Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Tatum & Rowan.
Setting: Tatum's room, Saturday morning.
Content: SFW.
Summary: Rowan finds out about the fight between her roommate and friend, and sets out to find out what really went down. Tater scowls.

By the time Saturday morning came rolling around, Tatum still felt just as miserable as she did the night before. It seemed the harsh light of day did nothing to help the situation, and she wasn't surprised. She wanted to talk to Frankie, but she wasn't ready. She wasn't calm enough, and every time she thought about the events of the night before, all of them, she felt her stomach settling into familiar knots. She wished Valentine's day had never happened. Frankie, Amber, Gray, the whole thing had been absurd. If she made it to see another February 14th, she wasn't leaving her room when it came around.

There had been a reason she had been practically a shut-in for the majority of her life at school, and this sort of thing was it. She wasn't cut out for all of this teenage drama, mentally or physically.

She lay in her bed for almost an hour, just staring up at the ceiling, trying to will herself to get enough energy to move. When she did, she dragged her legs over to her computer, squinting a little at the screen. She pulled her legs up into her chair with her, getting comfortable; it was a stay in the pajamas sort of day. She had no plans to go anywhere. She didn't want to show her face to anyone, and with Frankie living less than a few meters away, it was probable to run into her and Tatum didn't think she could deal right then.

It struck her, however, that someone else lived a few meters away that she might owe an explanation to.

Opening her email with two clicks, Tatum composed a quick message;

Hey Ro,

I'm not going to be coming over for a while. I know I said we could go over some guitar stuff together today before you go out, but I don't think that's probably a good idea right now, unless you wanna come over here. Sorry.

- Tatum

Sending that on it's way, the redhead grabbed up her wand, cast a quick charm to ward off the smell of smoke as she lit up a cigarette and leaned back in her chair. She exhaled slowly, seeming to be trying to calm down. She just needed a distraction, something to focus on other than last night, and the shit that had accompanied it. Leaning forward, she grabbed up one of the controllers on the side of her desk, and turned the console on.

She'd just play her stupid video games and try to forget that she was starting to shake again, knowing the crying was coming within moments.

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cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: February 12th, 2011 05:43 am (UTC) (Link)
Rowan was usually up fairly early in the morning, and weekend days were no different. She usually got up, did the morning bathroom routine, and then came back to her room to start doing homework. She might be an early riser, but that didn't mean that everyone else was. Not wanting to bother Frankie, she usually kept her weekend mornings quiet. The extra time to do work when no one else was going to be around for a while was helping her keep ahead of papers and general homework.

With her laptop up, Rowan saw the email notification fairly quickly. She read it twice, trying to get more information out of the few sentences that were on her screen. If Tatum wasn't coming over for a while... why not? Did something happen? And if she read that right, it almost seemed like an invitation to just come over at some point. The tone of the email was not the usual tone she got from Tatum either. She seemed rather... down. Which wasn't good.

Slipping into some real-ish clothing, but shoving on her slippers and grabbing her bag, Rowan slipped out of her room quietly and made her way over to her friend's. "Tatum?" She knocked three times on the door, but fairly quietly. Just because she had recently sent that email, was no reason not to assume the girl hadn't gone back to sleep or something. "It's Rowan. You there?"
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: February 13th, 2011 09:08 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum had only managed to smoke a portion of her cigarette, and just loaded up her file on her game, when there was knocking at the door. Her heart froze in her chest, breath instantly held, waiting to see if it would be Frankie. She wasn't counting on it, but hoping for it was automatic.

When Rowan announced herself, Tatum felt a little let down, but rose from her chair anyway. She wasn't disappointed to have Rowan over, of course, but the moment where she had thought this might be over was still lingering. Knowing she looked like shit, and there was no time to rectify that even if she tried, she unlocked the door and pulling it open. "Hey," she replied plainly, ushering her friend in, and eying the hall to make sure no one else saw them.

She didn't even want to consider dealing with the rest of the student body right then. Monday would come all too soon as it was.
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: February 16th, 2011 04:07 am (UTC) (Link)
Not knowing that Tatum was hoping for someone else, Rowan poked her head in the door first. "Hey." She followed in the room after Tatum gave her the go-ahead and moved into Tatum's part of the room.

"I got your email and... it sounded kind of off, so I wanted to step across the hall and make sure that... that you, um... are you ok? You kind of look like hell." Because her friend looked down, and like more than hell. Rowan felt her concern deepen slightly as she looked Tatum in the face. "Did something happen? Do you want to... to talk about it?" Rowan was getting good at these little talks.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: February 18th, 2011 06:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
"My life is over," Tatum lamented dramatically, as she made her way over to her computer chair, flopping back down into it. She propped her chin up with one hand, elbow on the desk, as she stared at the screen. WoW was open, she had logged on earlier, but yet to even leave town. She just didn't feel like questing.

Her SNES still ran also, seemingly unnoticed.

"Level 85 rogue, that took so many hours, like.. I put everything into this. I'd delete for her, if she wanted me to," she murmured, finally turning back to face Rowan.

"Frankie kissed Ginger. And she won't speak to me."
cabotine From: [info]cabotine Date: February 19th, 2011 04:28 pm (UTC) (Link)
Watching Tatum go to her computer chair, Rowan felt at a loss for what exactly to be doing or saying. She wasn't sure how to respond to the statement Tatum made about her life being over, since she didn't know why. She was at her computer, so was it something in one of those games she played? Rowan was not a gamer by any means, but she knew that people could get rather wrapped up with what went on in the virtual world. She hoped it was something as easy as that to help her friend with. The mention of deleting a character had her more confused.

At the statement that Frankie kissed Ginger, Rowan's mouth fell open. "What?" Frankie and Tatum had been together for a while, and Frankie had never mentioned there being any problems. Not that she and Frankie really spoke about their relationships, but...

"Wait. When did this happen? What happened? Did you guys have a fight or something? Start at the beginning, and I'll see if I can help. It'll... it'll be ok, Tatum." Rowan moved closer to where she sat at her desk and put a hand on her friend's shoulder, even as her mind tried to wrap itself around the idea of what Tatum had said.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: February 23rd, 2011 03:22 am (UTC) (Link)
Tatum had been holding it together pretty well, up until Ro placed the hand on her shoulder. She wasn't sure what it was about it, but that was the breaking point, and she couldn't hold in the hitching sobs that began to escape her.

"It's not okay! It's not!" she managed, arms slumping onto the desk, and her face quickly burying into them, at least attempting to hide her shame. "She didn't even want m-me, she just.. she doesn't even care! But she does fucking care, she just won't.. she won't.."

She trailed off, beginning to cry harder, face still in her arms.
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