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Heidi Twilfit ([info]iseeyoubaby) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-20 19:41:00

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Entry tags:bess fawcett, drystan fawcett, heidi twilfit

All right, so she wasn't so sure what this blonde woman's problem with her was, but she wasn't going to let it detract from how happy she was with Drystan. Silly fangirls (ironically enough, as that other woman had said) were no threat to her. After all, she had a child with Drystan, surely that was a tighter bond than anything this 'Bess' could come up with.

She just had to make sure that Drystan didn't get unnecessarily distracted by this woman - that meant that she had to kick up her game a little. She'd picked something nice and sexy out and then taken a few photos of her ... well, removing that something nice and sexy, and now she was planning to slide them into the mailbox so that Drystan would find them when he came to check the mail when he arrived home.

Then she'd head upstairs and settle into the bed, wait for him to come in all hot and bothered ... it was an ideal plan.

So distracted with this brilliance was she that she didn't even bother to see who had just stepped into the lobby.

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2010-01-21 05:23 am UTC (link)
"What!" Okay, so technically it was Drystan's flat, but it wasn't hers either, that was for sure! She scowled at the woman and took a few more steps closer to her in an effort to wrestle the wand from her - even if this woman was crazy, she didn't want anyone to get hurt.

"So -- you leave!" She crossed her arms firmly across her chest and did her best to look ... well, intimidating. If this didn't work, maybe she could convince the woman for them BOTH to leave so that this wouldn't cause any problems.

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2010-01-21 05:42 am UTC (link)
This was--absolutely ridiculous! Bess couldn't stop her shallow breaths and clenched her free fist, continuing to back out into the hallway. Merlin's bloody beard...she did know how to send a messenger patronus, but this surely wasn't something she could call the bloody Order about (not that she ever wanted to associate with them, again, but---). No, she would just...be the adult around here.

Bess stopped; was this the girl from her engagement post? "Are you Heidi?" she remembered a man stepping in. This loony had been planning this for a while, then!

"I'm sending for a hitwizard," she stated, trying not to turn her back on the girl but it was bloody hard to walk with a purpose while you had to keep an eye on a maniac. "You obviously don't know where the hell you are, who you are."

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2010-01-21 05:45 am UTC (link)
She scoffed. As if she didn't know who she was, she knew exactly who she was and where she was! Heidi furrowed her brows at the woman.

"Oh, as if you don't know! I don't know where I am? I am in my husband's home, waiting for him to get back so we can be romantic and you -- you are RUINING our evening!" She took a slow, calming breath. If this woman was going to bring the authorities into this ...

"You know that would just draw attention to Drystan! Why would you do something like that to him?" She frowned then, rubbing her neck. Her ... head was starting to hurt.

"Look," she said slowly, "Why don't we ... compromise. We both ... leave. Sound fair?"

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2010-01-21 05:52 am UTC (link)
"No, you're in my fiance's flat," Bess said, throwing up her left hand and waving the ring around at the girl. She didn't know why she was bothering to get her to understand as it obviously was not going to happen, but she didn't know what else to do! "Drystan Fawcett is my fiance, he's not married, he's never been married!"

At least she hoped! For fuck's sake, this girl better not have any truth to her words!

Bess huffed, shaking her head, "I'm not leaving, you need to get out of here before I get the hitwizards!" Why was she even giving her a chance? She reached the fireplace and made a grab for the floo powder.

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2010-01-21 05:54 am UTC (link)
Heidi rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, just because you have a bauble that you probably picked up yourself certainly means that you're married to my husband!"

She huffed this time, crossing her arms over her chest and shooting a glare at Bess.

"Well, I'm not leaving either, so I guess you'd better bother the hitwizards with something completely unnecessary." Honestly, why couldn't Bess just leave?!

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2010-01-21 06:29 am UTC (link)
"You're a fucking nutter!" Bess let out in frustration, holding the floo powder so tightly in her one hand that it began to press through the spaces of her fingers. Now that she realized that she had her wand, and all this girl had was her half a gram self, Bess wasn't as scared. Hopefully she wasn't hiding some sort of knife within the confines of her clothes, of course, but.

She threw the powder into the fireplace and shouted for the hitwizard offices.

"I swear---if I see you near here, Drystan, or--my children! You stay away from our children, do you understand me!" Bess exclaimed, sparks shooting out the end of her wand in anger. There was no way she was going to allow some crazy near Sadie or Stephen.

