorable, fuzzy animals.

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