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childofatlas ([info]childofatlas) wrote,
@ 2011-09-13 20:41:00

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Test Scene: Some family time
Well, this was quite a view! New york city is so very very different from San Fransisco. in the times he went to the city streets above the Atlas Sanctuary, it was often with Uncle Bob under the cover of his projections and often for small things. A visit to the diner Dad loved so much. A visit with the sea life with Mother. Hell, sometimes Uncle Ken snuck him up for some late night shenanigans that he was never supposed to mention to Dad and Mother and they always got caught for it. But now here he was, on his own.

It was really really weird to him. he'd walk by, giving smiles to people, and not getting them in return. It's kinda weird, but like Aunt Venus said the love is there in the people, you just have to know how to reach it. he doesn't have a magic song like her, but Derek is going to keep smiling and looking around Grand Central Station while he waits for his cousin-wait. nephew. His two years older than him nephew.

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2011-09-14 08:09 pm UTC (link)
"Neat! I guess that had to make it a little different than just grass and trees, huh?"

And now Dereks gonna give the air a big ol' whiff. Damn, that smells good.

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2011-09-14 08:14 pm UTC (link)
"Oh yeah, they've got all kinds of things. Some of the areas are considered even a bit dangerous at times, but you know, I think we can handle ourselves."

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2011-09-14 09:03 pm UTC (link)
"Oh no! I'm just an innocent little kid just offa the West Coast! What am I gonna do?"

This is said in a serious manner, but the big smile and chuckles afterward show that Derek was not cut out for acting.

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2011-09-14 09:10 pm UTC (link)
"Man, I almost hope we run into something. It'd be great to go Imperius Princeps with you on some punks who had it coming."

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2011-09-14 10:51 pm UTC (link)
"That'd be pretty funny. 'Hey gimme your walleeeeeeeeeeeee-' as he goes flying into the distance. Or pick them up by the back of their clothes and see them run in place. It's be like the old cartoons," Derek says with a smile.

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2011-09-14 10:55 pm UTC (link)
"You'd be surprised how well that actually works sometime."

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2011-09-15 12:12 am UTC (link)
"I got a few hoods like that back in San Fran, but never to the point of them keeping running. They figure they're off the ground quick enough."

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2011-09-15 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Well, when it comes to the basic intelligence of New York thugs, you must remember that the only people who could conceivably be dumber than those choosing to commit independent crimes on Atlas turf are those who choose to commit independent crimes in the places with 10 times of the concentratio nof superheroes of any on Earth."

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