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2010-01-21 06:33 am UTC (link)
All right, now her head was really starting to throb. She wasn't sure why, but she just assumed that it was because this woman was being so bloody annoying and calling her names and oh, if she wasn't so mad she'd probably have burst into tears by now.

She wasn't afraid either, though, because this woman was going to call the hitwizards and -- wait, what had she said?

"Your children!" That was just the last straw! Even though Bess had a wand and she didn't, she lunged at the woman enthusiastically in hopes of toppling her over so she could ... well, pull her hair.

Yes, it was like that.

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2010-01-21 06:56 am UTC (link)
"What in the name of Circe is going on here?"

He hadn't been expecting much. Drystan might have been kind and understanding of Odette's leave of absence, but that didn't diminish the arduous task of having to select and train one of the reserves in her place. Now that he need not have his attention divided between his home life, his pro-Quidditch life, and his pro-pro-Quidditch life, Drystan was intent on bringing his team back where it need to be. And, he was afraid, that might have been detracting slightly from his home life, but sacrifices needed to be made at some time or the other, no?

After a grueling morning of private practice between the reserves and himself, he'd allowed them a thirty minute reprieve for lunch, which he himself planned to take full advantage of. With the children at their respective caretakers and Bess at work, he had the time to himself, and felt that it was much needed. A moment or two to himself these days was rare, and far from underappreciated when it came along.

But, needless to say, it was not "a moment or two to himself," when he found a blonde and a brunette rolling about the floor of his living room, shouting at the top of their lungs. Not to mention that it was his blonde tussling like a savage, no less.

Shrugging out of his cloak, he immediately made for the two women, the dark-haired one's face obscured by the constant motion. With no wand, he had no choice but to try and extricate Bess as delicately and quickly as possible, hurrying to push himself between the two women.

"Enough!" he barked, looking between the two of them incredulously. Narrowing his eyes at the other woman, his frown deepened. Was that—

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2010-01-21 07:09 am UTC (link)
Did she have a magnet implanted inside of her to attract crazy people? Is that what it was? Bess, in all of her worries and concerns about this nutter killing her, had managed to not be prepared when Heidi attacked her. She had never, ever, EVER, in her life been in an actual altercation (that she could remember---) like this. There was panic coursing through her but what could she do but try and push this maniac away from her? All she wanted was to live a nice and happy life with Drystan, that was all she wanted, and no one seemed to want to let her.

Oh, she knew what else she wanted, actually--


Bess wasn't sure if it was a blessing that Drystan had come home, because after the shock of being attacked wore off, she had let some sort of rage seep out of her. Which was terrible, she was a mother she shouldn't be behaving this way, but look what she was dealing with!

"SHE'S INSANE!" Bess shouted from behind Drystan, trying desperately to pat her hair down. Oh, for fuck's sake, she had to go back to work after this. She glared at Heidi from around her fiance's body and pointed a stiff finger (though minding to keep Drystan in between them) "She was in your bed, naked, talking nonsense and--! And then she lunged at me like---a bloody wild animal!"

Bess saw no reason to downplay the events, and stalked to the other side of the room, trying to put herself together. She hoped the hitwizards were on their way, even though she'd barely been able to say a thing!

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2010-01-21 08:41 pm UTC (link)
None of this made any sense. Why was Drystan protecting this woman when he should have been protecting her? It all made her head hurt something terrible, and she didn't actually manage to respond to Bess' shouting. Instead she glanced at Drystan's face desperately, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes.

"What is going ON here!?" Oh, she was just so terribly confused, and her head was throbbing and something was just NOT adding up in the way that it should...

She felt faint, suddenly. But ... surely the hitwizards would come and they would help her figure everything out ... and she could get rid of this nauseating pain.

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2010-01-25 11:15 pm UTC (link)
Giving Bess a less than gentle shove towards the other side of the room, far, far away on the other side of the room, he turned his attention back to the intruding woman.

"What—how were you even allowed in—" Drystan took a breath and tried to calm himself. "Heidi," he began, straining to keep his voice calm and civil, whilst also trying to refrain from dragging his hands desperately through his hair, "you are not—my wife, and this is not your home. You can't—keep insisting that it is—" And he had a full mind to continue going, determined to get to the bottom of this damned mess, when the voice of a fourth interrupted him.

Letting out a noise of exasperation, he jerked his head to the source of the sound, which was the fireplace. A disembodied woman's voice began, "Dispatching help now… please stand-by for arrival…"

"Bloody—what's going—!" He glanced over his shoulder at Bess, "Did you call for someone?"

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