Name: Crescent City Institute
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Crescent City Institute - Can we use logic to know?
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Can we use logic to know?
Characters: Mayra Paredes and OPEN
Setting: the library
Rating: SFW unless someone starts swearing
Summary: If Mayra's gotta be in the library, then everybody's gonna know about it.

Mayra had a list of things she liked about the library: not a lot of people, not a lot of talking, and the utter satisfaction of dropping a pile of heavy tomes onto a table from approximately eight inches above.

She knew it made a noise. The feeling when people had done it at her table previously was quite pronounced. On a good day, she could feel the air rush away as it vacated the quickly disappearing gap between wood and leather binding.

There were probably disapproving looks and tskings, but Mayra just smirked happily to herself as she settled in amongst her collected volumes. She didn't have to acknowledge their disapproval. As long as she didn't look up, they didn't even know if she knew.
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 8th, 2010 06:43 pm (UTC) (Link)
Normally Will wouldn't be caught dead in the library, but with nothing worthwhile to watch on television and not a cigarette left on his person, he had few options and so getting a start on coursework seemed like the right thing to do. So he'd ventured to the library, found a mostly empty table, and after chasing off the remaining students, and Will settled down with his books.

Of course, as reading was not very high on his list of favorite activities, who knew how long Will might actually successfully be able to stand doing work. This was especially true since someone had decided to drop their books rather loudly.

He looked around, eyes narrowed as he scanned for any signs of the person who'd so rudely made him lose his place. It took him a bit, but finally he spotted the girl, happily smirking amidst her pile of tomes. So, he stood, calmly walked over toward her, stopping just off to the side of her table. Will cleared his throat and glared at her.
timberrrr From: [info]timberrrr Date: September 9th, 2010 07:53 pm (UTC) (Link)
Mayra was oblivious, sitting and arranging the books into an order that made sense. She wasn't looking forward to the studying that needed done, not by a long shot, and organization was a very easy way to put it off. With her attention focused on the work at hand, she didn't even glimpse anyone headed her way.

Subtlety; it was once again wasted on her.
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 10th, 2010 12:25 am (UTC) (Link)
This was certainly a new experience for him. Never had he been so plainly ignored. He'd even been nice enough to not yell at her, quite a feat for Will, yet there she was ignoring his attempt to get her attention by... sorting her books.

If nice and subtle didn't get the girl's attention, perhaps something a bit forward would. Will slapped a hand atop the table, not terribly hard, but hopefully enough that she'd look his way.
timberrrr From: [info]timberrrr Date: September 10th, 2010 02:47 am (UTC) (Link)
The flicker of motion barely caught Mayra's eye, but she did notice the slight bump of the table. She looked up and what was this guy doing here? He didn't look happy, but then she didn't really care.

"What?" Mayra signed, already a little annoyed with his attitude and not bothering to hide it. As always in these situations, the silver lips she wore around her neck translated in monotone, though the meaning of that one was pretty basic.
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 11th, 2010 08:46 pm (UTC) (Link)
Finally having caught her attention, Will gave her another pointed glare and replied, voice a bit loud for the library, but not anywhere near yelling volume, "Right. You're deaf. Mind keeping it down a bit? It's rude. Some of us, no make that most of us, are studying here."

Will knew full well that he was being a bit of a hypocrite, as she was obviously studying herself, but was it really so much to ask that people not slam their texts in here?

timberrrr From: [info]timberrrr Date: September 13th, 2010 06:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Keep what down?" Mayra asked, rolling her eyes. "One slam," she deemed it necessary to demonstrate - using only one book this time - the noise instead of trying to sign it, "your homework ruined?"

She waved him off. "Try focusing."
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 14th, 2010 08:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
He ignored her first question, figuring she knew well enough what she'd done and why he'd wandered over. "Yeah, one was enough to ruin it," he announced, crossing his arms and making no effort to move.

"I was focusing fine until you stormed in, you inconsiderate bitch." It was admittedly a lie. Will had always had a hard time focusing while reading, and the slightest interruption made it all the more difficult. However, he wasn't about to admit such to her.
timberrrr From: [info]timberrrr Date: September 14th, 2010 11:30 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Bitch?" Mayra got up, looking Mr. Idiot up and down, completely incredulous. "You stupid? Twenty minutes book searching here before any slamming," again she picked up books, this time actually making sure they slammed hard.

"One small noise. Your ugly girl face is more distracting!"
willingtocheat From: [info]willingtocheat Date: September 15th, 2010 12:14 am (UTC) (Link)
"Ugly bitch. Stupid bitch. Deaf bitch." He confirmed, eyes narrowed as he stared at her. "Oh I'm sorry. I was so focused on my work that I had no idea it'd been that long." He scoffed.

Then, a bit impulsively even for him, Will shoved a few of her books off the table. "How's that for distracting?"
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