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Antoinette "Toni" Rhodes ([info]toni_rhodes) wrote in [info]the_bullpen,
@ 2012-02-22 09:24:00

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Five Facts!
Been a while since we had one of these...

List five facts about your character that not many people (or no one) know.

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2012-02-23 07:05 pm UTC (link)
1) Has only gone on a dozen real dates on Earth. She hasn't brought any of them home.

2) May have no preference when it comes to gender but that isn't because of things like beauty and physical attraction.

3) Still has no idea how to use a computer.

4) She plans to marry one day but thinks that she will need a wife as well as a husband.

5) She doesn't plan on having children but secretly wonders what carrying one would be like.

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