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「ℐuliana → †ravers」 ([info]kiska) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-07-25 20:59:00

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Entry tags:christopher loftus, juliana travers

Juliana had a suspicion upon leaving the house this morning that she'd left the nanny dead of a heart attack, and this time it wasn't even because she'd left her infant at home while she went out to drink herself into a stupor. In fact, it was quite the opposite; this morning, Juliana Travers had left the house with her daughter; a first, she realized, in all three months of Mischa's existence.

It wasn't as if she wanted to be carrying around--or seen carrying around, for that matter--the little bundle of joy nestled awkwardly in her arms. However, this was an important enough occasion to warrant the uncomfortable traveling arrangements. It was Christopher's birthday, you see. And when it was your father's birthday, you were supposed to go wish him the joys of the day, correct? Especially if he hadn't had the balls to lay eyes on your face once since you'd been born. Why, in such circumstances, seeing one's daughter should have been the perfect birthday gift, right?

That was what Jules was certainly banking on as the knocked on the door of her cousin's flat. A sly grin couldn't help but to pull up on the corners of her mouth at the sound of rustling behind the door. This was going to be fantastic.

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2009-07-26 09:05 pm UTC (link)
Yes, that confirmed it, she was definitely here to inflict any sort of pain possible on him. And for what reason, he might add? They hadn't spoke in months, nor had he even tried to make contact before or after she had given birth... what could she possibly want from him? He was sending her funds, which they both knew she immediately threw out (though really, knowing Juliana, she just might have kept it), so---

It really wasn't necessary for her to get that close to him.

Christopher clutched the door tighter as he glared at the back of her head, taking his sweet time to turn and close it. Taking a silent breath, he collected himself before turning back to the now crying baby. A sound which he thought would never be heard in his apartment, but their was an unfortunate time for everything, wasn't there?

He felt his eye give an uncontrollable twitch at the word 'Daddy,' and stop up straighter once she was finished speaking. As much as he wanted to reject this child as his own, it was becoming increasingly harder to. "Trouble, Jules?" Christopher managed to muse, finding only slight amusement in the fact that it was obvious she was having trouble. He made no movement to help, and instead spread his arm out to the next room, directing her toward the living room. "How nice of you to stop by to drop of this--- present."

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2009-07-27 02:25 am UTC (link)
"Ah, she's a restless baby," Juliana answered. A blatant lie--maybe. Honestly, Jules knew little about her own daughter besides her name and the fact that she looked next to nothing like herself or her incarcerated husband. Apart from that... well, that what the nanny was for, right? To take care of her and to know all of the stupid stuff so that she didn't have to bother with it. Jules was not a baby person, and even having an infant was not going to change that.

She hoisted Mischa up against her shoulder and patted her back strangely, as if she were more concerned about messing up her nails than calming the child down. "She gets like this a lot. Not that you would know, of course--unless all those galleons of yours have sprouted eyes and routinely report back to you," Juliana commented, a hint of annoyance in her voice. Yes, it did ruffle her feathers a bit that Christopher had never seen his daughter up until this point, if only because she had to live with her and see her every day. "Did they? ---Well, silly me, of course they did. That would be the only reason that a father would remove himself physically from his own child's life. Unless her father is just an irresponsible bastard, I suppose..."

Juliana made her way into the living room in a way that suggested that she owned the flat, regardless of the still-restless Mischa, and sat down on one of the couches. "But that's not you, is it, Christopher?" Juliana inclined her head towards him with a smile. "That would be terrible."

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2009-07-29 01:34 am UTC (link)
Mhm. There was that feeling again, the one that he usually felt before he decided to dispose of someone that was particularly--- well, at lot of things that made him want to make a person disappear. But unfortunately, Christopher knew that he couldn't lay even one finger on Juliana. So, he was unfortunately left to deal with her with what little patience he possessed.

"What would you have me do, exactly?" Christopher replied in a vicious tone, finding it extremely easy to speak to to his cousin this way. "Daily visits to your house? Make a spectacle about how interested I am in you and her? Or something that equally would cause attention? Or perhaps I should just publicly endorse her, letting everyone know who the real father is. Is that what you want?" He continued to stand looking down at her, his usually placid face now burning.

He sent money to her to avoid this exact reason. Despite how much he didn't want to be in this child's life, it was out of respect for his family that he sent Juliana funds. Wasn't that enough acknowledgement for her? He would have thought so.

"Do you have an actual reason for bringing this up? Or do you just feel like being trivial today?"

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2009-07-30 05:30 am UTC (link)
Of course he wasn't going to do anything to her. Knowing that by this time he must be absolutely itching to, Juliana smiled down into her lap. He would definitely not be wise to do anything to his cousin, to the mother of the child that he didn't associate himself with. Why, what would happen if she were gone? Not only would the family--or her brothers, in the least--come after him with a vengeance, but then what of Mischa? Amery knew of Christopher's involvement in her existence. There would always be ways to ensure that her dear cousin did not get away without having to take responsibility for his daughter; and it didn't even mean that anyone had to know why.

So many reasons, so many ways that hurting her would not end well. It caused Juliana to soar a bit inside. She did always love that feeling of being in complete and utter control of a man.

"Trivial?" she asked, replacing the smile with a confused look. "That's an interesting usage of vocabulary when referring to one's infant daughter, cousin. You know, she can hear you. How must it feel to be called trivial by one's own father?" Standing up from the couch, she walked over to where Christopher stood and, without warning, pushed Mischa into his arms--leaving little room for him to act, or else drop her on the floor.

"At the moment, what I want from you is to apologize to her."

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2009-08-04 05:04 am UTC (link)
He couldn't help himself, nothing less of an uncontrolled vicious snarl came from Christopher's mouth. He was not going to apologize to a baby that wouldn't understand English for another year. There was no need; Juliana simply wanted him to submit to her. Which he would not. She would have to kill him first.

"I'm not apologizing," Christopher retorted, refusing to move from the awkward stance Juliana had forced upon him. He had gone a long while now ignoring the fact that he had an illegitimate daughter, so why start now? It would be different if from the beginning Juliana had showed interest in him being involved... not that that would have been possible, anyway. But it still would have put them in a completely different situation that they were in now.

"Anything else?" he asked briskly, now stretching his arms out to Juliana for her to take the baby back. Christopher held her at a safe distance, the baby's feat dangling. And if she wasn't going to take her back, he would just put her somewhere else. Like the ground.

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