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american_eagle ([info]american_eagle) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2013-05-25 23:02:00

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Entry tags:american eagle, frances barton, orlen strange, team - west coast avengers, toni rhodes

Welcome to the WCA (open)
Mike waited a few days after receiving the invitation before showing up at the address on the car. He sat out front on his bike and stared at the building for awhile. It was quite the building, he'd give them that.

It was time to bite the bullet. He climbed off his bike and climbed the steps to the front door. He pressed the buzzer.

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2013-05-26 09:32 pm UTC (link)
Frances was sprawled along a couch and reading, enjoying her newly claimed sunny spot when there was a knock at the door. She got up and headed over, the house's AI confirming all clear. Opening the door, she grinned when she recognized Mike. "Well, well, welcome, stranger. Glad you made it," she offered and stepped back to let him in. Leading him in, she called out. "He made it! Now who has my winnings? Pony up, people."

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2013-05-26 10:02 pm UTC (link)
A brow rose. "You were taking bets to whether or not I would show?" he asked.

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2013-05-26 10:29 pm UTC (link)
"What? No, no. That would be wrong." She paused a beat. "When, though. I'll give you a slice though, I promise."

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2013-05-26 10:31 pm UTC (link)
Mike smiled. "Works for me. So do I get the grand tour, or the penny tour?"

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2013-05-26 11:23 pm UTC (link)
"Grand tour, of course! Shall we hit the kitchen first?" She smirked and headed down a hallway. "Also, guessing bike means you didn't bring your stuff either."

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2013-05-26 11:28 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds good to me," he said and followed. "I brought some clothes. I can go back for more later."

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2013-05-26 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"This the new guy, Frances?"

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2013-05-27 12:36 am UTC (link)
He got alot of his spell books moved here and he other magical toys all here in a room they gave him. He thought that was pretty cool. He saw Frances walking with an new guy and he got curious. With a book in his hand he walked over. "New guy Fran?" He looked at the man. "welcome!"

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2013-05-27 12:48 am UTC (link)
With a flourish, she stepped aside to show off Michael. "Miss Toni, Mister Orlen, this is Michael Blackwater, joining us from sunny Arizona. Michael? Toni Rhodes and Orlen Strange." She made a gimme hand at the two and smirked. "Took him less than a week, pay up."

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2013-05-27 12:49 am UTC (link)
"Nice to meet you both," Mike said and held out a hand.

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2013-05-27 01:04 am UTC (link)
"Likewise," Toni said, shaking hands.

She shot Frances a look. "I definitely don't remember any bets about this."

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2013-05-27 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Mike shook Toni's hand. "I'm looking forward to being an Avenger."

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2013-05-28 03:52 am UTC (link)
Orlen Also extended a hand. "I'm the local Magic guy...not with cards or nothing like the the real stuff." He smiled shaking his hand. Happy there was new blood around.

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2013-05-28 01:04 pm UTC (link)
"Magic's cool," he said and shook the offered hand.

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2013-05-29 03:52 pm UTC (link)
Frances bat her eyes innocently at Toni, obviously clueless as to who started the betting pool.

"He's gonna be fine, we'll teach him the ropes before tossing him out against the Monster of the Week. You guys know if anyone's up and presentable to meet?" She leaned over to whisper to Michael. "We have a genius scientist on the premises, he hasn't blown anything up yet but it's best to not surprise him all the same."

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2013-05-29 09:23 pm UTC (link)
"Don't know," Toni said. "Haven't seen anybody else today. Place is a little big."

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2013-05-31 11:25 pm UTC (link)
He looked around the hall closing the book shaking the newbies hand. "Yea I didn't hear anyone for a while." He smiled walking past Frances. "peace and quiet...guess..that means somethings going to happen."

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2013-06-01 05:09 pm UTC (link)
"Bring it on," Mike said to Frances. "I'm not scared of a monster of the week."

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2013-06-01 09:55 pm UTC (link)
A rookie in the house and Orlen's flat out jinxing them. Thanks. "Why?Would you say that?!" she whined and smacked him in the arm. "Just because you can hex, Sabrina, doesn't mean you should."

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2013-06-01 10:01 pm UTC (link)
Face, meet palm?

"If we get super-villains on the doorstep, I'm blaming you."

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2013-06-02 11:02 am UTC (link)
"Hey I'm just saying! Hope for the best expect the worst." He smiled at them. "sides he is ready and primed. It would be cool to see what the new guy can do." he smiled taking the smack smiling at toni and Frances. "don't worry maybe it will be a small thing like a terrorist group or something."

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2013-06-03 11:14 pm UTC (link)
"How about we wait for hazing the new guy until after the tour?" Mike asked. "Finding the kitchen comes before fighting."

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2013-06-04 02:53 pm UTC (link)
Frances nodded with Toni and Mike. Clearly, the team had a chance. "Agreed, if baddies jump us today, Sparkle Fingers over there can handle them while we eat. Carrying on."

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2013-06-04 10:36 pm UTC (link)
"Fridge should still be pretty stocked," Toni said. "Don't think we've got any big eaters here."

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2013-06-05 09:16 pm UTC (link)
"I guess you do now," Mike said with a grin.

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2013-06-07 05:21 am UTC (link)
Not yet, I'm pretty sure the big eaters come later."

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2013-06-07 09:39 pm UTC (link)
"Coolness." Frances nodded to Michael as the tour went on. "Important rooms: kitchen, rec room and gym. We've got both virtual room for combat and situational, plus a straight-up weight room. Rec room's loaded as well." She smirked in pleasure at that. "All work and no play, after all."

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2013-06-07 09:56 pm UTC (link)
"I've been accused of being that," Toni said. "Usually by Anya."

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2013-06-07 10:47 pm UTC (link)
Mike grinned at the mention of play.

"Who's Anya? Is she another team member I haven't met yet?" Mike asked.

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2013-06-12 04:39 pm UTC (link)
"How could she say such a thing about you?" Frances gave Toni another 'completely innocent' look before shaking her head. "Anya Stark, Tin Can Lady and serious code monkey. She visits, but she's on the T-Bolts."

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